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1995 10 27 Fax Transmission Activity Report
10/27/95 16:05 '8-407 260 3419 CITY OF LONGWOOD laJ 001 , , *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 9263 CONNECTION TEL 98304421 CONNECTION In START TIME 10/27 16:04 USAGE TIME 00'59 PAGES 2 RESULT OK (tL.itfl .of 1l.ungm.anb 175 WEST WARREN AV2NUI LONGWOOD. FLORIDA 32'&0-4187 PHON! (407) 200-3440 FACSlMILE TRANSM11TAL I D/0l7/9r' DA~B; TO: (}A.J...NO ~b.er J FAX HOKBElU 'l'here are ti2.. paqa.s ine~udinq this one. If you experience any problems recaiv1nq t.hJJi transmission, p1ease call 407/260-3440 Ext. ~O Sood sIoJOi 11 Additional Hessage (if needed) NWJr:,/. 1(/JP. &nd1o..n+//l~ tV}/1 b-e abl-L J . l./lfk.... (or -f/tt2"r N~v~ JJJ./ me0f14~ '