HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 02 01 Minutes FROM:City Clerk TO: 407 260 3419 FEE 22, 1995 11:56~M ~056 P.04 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MINUTES The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County met in Regular Meeting on Wednesday, February 1, 1995, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the city Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, Sanford, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Iris Benson, Longwood, CALNO Chairman commissioner patricia Fernandez, Altamonte Springs Commissioner Earl McMullen, Casselberry commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary Councilperson Thomas A. Hagood, Jr., oviedo commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Board Member Barbara Kuhn, Seminole county School Board Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs MEMBERS ABSENT Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission VISITORS Tom Kuhn, Citizen Stan Stevens, Citizen CALL TO ORDER Prayer Chairman Benson called the Meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES commissioner Haygood moved to approve the Minutes of January 11, 1995 as submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein. Board Member Kuhn reported that Page 5, Paragraph 2 under the School Board's Report, states that the plans for the new Teague Middle were disapproved, and should be changed to read approved. commissioner Gennell reported that Page 6, Paragraph 3 under Winter Springs I Report, refers to the new elementary school on Shepard Road being a carbon copy of Rainbow Elementary, which will be a two-story building, and should reflect that Rainbow Elementary was a one-story building, and that the new school will be a two- story building instead. Commissioner McMullen moved to approve the Minutes of January 11, 1995, as corrected. seconded by Commissioner Hagood and carried unanimously. TREASURER I S REPORT commissioner Brender reported that the Treasurer's Report remains the same as last month. Also, dues have not begun coming in, and that he will verify that dues notification letters have been mailed. Commissioner Hernandez moved to approve the Treasurer's Report. -1- FROM:Cit~ Clerk TO: 407 260 3419 FEE 22. 1995 11:55AM ~056 P.03 OLD BUSINESS proposed Sign Ordinance. The council concurred that it was too soon to respond to the proposed ordinance. Interlocal Aqreement regarding conflict Resolution. commissioner Eckstein reported that he was aghast at winter Springs violating the Interlocal Agreement regarding Conflict Resolution, that, for the record, CALNO spent a lot of time working on said Agreement, that circumventing the mediation process as well as filing a lawsuit on an emergency basis when there is no emergency makes CALNO look bad and takes away from the spirit of CALNO. commissioner Gennell reported that the current Commission never having any frame of reference/background information acted in good faith by passing the Interlocal Agreement. In an attempt to meet before the lawsuit was filed, which was initiated on recommendation of the City Attorney, the Commission authorized Mayor Bush to send a letter to Oviedo requesting a meeting to which they responded that it was inappropriate to meet at that time. councilperson Haygood reported that prior to the first letter being sent to winter Springs, it was emphasized that we follow the Mediation Agreement to the letter, and that maybe the city Attorney was not familiar with said Agreement. Chairman Benson stated that this issue being in the newspapers and a problem between two cities subverts the intent of anything we do in CALNO. commissioner Gennell stated that it is Oviedo's contention that they have to come across the easement for health and safety reasons, which may have constituted an emergency situation in the eyes of the City Attorney. commissioner Gennell thanked everyone who sent adult entertainment ordinances and newsletters, and discussed a proposed Interlocal Agreement with the county relative service area, which was patterned after the Interlocal Agreement with Sanford. NEW BUSINESS community Service Block Grant Advisory Board~ Chairman Benson distributed a letter dated January 26, 1995, requesting CALNO recommendations for nominees to replace commissioner McClanahan, Sanford and Mayor Hillebrandt, Casselberry. commissioner Hernandez reported that she is the designee for Altamonte springs, and that the Board meets four times a year at the Department of HRS on Airport Boulevard in Sanford. The Council concurred to provide nomination recommendations at the -2- FROM: City Clerk TO: 407 260 3419 FEE 22. 1995 12:38PM ~058 P.05 March 1, 1995 Meeting. Parliamentary Procedures Workshop. Chairman Benson reported that Randy Sutphin has offered to conduct a Parliamentary Procedures Workshop, and distributed correspondence dated June 3, 1994, including an agenda and cost specifics. Board Member Kuhn stated that she teaches Parliamentary Procedures, and would be happy to conduct a workshop free of charge. The Council accepted Board Member Kuhn's offer to instruct a Parliamentary Procedures Workshop; discussed the possibly of this item as a host presentation at the March 1, 1995 CALNO Meeting hosted by the County Commission; Chairman Benson to contact commissioner Warren to inquire as to whether or not the County commission already has a program in place for said Meeting. Also, Comrnissioners/Councilpersons from the respective cities will be invited to attend the workshop. Commissioner Gennell requested a listing of names, addresses, and phone numbers of the Council Members. Host Presentations. March 1, 1995 - Seminole County Board of commissioners - Chairman Benson checking with Commissioner Warren relative Parliamentary Procedures Workshop. April 5, 1995 - Seminole county School Board - Diane Kramer, Facilities Planner, to review existing and projected school sites. May 3, 1995 - City of Winter Springs - commissioner Gennell to provide her host presentation topic at the March 1, 1995 Meeting. MEMBER REPORTS City of Sanford Commissioner Eckstein reported that the City of Sanford 1s in the process of creating a Community Redevelopment Agency with Seminole County to encourage development along the waterfront. Also, the