HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 06 07 Minutes RECEIVED CITY OF lONGWOOD COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE C~ . AM II: 45 JUNE 7. 1995 The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, June 7, 1995 at 7:00 p.m., City of Altamonte Springs Commission Chambers, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Iris Benson, Longwood- CHAIRPERSON Commissioner Earl McMullen, Casselberry Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Pat Fernandez, Altamonte Springs Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary MEMBERS ABSENT Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission Board Member Barbara Kuhn, Seminole County School Board Councilperson Thomas A. Hagood, Jr., Oviedo OTHERS PRESENT Kevin Fall, Senior Budget Analyst, Seminole County Sandra Goard, Supervisor of Elections, Seminole County Tim Wilson, Growth Management Director, Altamonte Springs Dawn St. Clair, CRA Marketing Director, Altamonte Springs Derek Riley, Assistant Events Specialist, Altamonte Springs Shelley Nooft, Community Events Manager, Altamonte Springs Others Present unidentified CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Iris Benson, Chairman, at 7:04 p.m., followed by a moment of silent meditation and Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Commissioner McMullen, seconded by Commissioner Gennell, to approve minutes of May 5, 1995. Carried unanimously. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY June 7,1995 Page 2 TREASURERS REPORT Commissioner Brender reported receipt of checks from Winter Springs and Seminole County School Board, bring the account balance to $756.66. Moved by Commissioner Fernandez, seconded by Commissioner McMullen, to approved the Treasurer's Report as submitted. Carried unanimously. PROGRAM C. UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS Presented by: Tim Wilson, Growth Management Director, Altamonte Springs Dawn St. Clair, CRA Marketing Director, Altamonte Springs Derek Riley, Assistant Events Specialist, Altamonte Springs Tim Wilson gave a brief history of the Crane's Roost Lake Park, starting with the retention pond basin and developing into park and entertainment facility. The latest improvement will include a floating stage which will be in place by July 4th. Derek Riley gave a slide presentation of the 75th Anniversary Celebration events taking place in Altamonte Springs. They included all events taken place beginning in January to the scheduled events for the remainder of the year. Highlights focused on the July 3rd & 4th event to include fireworks. Dawn St. Claire showed the City's marketing video and answered questions at the conclusion. The committee commended the City and staff for the presentation and accomplishments of the City. The Committee noted the beneficial impact the County and each City receives by the accomplishments of others. A. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX DISTRIBUTION FOR 1996 Presented by Kevin Fall, Senior Budget Analyst, Seminole County Mr. Fall presented the distribution calculations as reported to the Department of Revenue. There was considerable discussion concerning the distribution formula and the fact that eight years has elapsed since the formula was adopted. Mr. Fall explained that all seven cities would be required to be in consensus for any change to the formula to take effect and he felt as the calculations are based on transportation expenditures, it is fair to each city. The responsibility falls back on the cities to promote road/transportation improvements within their jurisdictions. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY June 7,1995 Page 3 B. CITY ABSENTEE BALLOTS Presented by Sandra Goard, Supervisor of Elections, Seminole County Ms. Goard was present to address questions of the Committee relative to absentee ballots. The Committee questioned what mechanism Seminole County has in place to assist cities with distribution of city absentee ballots. Ms. Goard replied that State law prohibits her from enclosing any notification material within the absentee ballot envelopes. The Committee and Ms. Goard discussed the following steps cities and the County elections office might take to ensure information is disseminated to citizens of their respective cities. Those steps are: o Advertise in the newspapers o Place notices on the utility bills o The county elections office staff, when receiving request for absentee ballots and realizing the elector resides within a city jurisdiction, could inform that voter of the need to contact the City Clerk's Office of their city and providing the phone number. The Committee commended Ms. Goard and the Elections Office staff for their dedicated service. Ms. Goard reported submitting budget request for a million dollars for new voting equipment. She gave a brief explanation of the benefits of the new computer equipment to include: o Instant election results after polls close at 7:00 p.m. o Election results available at the polling place in the event of cities holding a stand alone election. o Voting equipment will inform voter of a missed or multiple vote, allowing the voter to override. In reply to questioning, Ms. Goard stated there will be no cost increase to the City once the new equipment is in place. The County will be absorbing the cost. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY June 7,1995 Page 4 NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Brender volunteered to provide a report on the airport issues at the September meeting being held in Casselberry. Commissioner McMullen was also asked to present information on the development at State Road 436 and Highway 17-92. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Altamonte Sprinas - None Casselberrv - None Lake Mary - None Lonawood Commissioner Benson reported their City Commission had a joint meeting with Seminole County to discuss several issues, including annexation of enclaves. The County had rejected the idea of City annexation of enclaves until such time as the property title changes. Also discussed at the joint meeting was the Rangeline Road issues and Lake Fairy drainage. Commissioner Benson further mentioned the prospect of an Interstate 4 interchange between State Road 434 and Lake Mary Boulevard being rejected. Sanford - None Winter Sprinas Commissioner Gennell announced a Visioning Process meeting with the citizens had recently taken place. There were approximately 40 people in attendance with 25% being new attenders. There was some sharing of experience concerning strategic planning sessions. Commissioner Benson adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Submitted by: Janice Goebel, Deputy City Clerk City of Altamonte Springs, FL