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MAY 3, 1995
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, May 3,1995
at 7:00 p.m. at Winter Springs City HalL Conference Room, 1126 East State Road 434.
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Memben Preseq\
Commissioner Patricia Fernandez, Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Earl McMullen, Casselberry
Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary
Commissioner Iris Benson, Longwood
Couci1person Thomas A Hagood, Jr., Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Barbara Kuhn, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Cindy Oennell, Winter Springs
Member Abient
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County
Tom Kuhn
Stanley Stevens
Gary Ellis, Guest Speaker
Call to Order
The meeting was ca11ed to order by Commissioner Benson at 7:00 p.rn. with a moment of silent
meditation.. There was not a flag in the room, 80 the Pledge of Allegiance was omitted.
AODroval of Minute!
Commissioner Benson asked for a motion to approve the April. 5, 1995 Minutes. Commissioner
McMullen made a motion for approval. Commissioner Genncll seconded. All ayes. Motion Carried.
. TreasureJ:'s Report
Commissioner Brender reported a previous balance of$706.66 adding to $25.00 received from Wmter
Springs brings the current account balance to $731.66. Mr. Hagood motioned to accept. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Eckstein.
Council of Local Governmenu in Seminole County
May 3, 199~
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Old Business
There was no Old Business to come before the Council.
New BUlinw
Commissioner Eckstein stated that the mall is on schedule, and should open in September. The thousand
acres around the mall will really develop, and in the next 3 or 4 years the tax base will substantially
increase. The Airport bas a new name, and a new logo. The big key is keeping the Courthouse where
it is. Sun Bank has major renovation plans; multi-level parking and expansion if the courthouse moves.
Public W orlcs/Engineering Department, etc. would facilitate the courthouse.
Commissioner Benson said she noticed State Ro&d 46 has been named Seminole Town Center
Mr. Eckstein explained that there are gangs in Central Florida, and malls attract gangs. The Police
Department would have to expand to cover the mall. We negotiated with the Sieman Brothers to give
us a space in the mall for a Police sub-station for waiving approximately twenty five thousand dollars
in fees over II period of time. The Sheriffs Department also wants to put a sub-station in the mall.
GUe5t Speake(
Commissioner Gennell introduced Mr. GlII)' Ellis with Ellis Archeology, 2143 West Norvelle
Bryanty Highway, Lecanto, FL 34461. (904-335-6784) His company put together the archeological
survey for Seminole County. Seminole County is still basically rural in terms of the character of the
people and the willingness of the private property owners to grant access to nearly six: thousand acres
of land. Many areas were researched along the 51. Jolmls, Lake Jesup, and some off Lake Monroe
and Wekiva River. Seminole County probably has thousands of archeological sites; most are too
small to locate. Many have sitnply melted away, and refonn roughly three foot under the surface as a
layer of concrete.
The survey of Seminole County consisted of two parts: One volume on archeology and another volume
on historic sites and structures. The focus of this pilot study in phase one is a preliminary look at the
cultural resources in the county so that the county can take that under advisement and decide whether
it would be in their best interest to go towards another phase, a comprehensive look. On the basis of an
in depth study of what's already been done in the county, computer models were formulated that teUs
the likelihood of locating sites on physical landscape. With 8. diverse tearn, we were able to do
geological work soils for studies of how the land fonns lUld changes over time; also worked with water
levels to formulate a water change table for Seminole County and St. John's River which goes back
probably twelve thousand years. Some of the earliest pottery (made of spwsh moss and clay) in North
America is found in Seminole County. There are ceremonial mounds along the 81. Johnls River roughly
eveI)' three miles. Along the Wekiva River is a threshold site On the frontier, off the 81. John's which
has ceramics from all over Florida At a previously undiscovered huge mound complex, ceramics were
found at surface level off the St. John's.
The largest sites which have political centers are along the bodies of water. In the uplands, away from
Council of Local Governmenb in Seminole County
May 3, 1995
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the river, base camps were found around marshes, and then spider-like radiating from those are hunting
and fishing stations. They were very systematic in the way occupied the land. One of the most difficult
aspects is to sort out from hundreds of sites, which sites belong to the larger sites which belong to the
ceremonial centers. Systematic Excavations is the way to find this out, however additional survey would
be required with small test excavations on sites. Federal and State funds are available. The grants are
on a matching basis, the local people pay fifty percent and the Government pays the other fifty percent.
In Seminole County, we hlld 160-200 volunteers that worked on private and county owned property.
The volunteers were screened on their ethics and interests. They were supplied with basic ~ning in
archeological procedures, and then scheduled into teams with professionals.