Commission met in Joint Work Session with the County to discuss the possibility of merging the Airport Authority and the Port Authority, that reported City benefits include County resources, expertise relative economic development, and bonding capacity; the County commission was split 3/3; the City Commission chose not to respond until the Airport Authority has had an opportunity to discuss and reply; the Airport Authority is adamantly against the merger, and the legislative delegation would probably like to see it happen. -3- FROM:Cit!::l Clerk TO: 407 260 3419 FEB 22, 1995 11:57~M ~056 P.06 seminole county School Board Board Member Kuhn circulated statistics relative how seminole County High Schools stack up to surrounding school systems with respect to the percentages of those students who enter as freshman versus those who actually graduate; a newspaper article relative the adequacy lawsuit; and a list of 369 state mandates with which the school board must comply. (Commissioner Gennell briefly left the meeting, then returned.) School Board Member Kuhn reported that seminole County Schools have initiated a new mediation program called "partnering", that architects, engineers, and other individuals involved with Winter Springs High School attended a retreat, and drafted a missions statement, which resulted in a substantial savings of time and money. Further, the School Board's two biggest problems are growth and finances; Seminole County Schools will be minus one (1) million dollars in lottery funding this year. City of Winter Sprinqs Commissioner Gennell reported that she will be judging a spelling bee on Friday, March 3, 1995; discussed some archeological findings as a result of the recent Historical Archeological Survey performed for Seminole county, and stated that this will be the topic of her host presentation. Also, Winter Springs is still working with the County regarding Tuskawilla. City of Altamonte Sprin9s Commissioner Hernandez reported that the City's first 75th Anniversary Celebration was well attended. Further, the lawsuit involving little league was initiated by a group of parents based on equal access, that City facilities have always been accessible for little league programs, with the primary program being the Babe Ruth League. Further, there will be a Valentine's Day Serenade at Cranes Roost. (Commissioner Eckstein briefly left the meeting, then returned.) City of Casselberr~ commissioner McMullen reported that the proposed police building and location on 17-92 was approved (a diagram of the site was circulated), and that the ground breaking ceremony is scheduled for September of 1995. Also, the Commission is considering the creation of a Tax Equity Study Commission to review occupational license fees. City of Lake Mary Commissioner Brender reported that the City approved a 120 home development by Pulte on Lake Mary Boulevard; nothing new relative Builder's Square; discussed potential bond referendum for approXimatelY 3.5 million dollars for: police station, repairs to ,._ the existing fire station, parks and recreation improvements, and drainage; discussed concerns relative Sanford Airport expansion/development i.e. additional air traffic; and will provide flight pattern information at the next meeting. -4- FROM:City Clerk TO: 407 260 3419 FEE 22. 1995 12:02PM ~057 P.01 Cit~ of Longwood Chairman Benson reported that a workshop was held on Monday, to discuss the adult entertainment ordinance relative rub-and-scrub and topless establishments which they believe to be a model ordinance for other Cities to follow; regulations governing said establishments, include no sale/consumption of alcoholic beverages, and only permitted in industrial areas. Further, Industrial Park has had a restrictive covenant that runs with the land since 1985 thus providing a smaller circumscribed area for these types of establishments. Discussed a controversial survey of other Cities to determine what types of benefits/salaries/expenses other Cities pay their Mayors/Commissioners, which was considered a subversive and undercover attempt to obtain a salary increase, and requested members to provide information relative what types of benefits including life and health insurance their Cities provide. Commissioner McMullen reported that several years ago the City Commission enacted a pay raise for future/newly elected official; Commissioners seated at the time did not benefit. Commissioner Eckstein reported that the Sanford City Commission recently overturned a previously approved action to provide health insurance coverage for retired Commissioners. City of Oviedo Councilman Haygood reported that the Society of Women Engineers held a Science Fair on Saturday at Seminole Community College, and that there were 280 participants. MARCH MEETING The March 1, 1995 Meeting will be held at the Board of County Commissioners, 3rd Floor. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Board Member Kuhn, seconded by Commissioner Brender and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Iris Benson, CALNO Chairman cJ{: - if,": cit'" ~ Linda L. Brace, Deputy City Clerk City of Sanford -5- FROM:City Clerk TO: 407 260 3419 CALNO MEMBERS 1. Gary Brender 707 Red Wing Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 (407) 330-2333 (H) (407) 330-2444 (Office/Fax) 2. Barbara Kuhn 183 Paul McClure Court Casselberry, FL 32707 (407) 695-7597 (8) (407) 774-6199 (Fax) 3. Cindy Gennell 706 Meadowbrook Drive Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 699-5221 (H) (407) 699-9430 (Fax) (407) 327-1800 (Office) 4. Pat Fernandez 671 Jamestown Boulevard, #2055 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-4646 (407) 862-7684 (H) (407) 682-5787 (FaX/Office) 5. Tom Hagood, Jr. 1031 Seminole Creek Drive Oviedo, FL 32765-5607 (407) 366-0699 (H) (407) 867-9439 (W) (407) 867-6575 (Fax/Work) 6. Whitey Eckstein 103 Aldean Drive Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 322-2991 (H) 7. Iris L. Benson, Esq. 971 Malden Court Longwood, FL 32750 (407) 260-1580 (H) City Hall 175 W. Warren Street Longwood, FL 32750 (407) 260-3440 (Office) 8. Earl McMullen 186 Overbrook Drive Casselberry, FL 32707 (407) 331-8080 (H) (407) 898-2341 (Office) (407) 740-1062 (Beeper) FEB 22, 1995 12:37PM ~058 P.02