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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 12 07 Minutes MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MEETING HELD Wednesday, December 7, 1994, 7:00 p.m., Longwood City Commission Chambers, 175 W. Warren Avenue. Attendees Mayor Iris L. Benson, City of Longwood Commissioner Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, City of Sanford Commissioner Patricia Fernandez, City of Altamonte springs commissioner Cindy Gennell, City of winter Springs councilperson Thomas Hagood, Jr., City of Oviedo Vice-Mayor Earl McMullen, City of Casselberry Sandy Robinson, Seminole County School Board Thelma McPherson, City Clerk, City of Casselberry Eva Neisler, Deputy City Clerk, City of Longwood Shelton Smith, City Administrator, City of Longwood Commissioner Bill Winston, City of Longwood Geraldine D. Zambri, City Clerk, City of Longwood commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County commission - Absent 1. Prayer Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance The meeting Warren's absence. p.m. was chaired by Mayor Benson in commissioner Mayor Benson called the meeting to order at 7:02 2. Approval of Minutes Motion by Commissioner Brender to approve the minutes as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Gennell. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. 3. Treasurer's Report Commissioner Brender announced there was no activity to report and the account balance remains at $531.66. 4. Old Business A. Sign Review Committee Report commissioner Brender explained the report furnished in the packet from the CALNO Sign Review Committee, produced eight (8) items that the municipalities generally agree on. Commissioner Brender further explained that if a jurisdiction has a more restrictive policy that it would prevail. Members had a general discussion on the various sunset dates of the local communities. Commissioner Fernandez explained her understanding was the committee's first phase was to suggest non-controversial items and CALNO/12-07-94 PAGE TWO (2) sunset dates, as all were aware, are a problem. Also, discussion continued on the importance of establishing a sunset date particuliary for Hwy 17-92 business owners. Commissioner Eckstein suggested that research be done on court cases concerning sun- setting provisions and to contact the City of Orlando. Commissioner Fernandez suggested checking Boca Raton also. It was the consensus of the CALNO members to request Mr. Herb Hardin to research and report the results by the next meeting as to whether there have been any court cases regarding the enforcement of sign ordinances and the sunset law. Members agreed to circulate the recommendations from the Sign Review Committee after Mr. Hardin reports the results of the requested research at the next meeting. B. Interlocal Agreement of Mediation The cities of Altamonte Springs, Lake Mary, Longwood, and winter Springs have all adopted the agreement. Commissioner Brender believes that Donna MacIntosh has possession of the agreement and is hand carrying to the municipalities for signatures. 5. New Business A. Legislative Delegation Recommendations Commissioner Eckstein requested that reform of the Sunshine Law concerning ex parte communication be recommended, all members agreed. Ms. Robinson suggested inviting the area delegates to the January or February meeting of CALNO. Mayor Benson read a faxed notice received that day from State Representative Lee Constantine who is the acting Chairman of the Seminole County Legislative Delegation, announcing that a meeting of the delegation will be held at Seminole Community College on December 19, 1994. Commissioner Eckstein requested that Representative Constantine be invited to the next meeting to discuss legislative recommendations. Motion by Commissioner Fernandez, seconded by Councilperson Hagood to invite Representative Constantine to a CALNO meeting annually to discuss legislative recommendations. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. 6. Reports from Members Seminole County School Board Ms. Robinson unfortunately had laryngitis and Commissioner Brender assisted by repeating her remarks. Ms. Robinson reported that it seems likely that the contract extension will not be approved for construction of the new high school near Seminole CALNO/12-07-94 PAGE THREE (3) Community College. The architectural design has been selected for the new elementary school. City of Lake Mary Commissioner Brender announced that Builder's Square on Lake Mary Blvd. will be closing December 9, 1994. The property is currently owned by K-Mart and Costco has looked at the location. There have been rumors that Sam's might also be interested in the property. Commissioner Brender is studying and will be approaching his Commission with the possibility of interstate zoning for Lake Mary Blvd. because of the expansion of numerous fast food restaurants. Lake Mary is also considering revising their code for impervious surface area for buildable land size. Baskin Robbins and Dunkin Donut have shown interest in an out parcel location on the Home Depot site. Lennar Properties have begun clearing land off Rinehart Road for 219 units, also Olympia Homes will be constructing 290 homes in the area. Commissioner Brender has discussed with Lennar the possibility of installation of fiber optic conduit. Commissioner Brender explained that their Business Advisory Board had streamlined the permitting/site plan process from a 9/12 month process to 3/4 months. City of Sanford Commissioner Eckstein reported the Sanford Christmas Parade will be held Saturday, December 10, 1994 at 3:00 p.m. Disney characters will be featured. City of Altamonte Springs Commissioner Fernandez announced that Altamonte Springs will be celebrating their 75th anniversary by featuring an array of celebrations on a monthly basis for the next year. Commissioner Fernandez also commented on her disappointment with Seminole County's stormwater management program. City of Casselberry Commissioner McMullen explained that Seminole Plaza will be submitting the demolition permits in January. Builder's Square withdrew their site plan. City of Oviedo Commissioner Hagood said he has not received the decision on volleyball as yet, hopefully they will hear something by the next meeting. Wal-Mart had considered a site but the project was canceled along with two other Central Florida sites. CALNO/12-07-94 PAGE FOUR (4) City of winter Springs Commissioner Gennell said the art show was very successful. Mayor Benson had attended and complimented Commissioner Gennell. winter Springs is continuing to work with the county and state on the development of SR 434 and Tuscawilla Blvd. City of Longwood Mayor Benson reported that Longwood's Arts & Craft show was also very successful and explained that the Central Florida Society for Historic Preservation hosts this event annually. Longwood's annual Tree Lighting ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, December 10, 1994 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. The event will feature local choirs, crafts for the children, Santa, tree decorating and lighting, and a rummage sale where all proceeds will go to needy Longwood families. Mayor Benson also explained that the Teen Dance Club was very successful and had even received out of state inquiries about the project. Mayor Benson invited all to family night line dancing held at the Teen Club on Saturdays. Mayor Benson reported that Commissioner Warren suggested that the January meeting be rescheduled to the second Wednesday, January 11, 1995. Oviedo will be the host city. Motion by Commissioner Fernandez, seconded by Councilperson Hagood to reschedule the meeting in January to Wednesday, January 11, 1995. Motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Ms. Robinson distributed pamphlets on a conference concerning violence prevention in schools and requested that extra copies be distributed to everyone's staff. Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Eckstein, seconded by Councilperson Hagood. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8: 18 p.m., the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 11, 1995, at the City of Oviedo. Respectfully Submitted by: tJec ~ok. Eva Neisler, Deputy City Clerk City of Longwood