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April 5, 1995
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole county held a meeting on Wednesday, April 5, 1995
at 7:00 p.m. School Board office, 1211 Mellonville Avenue, Sanford, Fl.
Commissioner Patricia Fernandez, Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County
School Board Member Barbara Kuhn, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs
Commissioner Earl McMullen, Casselberry
Mayor Iris Benson, Longwood
Councilperson Thomas A. Hagood, Jr., Oviedo
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Barbara Kuhn, Acting Chairman, at 7: 10 p.m. with a prayer
offered by Dr. Kuhn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Acting Chairman Kuhn asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of March 1, 1995. Hear-
ing none, Dr. Kuhn declared the minutes approved as submitted.
Commissioner Brender reported a previous balance of $531.66 with deposits of $175.00 leaving a
new balance of $706.66. Dr. Kuhn stated that the Treasurer's Report will be filed for audit.
The following guests were introduced: Superintendent Dr. Paul Hagerty; Mrs. Diane Kramer,
Director of Facilities and Planning; Ms. Nancy Warren, School Board Member; Mr. Larry Strickler,
School Board Member; Mr. Tom Kuhn, Citizen; Mr. Stanley Stevens, Citizen; and, Mr. Dick
Gennell, citizen.
CALNO Meeting, April 5, 1995
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OLD BUSINESS - There was no Old Business to come before the Council.
1. Review of Existing and Proposed School Sites: The program was presented by Diane Kramer,
Executive Director of Facilities Planning, Seminole County Public Schools. Ms. Kramer presented
an update on the present construction projects. The projected date for the opening of the new
Winter Springs High School is summer of 1996. However, Lake Howell High School students will
be housed at Winter Springs while a massive renovation of Lake Howell High is being done. The
School Board is presently involved in the rezoning process for establishing a student body for Win-
ter Springs High for the 1997-98 school year. The school system is in the planning stage for relocat-
ing Teague Middle School on Board-owned property on McNeal Road. South Seminole Middle
School will be renovated to increase the capacity to 1400. Planning is in the process for two (2) new
elementary schools - the first Seminole County two story elementary school will be located on
Shepard Road with anticipated opening in the summer of 1996. The elementary school on
Lockwood Blvd. (Carillon) is scheduled to open in January 1997. The 8th projected high school site
is located between Lockwood Blvd. and Old Lockwood Road, across from the elementary school.
2. Replacement Appointment for the Advisory Board for the Community Service Block
Grant of Seminole County: Acting Chairman, Dr. Kuhn opened the floor to nominations. Com-
missioner Gary Brender nominated Commissioner Patricia Fernandez. Dr. Kuhn stated that unless
there are objections the nominations are closed. No objections. The Council voted 5 to 1 in favor
of the nomination. Nomination stands.
Altamonte Springs is busy celebrating their 75th Anniversary with ongoing activities and events. A
Jazz Festival in Crane's Roost is planned for May.
Lake Mary is preparing for a large social event, Old Lake Mary Days, to be held on May 8 and 9.
Commissioner Brender reported that the Woodbridge development on Rhinehart Road is downgrad-
ing to 277 units. He also spoke of the AT&T relocation in the North Point development moving two
large division from several locations. AT&T also purchased the Conners' building and expect the
employee growth to go from 700 to 1900 within five years. Commissioner Brender spoke of the
redevelopment of the down town area and stated that the city will be putting in water and sewer
along Country Club Blvd. in preparation for the development of a "village look" down town.
Sanford - Commissioner Eckstein expressed his concern about the safety of the students in the
Medical Arts Building on the Seminole High campus. He stated that the staircases used by the
students are inadequate and in case of fire or other emergency, the students would not be able to exit
quick enough for safety. Mrs. Kramer stated that the problem is currently being addressed. The
architect is designing another staircase exiting to and from the court yard. Mr. Eckstein stated that
he is most anxious to see what the County Commission is going to do with the Court House. He
further stated that it is imperative that we (the school system) keep the AP courses in our high
schools intact.
CALNO Meeting, April 5, 1995
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Seminole County - Commissioner Warren, with tongue In cheek, apologized for "offending three of
the municipalities" within the last few weeks. She stated that the mall is in reasonable "limbo". She
complemented Ms. Fran Kemp and the schools that participated in the billboard art contest stating
that Seminole County produced so much more quality and quantity work than any of the other
participants. Ms. Warren served as a judge for the contest. Commissioner Warren stated that a
couple of the concerns of the commissioners at this time are the sign ordinance and the storm water
issue. She also noted that everyone should visit the new Sanford airport which has a grand opening
scheduled for June 1 at 3:00 p.m.
Winter Springs - Commissioner Gennell reminded the members that the next meeting will be held
at Winter Springs and that they should note the new high school being built in Winter Springs.
Some of the issues being considered are road construction - the two major north/south and east!
west arteries are being "torn up" at this time, 1,000 new homes already on the books, two new
schools are being built, the unresolved mall issue, and two new subdivisions being developed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Walker, Seminole County Public Schools.