HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 09 13 Minutes
10-04-1995 09:01AM FROM Cit~ of Casselberr~
2603419 P.02
SEPTEMBER 13, 1995
The Council ofLoc:al Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wf"ilN"~y, September 13, 1995
at 7:00 p.m.. Casselberry City Hall o,mmission Chambers, 95 Triplet Lake Drive, Casselberry, FL.
Commissioner Iris Benson, Longwood - Chairperson
Commissione:c Pat Fernandez, Altlmonte Springs
Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary
Councilperson Thomas A. Hagood, Jr.
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County
Board Member Barbara Kuhn, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs
Bruce Pronovost, City of Casselberry Mayor/Commissioner
Carl Robemon, City of Casselberry Vice Mayor/Commissioner
Owen Sheppard, City of Casselberry Commissioner
Jack Schluckebier, Casselberry City Manager
Thelma McPherson, Casselberry City Clerk
Durbin Gatch, City of Casselberry Police Chief
Jim Ruf, City of Casselberry Police Captain
Richard Wells, City of Casselberry Community Development Director
Paul Algeri, City of Casselberry Fire Chief
Jeffrey Dreier, City of Casselberry Finance Director
Donna Gardner. City of Casselberry Commission Secretary
The meeting was caUed to order by Chairperson Iris Benson at 7:05 p.m., followed by a moment of silent
meditation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. APPijOV ~T. OF MINlrrli~
Conunissioner Brender moved, Conunissioner McMullen seconded, and
motion carried unanimously to approve the June 7, 1995 meeting
minutes as presented.
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Commissioner Brender reported that all members' dues have been paid and the accoWlt balance was s1aDding
at $756.66, with no activity since the last report. COmnllssioDet Eckstein requested the Council consider
expending $100 to pay for an ad~ertisement in the yearbook put out by the Optimist Club in support of the
Seminole County Band students and the Seminole County Band Festival. Commissioner Warren supported
the request, S1ating that the festival benefitted all of Seminole County and such as ad would provide visibility
and recognition in me community for CALNO. She also suggested the Council add a communication budget
line item to help establish an identity for CALNO. Commissioner Brender, Board Member Kuhn, and
CoIllJJ'1issioner Genrdl were concemed with setting such a precedent and the use of taxpayer's monies to pay
for the ad. OJaiqlerson Benson suggested that the Council Members address the matter with their individual
entities and the matter be brought back to the next Agenda for a reasonable detennination by the Council.
Commissioner Eckstein asked Casselberry Commissioner Owen Sheppard, former member of CALNO, of
he believed the request to be reasonable and whether or not such a request bad ever been made to CALNO
previously. Commissioner Sheppard stated that he did not recall any similar actions taken by CALNO in the
past, but in his opinion the request was reasonable. Councilperson Hagood concurred with Commissioner
Warren's suggestio.nofhaving a communications budget item line to communicate and promote the purpose
and goals of the organization.
Councilperson Hagood moved, Commissioner McMullen sec:onded, and
motion carried unanimously. that CALNO approve an expenditure of
funds of $100 for the current Year:' for the purpose of communication
and information line for the Council of Local Governments goals and
objectives in Seminole County; and accept the Treasurer's Report as
Commissioner Brender stated. that precedents can be fixed, i.e., flowers, providing in-kind services to the
County by groups such as the band would not be considered a charity and he did not believe t his action would
open the door for reques1S from all charitable organization.
CommissioneJ:' Wacren said that this action taken was primarily an opportunity for CALNO to be able to
communicate who it is and how it serves the community.
Ms. Kuhn said she suppor1ed the concept and agreed with Commissioner Warren and Commissioner Eckstein.
ROLL CALL VOTE ON THE MOTION: Casselberry. Yes; Lake Mary. Yes; Longwood. No;
Oviedo. Yes; Sanford.. Yes; Seminole County Commission. Yes; School Board. Yes; Winter Springs-
Not Prfsent for Vote
Commissioner Eckstein said he would place the ad expressing thanks and reference the various cities of
CALNO. A copy of the ad will be forwarded to the City Clerks of each city.
10-04-1995 09:02AM FROM City of Casselberry
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4. OJ n BTT~INEli;S
None presented
a. Report By ('ommi~lil.ionpr Brender Concerning AiTOrt T~Sl1es
~ Bretder gave a presentation reganiing the development of the Sanford Airport. He stated that
the City of Lake Mary has had some problems with d1e development of the airport mainly toward the
development of sc:hedu1ed airline services. Last year; the City of Lake Mary unanimously adopted a resolution
which essentially stated its objections to scheduled airline services to the Sanford/Orlando Airport. The
resolution was forwarded to the Federal Aviation Administration, The Regional Division of Planners and to
all cities. Commissioner Bender said he was not against the development of the airpon insofar as general
aviation but was adamantly opposed to scheduled airline services.
Commissioner Brendel' spoke about alternatives for bringing airlines or airplanes into the airport in a effort
to avoid problems not only to Lake Mary but surrounding cities. He said his report was for informational
purposes to the leaders in the communities to promote caution regarding developmem of the airport.
It was the conserws of CALNO Members that Steve Krone of d1e Ajrpon Authority be invited to address the
next meeting of CALNO 10 be held October 4, 1995 at Lake Mary City Hall. Specific ilems to be addressed.
on the Agenda will be concerns of the negative and positive impacts and the fu11lt'e plans both known and
b. Report By ~ommi~~ioner McMullen Concerning Development of ~bt~
Ro.:ul416 and n S Hwy 17-Q?
