HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 03 20 Fax Re: 04/05/95 CALNO Meeting (7) 03-21-1995 04:29PM FROM City of Casselberry TO 2603419 P.01 ""- 4/t'..- .. -rAX TJitA.S.XSSXO. TO: COIIXSSIODR :IARL IfdlU'LLD CffAI.lQf.M IRIS BDsoar ....: OATS; IDUtC8 20, 1995 4/5/95 eu.m IIBBTDIG U: .'"'r J IlllJll L n Jil;.11 I "ill be. unable ti) attend t.he -'FilS, 1995 ..et:iDg of t'A'LIIO. drae to :BY at:'tendance to tile Florida Lelague o~ Citi.s. lAg"islat:ive Adtioh n.y in !allahaasee. I .. ~1Ied t.ba~ other CALWO ._ber8 ..y not. be .tt~ aDcJ relt tlte bo5t.. seaiDo1eCo\mq, SChOol Board. abDa14 be notified. if you are also anavailable. Pl.... ~et: ay 8ttC!%'.n:ary. IVa Weisler, by tu (26p....3419) or ~ (2'0-3440) it yaa will not. be able to .~t.en4.. ~: S'vA ,.lta:,t..ee. 1=''j..3:. :L a11>ck"" Me t.\..\,-~ ct \-\ ('. wi U be. (L~ 1 ~ '-I/sfiS CAVW mat;,.. -4:1. eo......'..i...~ +~ "'}on". A A...lf'aO/..~....'...,..,' <:,,+.:1 c.o~_.. 5ttJ-----,J <:~ 09 ~~- '-':j I \ ~.. - ,~ '" ~. FAX TRAIISIIISSIOIf TO: COIIISSIONER EARL McMULLEN CHAIRMAN IRIS BENSON FROM: DATE: MARCH 20, 1995 4/5/95CALNO MEETING RE: ====================--========================================= I will be unable ~o a~tend the April 5, 1995 meetinq of CALHO due to my attendance to the Florida League of Ci~ies' Leqislative Ac~ion Day in Tallahassee. I am concerned that other CALHO members may no~ be attendance and tel t the hos~, Seminole County Scbool Board, . should be notified if you are also unavailable. Please con~act my secretary, Eva Neisler, by tax (260-3419) or phone (260-3440) if you will not be able to attend. 03/20/95 13:52 'lt407 260 3419 CITY OF LONGWOOD IaJ 001 ~ .. \l ~ " *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** mANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNEcTION TEL CONNti:CTION ID sTART TIME USAGE TIME PAGES l&StJLT 5934 98316114 03/20 13:52 00'45 1 OK . .