HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 01 11 Minutes
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County meeting was
held on Wednesday, January 11, 1995 in the City Council Chambers of
the City Hall, 400 Alexandria Boulevard, Oviedo, Florida.
Commissioner Patricia Fernandez, Altamonte Springs (arrived late)
Commissioner Earl McMullen, Casselberry
Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary
Mayor Iris Benson, Longwood
Councilman Thomas A. Hagood, Jr., Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission
Board Member Barbara Kuhn, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Cindy Gennell, winter Springs
Herb Hardin, Seminole County
Cindy Bonham, City Clerk, City of Oviedo
Other visitors
1. Prayer
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Warren called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. and
announced that Pat Fernandez was not in attendance at that time.
School Board Member Barbara Kuhn announced she is now their
representative, replacing Sandy Robinson.
Chairman Warren introduced Herb Hardin who is retiring from
Seminole County and questioned a comment made in last month's
minutes by Commissioner Fernandez concerning her "disappointment
with Seminole County's stormwater management program".
Chairman Warren also commented on the County performing basin
studies and when all are completed would like to see an overlay of
all the studies together and meet with all the cities as a team to
put both an accountability and an effort toward solving the
problem. It was suggested that CALNO be involved to facilitate the
Mayor Benson reported on a meeting held with their Commission,
City Manager, City Engineer and Chairman Randy Morris with some of
his staff, about alleviating the flooding in the Longwood Canal and
stated Chairman Morris was very responsive at their meeting . Mayor
Benson stated they are going to start working on the Longwood Canal
on April 1, 1995 and that Seminole County accepted responsibility
for maintaining the canal.
Commissioner Brender moved to approve the minutes of December
7, 1994 as submitted, and seconded by Commissioner Genne11.
Since there were no objections to the minutes, Chairman Warren
stated they stood approved.
There was discussion about the dues of $25.00 being due.
A. Siqn Coordination Effort Update
Chairman Warren turned this issue over to Herb Hardin for an
update of the sign coordination effo~t. Mr. Hardin stated that
last month the Council requested a survey on court cases regarding
amortization sign removal and that their attorney's are still
working on this. Also discussed was a comprehensive sign ordinance
for the County where all jurisdictions would use the same sign
code, that the first phase would consist of non-controversial items
that would be adopted, then start an interlocal agreement and see
how it is working, and then go into phase two which could include
more controversial items. Each j ur isdiction appointed a staf f
member and in November provided the suggested first phase which
included eight items which pertained to signs that added to the
litter along the highway.
Mr. Hardin announced Jay Marder was elected Chairman of the
Sign Committee, and his replacement was John Dwyer. Mr. Hardin
questioned if each City wished to pursue this agreement.
There was further discussion regarding the height of signs,
landscaping, and each City adopting their own ordinance under one
inter local agreement which would include general guidelines for
each city to adopt. It was suggested that the already prepared
Lake Mary ordinance be used as a prototype and a copy be brought to
the next meeting.
After further discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner
Genne1l to request the County draft a proposed interlocal agreement
on the basic sign issues they feel will meet most cities
satisfaction and return this by the next meeting to begin
circulation between the cities.
There was further discussion related to the necessity of an
ordinance versus an agreement. Chairman Warren commented on the
mediation agreement between the cities being finalized and had
received the last signature. The discussion continued on various
Commissioner Fernandez arrived at this point to the meeting.
The grade of roads and buildings were also discussed.
The motion was seconded by Mayor Benson and after no objections,
Chairman Warren approved the motion and closed the discussion.
A. Elections of Officers
Chairman Warren stated she has been honored to serve as
Chairman and asked not to be re-elected because of conflicts with
scheduling. Chairman Warren opened the floor for nominations for
Commissioner McMullen nominated Iris Benson, seconded by
Commissioner Eckstein and Commissioner Gennell. There were no
further nominations. Mayor Benson accepted the position.
Chairman Warren moved that Mayor Benson be elected by acclamation
and seconded by Commissioner Ferring. Mayor Benson thanked
everyone for her nomination and stated it will be an honor.
It was decided that in the absence of the Chairman, that the host
city would fill in.
B. Liqhtinq
Commissioner Brender commented on the flood lights around the
Checker's and Steak N' Shake on Lake Mary Boulevard and of people
reporting near accidents due, to the brightness of the lights.
Commissioner Brender stated he felt the buildings do not meet the
shoebox style of lighting within the interlocal agreement with
Seminole County. Commissioner Brender requested that Chairman
Warren take the issue back to the Commission to see if something
could be done.
Chairman Warren stated she would check into it and would do so
through the courtesy of the district commissioner and also
commented that cities need to work with CALNO on these types of
issues and insure that each Planning Department is notified when
these things are encountered to check for compliance with the code
of that city.
C. Next Scheduled CALNO Meetinq
Chairman Warren stated the next meeting is scheduled for
February 1, 1995 in Sanford, and the March 1, 1995 meeting will be
at the Board of County Commissioners, 3rd floor.
City of Altamonte Sprinqs
Commissioner Fernandez reported on the first of their monthly
festivals to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Altamonte Springs
and their kickoff date of Friday, January 20, 1995 at 6:00 P.M., to
continue through Sunday at Crane's Roost Park. The festival will
have the Gay 90's theme and they will do something different each
month. Commissioner Fernandez commented on Altamonte Springs being
sued by the Little League organization.