Commissioner Germell commented that it is very intriguing, and she volunteered at Mullet Lake Park
and found a previously undiscovered site. Central Winds Park also has two previously undiscovered
Mrs. Kuhn asked who the jobs are reported to once finished. Mr. Ellis said the products go back to the
person, agency, or community that funds them, then copies are sent to the state for review, comments.
and filing in the state site files.
Mr. Ellis explained that officials should not be afraid of archeological and historic resources being found ^ .
on properties. Development is not held up by findings, there are more than one pathway to resolve the
conflict. This is included in Seminole County's Comp Plan. A computerized data base was provided for
the County of all sites. architectural and historical. When sites are discovered that are significant to the
residents of the county or the state, or even on the national level, those are the ones that need protection.
He has seen a fear among elected officials that everything will be determined significant. There are
national and state agreed upon scales to judge the significance of things. There are many options to
saving sites and findings. For example, in developments make sites the greenspace; golf courses, etc.
Look at development options, look at the signifiClU1Ce of tIle site, and find a middle ground. Preservation
and development can work. Seminole county materials are returned to the property owners. The bulk
goes to the Historical Society Museum for public use.
ReOQrts from Members
CouncilperSOh Hagood talked about the volleyball issue; still waiting on word from the S. V.B.A on
May 26, 1995.The choice is between Oviedo and San Diego, but since the County Commissioners
withdrew their money, it may bard to convince the S. V.B.A to move here. Taste of Oviedo will be held
on May 20, 1995 in front of City Hall (Alexandria Blvd.). There was a ground breaking for Reformed
Theological Seminary (RTS)
Barbara KufUl mentioned the rezoning. On May 17, 1995 the report should be returned from the taskxforce which has been hard working with staff. The Plan from Indian Trails Middle School will be used
for the new Teague Middle School, but there is a six month delay and the portable city at South
Seminole will be there longer. They are wanting covered walkways in between the portables, and Larry
Strickler has found a company that makes reusable covered walkways. There is a plan in the works that
may involve all of Seminole County; 8, program for a "value of the month" liuch as Truth or Patriotism.
Council of Local Government. In Seminole County
May 3, 1995
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Commissioner Oenne11 returned to the rezoning is'tlc. and stated tMt Plan D takcs amdei1t3 in LUe
Jestlp and Springs Hammock Park area ofW'mter Springs to Sanford. Thc students prefer to go to
Lyman or Winter Springs.
Discussion on the ncw 67 acre high school sitc in the tar southeast comer of the county.
Commissioner Fernandez announced that next the agenda will include the CRA, the Crane's Roost
Project, and our 75th Annive~ Plan, for the re3t of the year. They support a neighborhood concept
for the schools, and would appreciate not being in the same scenario as Commissioner Gennell with their
Winter Springs smdents.
Commissioner McMullen stated to Mol. Kuhn that the City of Casselberry want. their own high school.
Mrs. Kuhn stated that the dumpsters at South Seminole facing Wmter Park Drive do need attention.
Commissioner Brene:kr announced the "Taste of Lake Mary" on May 8. 1995 at the Hea.thrOw Country
Club. Lake Mary Days is the SprinssFestivalheld on May 13 and 14, 1995 which is now state certified.
At & T bas gone ahead with their location pp; they have executed the lease on the old Connors
Building. and have come to the city for site plan approval of 103,000 square foot, three story office
building to house the new software research center.
Disoussion on the school districting.
Commissioner GenneIl stated that she would like to see the city which hosts the committee get to
present their reporU either first 01' last. Wants "City BaUcm" on aaenda next month. When a person calls
Supervisor of Elections, the absentee ballots only include county. state and federal ballots, not city.
Suggested a representative from the Elections office be present. On May 20, 1995. there will be a 12
hour "Vtsioning Process" meeting for the 434 corridor from Highway 17-92 out to the Greenway. (200
feet on either side of the road)
It was mentioned that "Program" followed by a brief subject matter needs to be an item on the Agenda.
Mrs. Kuhn also suggested changing "Old" business to "Unfinished" business.
Commissioner Iris Bensan stated that the Rangeline Road Project is a problem. They have a new
McDonald's. An Achy's is moving in by Sun Bank and Checkers: A new site plan for a boutique,
opposite the Police Dcpartment. Also, a Big Lots store has opened. Additions are being made to the
adult entertainment ordinance that has just been adopted. Discussion of rubber glov~ for masseuses. A
separate ordinl'lOce in being requested for Escort Services.
l' U b/ U b
'''; .
Counell of Local Governments in Seminole CObnty
May 3, 1995
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Commissioner Benson adjoumod the meeting at 9:00 p.ttL
Minutes submitted by Martha Jenkins, City ofWUlter Springs