HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 11 01 Minutes
NOVEMBER 1, 1995
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting
on Wednesday, November 1, 1995 at 7: 00 p.m., City of Longwood
Commission Chambers, 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida.
commissioner Iris Benson, Longwood, Chairperson
Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Pat Fernandez, Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Cindy Gennell, winter Springs
Board Member Barbara Kuhn, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Earl McMullen, Casselberry
Councilman Tom Hagood Jr., Oviedo
commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission
Sheriff Donald Eslinger
Representative Lee Constantine
Mrs. Kim Constantine
Glenn Merchant, Aide to Rep. Constantine
Commissioner Carl Robertson, Casselberry
Mayor Bill Winston, Longwood
Commissioner Annamarie Vacca, Longwood
W. Shelton Smith, City Administrator, Longwood
Geraldine D. Zambri, City Clerk, Longwood
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Benson at 7:10 p.m.,
followed by a moment of silent meditation and Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Commissioner McMullen, seconded by Commissioner
Fernandez, to approve the October 11, 1995 as submitted.
Motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.
Commissioner Brender reported that the $100.00 check for the band
festival had not cleared the bank, therefore the balance remained
at $756.66.
After introduction by Chairman Benson, Sheriff Eslinger distributed
Seminole Hope brochures to CALNO members and guests. Sheriff
Eslinger explained that the goal of the program was to educate the
communities as to the services that are available to them.
Currently a resource manual is being developed listing the
service/agency and the location to obtain specific assistance.
Commissioner Benson and Dr. Kuhn supplied lists of services
available under their respective agencies and within their
jurisdiction's. Commissioner Gennell explained that her staff
would be forwarding a list to the Sheriff and Commissioner Eckstein
had mailed his list of services to Dr. Kuhn. Commissioner McMullen
suggested that members duplicate their list of services and bring
to the December meeting for distribution.
The members expressed their appreciation to Sheriff Eslinger and
commended the Seminole Hope program.
Chairman Benson introduced Representative Constantine.
Representative Constantine explained that he had personally served
as a member of CALNO for twelve years and was especially pleased
with the invitation to address the council. Representative
Constantine explained that legislation will enact more severe
penalties for car jacking, which has become a very serious problem.
Also the promotion of sheriff and local police departments to have
inmates provide services. Representative Constantine stated that
he has a strong commitment to bring local decisions back to the
local communities. He feels very strongly that decisions need to
be made at the local school board level for their particular
community needs. The members of CALNO and Representative
Constantine continued with a general discussion of local and state
level problems and needs.
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commissioner Gennell passed around a sample pen as discussed as a
possible promotional item. The cost for seventy-five pens would be
Sft.99 each. Dr. Kuhn showed a promotional pen from the Seminole
County School Board that cost approximately $1.50 each and came in
a gift box.
Motion by Dr. Kuhn, seconded by Commissioner Gennell,
that if the gift box pens could be purchased for the same
cost of $1.50 as purchased by the Seminole County School
Board, that an order of 100 be placed by Dr. Kuhn.
Motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.
Dr. Kuhn requested that the minutes reflect that a list of services
be provided by each member at the next meeting for Seminole Hope.
Chairman Benson stated that she would have it placed on the
December agenda.
commissioner Fernandez distributed a letter requesting CALNO
appoint a replacement for the seat currently held by Councilman
Hagood on the Tourist Development Council.
Commissioner Brender nominated Commissioner Benson as the
CALNO appointment for the Tourist Development Council,
pending her reappointment to CALNO by the City of
Longwood. Commissioner Earl McMullen was selected as an
al ternate appointment. Nomination seconded by Dr. Kuhn.
Nominations approved by a unanimous voice vote.
commissioner Eckstein stated that the new mall was opened and was
well received by the community. In addition, the Lynx system would
be giving service to the area. Commissioner Eckstein also stated
that a survey by the City found that it would be a cost savings to
have the courthouse remain in Sanford.
commissioner Benson announced that a portion of Wilma Street would
be paved in brick from the proceeds of the engraved brick sales.
Longwood has chosen to opt out of the Florida Retirement System and
is in the process of adopting a salary incentive plan. The
Business Advisory Council has established a monthly beautification
award for attractive properties and the first recipient was Ed
Thomas Insurance Agency on SR 434.
commissioner Brender explained that flooding in the Timacuan area
was still a problem.
Commissioner McMullen announced that a Steak n' Shake would be
opening on the Target property. Also the newspaper reported
incorrectly on the CRA work session, the vote was three/two to
forward the proposal to the County for approval.
commissioner McMullen responded to Commissioner Fernandez that
Casselberry charged more for non-resident water customers.
Commissioner McMullen stated that he hoped that the Longwood City
commission would reappointment Commissioner Benson to CALNO.
Motion by Commissioner Gennell that CALNO adopt a policy
that it would be desirable for representatives to have
longevi ty for purposes of continuity. Seconded by
Commissioner McMullen. Motion passed by a unanimous
voice vote.
commissioner Benson thanked her peers for their support.
commissioner Fernandez reported that Altamonte Springs will begin
their own emergency transport system on January 15, 1996. There
will be a user fee administered by a third party billing service.
No further information concerning a baseball team. The second
annual Halloween festival was held last night and was very
successful. Also the 75th Anniversary Parade will be held
Saturday, November 11, 1995.
The city manager's position has been narrowed down to six
candidates. A visionary work shop was held. Highlands Elementary
will be the first two-story school in the county upon completion.
Although, Commissioner Gennell stated uneasiness in that it was a
metal structure. winter Springs Art Festival will be held December
2 & 3, 1995.
Dr. Kuhn stated that year round schools have not been totally
abandoned. Dr. Kuhn also spoke briefly of the recent tragedy at
Lake Howell High School.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Eva Neisler, Deputy City Clerk
City of Longwood
Expanded sections to the November 1, 1995 minutes as requested by
CALNO members at the December 6, 1995 meeting:
Representati ve Constantine stated he was one of a nine member
education appropriations committee that is challenged to find more
ways to provide resources for education. Commissioner Gennell
questioned a bill pending that restricts lottery money.
Representative Constantine explained the funds go to an enhancement
program for education. The percentage of the general budget that
goes to education has risen and hopefully this trend will continue.
Representative Constantine also stated that past enhancements have
been social programs, not educational. Commissioner Eckstein
commended Representative Constantine on the ex parte communication
legislation recently passed.
Representative Constantine reported there has been objection in the
Senate concerning partial year assessments. Education is needed,
currently it is not understood that it is not a tax increase.
Also, he believes that property appraisers collectively must be
willing to have partial year assessments.
commissioner Brender questioned the transfer of block grants to the
state level, asking if more bureaucracy would be given to the state
and if new departments would need to be established to handle.
Representative Constantine replied that no new departments would be
needed and feels that the state could deliver the service more
economically than the federal government. Representative
Constantine complimented the Florida League of cities on doing a
good job representing local government.
commissioner Gennell agreed with Commissioner McMullen that
Commissioner Benson should be reappointed to CALNO. She continued
by commenting that term longevity of the members of CALNO is very
important in order to support and foster their goals.