Casselberry City Manager Jack Schluckebier welcomed the members of CALNO to the City of
Casselberry. He stated that Commissioner McMullen had requested two presentations, status of
the City's CRA and the development status of the new Police Station.
Casselberry Police Chief Durbin Gatch gave a presentation and showed architectural drawings of
the new Police Station which will be located across from the City Hall Complex. He outlined
the unique and state of the art features that will be incorporated in the new complex. The new
two-story building will begin construction January 1996 with anticipated completion date in
February. 1997.
Casselberry Community Development Director Dick Wells said the City of Casse1beny has
embarked on establishing a Community Redevelopment Area. It will try to create an identity and
develop a focus for economic vitality in the City of Casselberry. The target area for this
development is the corridor along U.S. 17-92. The City staff has been working for a year and
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half toward the creation of a CRA, has expended $70,000 for private consultants to coordinate in
a joint effort with Seminole County. The assessed value of all the property in the City's CRA is
approximately 1 percent of the County's total tax base; yearly increment is less. This is money
that the County would invest in the City as part of the CRA. lose to the City to spend in the
eRA. Other taxes will not be affected and will in fact increase, Le. gas tax, sales tax, etc. As
a Charter County, the County has the authority to grant or not to grant the delegation of
redevelopment authority to the cities. The City staff is in the process of working through issues
in order to gain the authority for the CRA from Seminole County.
Casselberry Mayor Broce Pronovost said the County had tied the utility surcharge and policies
regarding annexation to granting its approval for the eRA. The City Commission was asking that
the CRA be granted on its own merit and not linked to any other issues.
Commissioner Warren said that everyone in the County was fully supportive of the CRA but there
were certain details that needed to be negotiated in good faith to reach a compromise on issues.
She said Casselbeny was unique in that they acquired. a water service to unina>Iporated customers
without those customers consent or input, unlike other cities utilities. She also stated the County
has to amtroI annexation in order to keep services cost effective. She said with good faith on both
sides, issues could be resolved.
Chairperson Benson said this item should be discussed among the respective parties and not an item for
Wint.w ~pr.~~
Cinly GenreU said lhat ground was broken for the new two-story elementary school. Commissioner
Germell said that Iris Benson, Pat Fernandez and herself were on the Florida League of Cities Committee for
Intergo~enunental Relations. This committee wi]] be meeting on September 29, 1995 to formulate the
legislative priorities.
SchooJ Board
Chairpetson Benson said that the School Board has announced that they have Investment Program that
is being spearheaded by the School Board. Packets were distributed to those who were interested.
~nnle Cnnnty
Commissioner Warren said there was no increase in COWlty millage. Science Center will be funded
fully by Coun1;y. The County is addressing stonnwater problems. The County will be hiring a specific person
to coordinate economic development between the County and cities for a CRA. This person will dedicate a
portion of his time and effort to the small business already established in Seminole County. Cities should voice
their opinion to their legislators regarding the new land use legislation.
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Commissioner Eskstein said CALNO was the perfect forum to discuss and negotiate differences
between the cities and Seminole COWlty. The Sanford Mall would be opening officially next week:.
The City of Oviedo voted the same millage rate as last year; budget hearing process lasted ten minutes
with no public input. Mimi Bruce was elected as Mayor and Phil Hampton and George Veely were elected
to Council. The citizens voted approval by a margin of 80 percent on the $6 million bond issue to increase
the water capacity. 1be City of Oviedo also passed a Resolution in support of the Convention Center.
Annexation of the Mall property will be on the Agenda for consideration at the next Council Meeting.
Longwood reported. that staff was engaged in a new pay classification study. Millage in Longwood
remained the same as the previOQS year. Approved the plans for a Centex Cluster Home Development, which
will be located near the historic area.
J ,aJce MaQ
The City of Longwood was 67 percent successful with their bond issue and received referendum
approval for new police facility. The City will be paving about three or four miles of dirt streets as a result
of the bond issue. The only part rejected by me voteJ:'S were for some improvements in Parks and Recreation.
Millage rate remained the same as previous year.
The City of Casselberry has three Commissioners are up for election in November. Millage rate bas
gone down for the third consecutive year.
A 1t9R14)nte Spri~~
The City of Altamonte Springs is being sued for damages in excess of $5.00 for incident occurring
during 1heit July fireworks celebration. There was one fatality during this event because the individual failed
to use the proper crosswalks. Millage rate remained the same as previous year. The City of Ahamonte is
working on streamlining procedures; document will be available if any city is interested. For the month of
October, the 75th Anniversary Celebration will feature 1be "Taste of Altamonte" and a Halloween Celebration.
~'Idience Input
Me. Stan Stevens, Chuluom, voiced objections re privatization of the garbage and landfill operation
for Seminole Coumy. He was a:mcemed that the County would lose control. Commissioner Warren said was
only involved in a study and under no circumstances would the County lose controL
Commissioner Eckstein moved, Commissioner McMullen seconded,
and motion carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.
10-04-1995 09:04RM FROM City of Casselberry
S~ber 13, 1995
Submitted by:
The City of Casselberry
Thelma McPherson
City Clerk
2603419 P.07
Iris Benson, Chairperson