City of Casselberry
Commissioner McMullen announced the number of scrub shops
decreasing from last year from three down to one; the City of
Casselberry and the County going together on a Casselberry
Redevelopment Agency (CRA); Seminole Plaza is being placed on hold
because they lost their major anchor store, but has a target date
of spring of 1996; and their Median Beautification Program is
taking off.
City of Lake Mary
Commissioner Brender reported there is still no studio and no
land deals finalized yet; approved the Olympia PUD on Rinehart Road
to construct 500 homes ranging from approximately $105,000
$180,000; and that Sun Bank has offered the School Board a 12 1/2
acre site at a substantially reduced off the market value and so
far the School Board has elected not to purchase the site, but
asked if they can give them an extra 2 1/2 acres because of the 15
acre requirement for the elementary school. Commissioner Brender
also stated the requirement exists for another elementary due to
the development in the area. Also mentioned was that the Builder's
Square is now gone and Cosco has approached them, but has not yet
made an offer; College and Scholastic Book Fairs, who are textbook
manufacturers, are going in to the north point along 1-4.
Commissioner McMullin excused himself from the meeting.
City of Lonqwood
Mayor Benson commented on a year passing since they have had
a moratorium on any new grub and scrub, are in the process of
enacting an adult entertainment ordinance, and decided the location
for the adult entertainment businesses would be in their industrial
zoning; they will be doing a 20 year plan; and they are trying to
get a state grant for the beautification of S.R. 434. Mayor Benson
also reported on having problems again with Rangeline Road; they
have two new Commissioners, one who became Deputy Mayor; and they
are going to eventually renovate their Council Chambers.
City of Oviedo
Councilman Hagood reported on the legal battles with Twin
Rivers II and the suit (or intent to file a suit) from winter
Springs; the status of volleyball coming to Oviedo and the
available funds; are still progressing on the mall and the issue
that needs to be resolved with winter Springs regarding the extra
traffic on the road, and announced another joint meeting with
winter Springs on January 25, 1995.
City of Sanford
Commissioner Eckstein informed everyone that he is trying to
attract people into downtown Sanford by proposing a Seminole County
museum for all athletes that live in Seminole County, to include
big name athletes; commented on their water front master plan in an
effort to attract business; and discussed the possibility of having
people reside (as their home) in the upper portion of the buildings
Seminole County Commission
Commissioner Warren disclosed that Adrienne Dennison would
chair the Sesquicentennial Celebration activities; announced their
new Commissioner; reported on the mall and that an DRI substantial
deviation process will be brought to them after an agreement is
settled. Commissioner Warren commented on her commitment to
protect the Tuscawilla homeowners, that she is the only seated
Commissioner that dealt with this issue to begin with and will have
to vote against it.
Seminole County School Board
Barbara Kuhn reported and discussed several issues including
School Board rezoning parameters; they have a new mission
statement; a proposal with the Private Industry Council, the
Sheriff and other entities interested in preventing juvenile crime
and a recommendation for an assessment center, and that grant money
available was for adjudicated use.
School Board Member Kuhn reported Seminole County is not a
part of the adequacy lawsuit and that she is opposed to the plan;
they disapproved the plans for the new Teague Middle School;
remarked on there were different perceptions of what agreements
came out of their meeting regarding what would happen after the
phase out of the parimutuel money and the direction for them to
meet with the County Chairman and County Manager to try to clarify
concerns and miscommunication.
Also reported are the new elementary schools being built in
the Winter Springs Highlands and Carillon areas, and reported they
are looking into the possibility of a nighttime high school. It
was determined the School Board will bring a map to the April
meeting with the location of existing and future school sites.
City of Winter Sprinqs
Conunissioner Gennell informed the Council on their first
reading for two moratoriums on adult entertainment and billboards
and requested anyone having ordinances on adult entertainment to
send her a copy; requested a copy of each City's newsletter or
other examples of communications with the public sent out to
residents; and the railroad going east-west through Winter Springs
being abandoned two years ahead of schedule and are looking into a
rail/bicycle trail, but is still trying to get the City behind her.
Conunissioner Gennell reported on an upcoming meeting with
Seminole County and Tuscawilla regarding the Tuscawilla Road
widening and is interested in bike lanes; started checking into
fiberoptics, liked what she saw, gathered more information, and is
promoting the idea; tonight is her first anniversary with CALNO and
has enjoyed it; requested the new CALNO Chairman rotate the
Also announced was that the new elementary on Shepard Road
being a carbon copy of Rainbow Elementary which will be a first
two-story elementary because of the lack of land to build;
discussed the County and Historical Society receiving a copy of the
preliminary archeological survey performed for Seminole County and
questioned if anyone else would be interested in inviting them for
a presentation at a future meeting; commented on the Safe House of
Seminole and any interest from other members in hearing from them
directly about their program; and reported on an open house of
their new fire station on Trotwood Boulevard in Tuscawilla on
January 21, 1995, at 10:00.
Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Eckstein, seconded by Mayor
Benson and Councilman Hagood. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pat Warren, CALNO Chairman
Cynthia S. Bonham, City Clerk
City of Oviedo