HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 11 21 Memo Re: CALNO Sign Review Committee Report (2)
Seminofe Countr Government
~ Current Planning Division 1101 East First Street Sanford FL 32771 Telephone (407) 321.1130 Extension 7441 FAX 324-4816
November 21, 1994
To: Commissioner Pat Warren, CALNO Chairman
From: Herb Hardin, Current Planning Manager
Subject: CALNO Sign Review Committee Report
I have attached the report from the CALNO Sign Review Committee with the
recommendations for the first phase of a County wide sign ordinance. Staff representatives
from all jurisdictions, with the exception of Winter Springs, participated in formulating the
standards. Either myself: or Jay Marder, who was selected as chairman of the Sign Review
Committee, will attend any CALNO meeting when this is placed on the agenda if you
desire a presentation.
If CALNO members are comfortable with these recommendations, as the first phase of
a standardized sign ordinance for the entire county, each member should take the
recommendations to their Council or Commission for concurrence to proceed with
adoption. If all jurisdictions vote to proceed with the adoption process, then an inter-local
agreement can be drafted and these recommendations be placed into an ordinance for each
to adopt.
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November 21, 1994
To; Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO)
From; CALNO Sign Review Committee
Subject: Recommended Sign Standards
At the request ofCALNO, stafffrom the County and the Municipalities have met and
formulated recommendations for the first phase of a comprehensive sign ordinance that
could. be adopted county wide. The direction from CALNO during the April 6, 1994
meeting 'Yas to phase in a comprehensive sign ordinance over a several year period, with
the first phase consisting of standards for types of signs that tend to add the most clutter
to road ffontages throughout the county. Following adoption of the first phase, and
approval of an interlocal agreement, efforts could them be directed towards adoption of a
complete sign ordinance that would address such controversial subjects as the
amortization or removal of non-conforming signs.
The following tecommendations, if adopted as phase one, would serve as an overlay to
each jurisdiction's sign ordinance, and in those cases where the existing ordinance is more
restrictive, the existing ordinance would prevail:
Animated SignslFlashing Lights- Prohibited ( Time and temperature and
electronic message signs would be permitted providing each display remains on the
screen for a minimum of five seconds.)
Flags- Three flags permitted per parcel with a maximum Bag pole height of35'.
Roof Signs- Prohibited ( This would prohibit sign structures that are erected or
constructed over or upon a roof)
Snipe Signs- Prohibited
Sign Height- The maximum height of any ground/pole sign would be restricted to 20'
above grade.
Trailer Signs- Permitted for a maximum of 60 days per year, per parcel.
InOatable Advertising- Maximum of two permits per year, total period of both
permits not to exceed seven days.
Banners, Pennants, Balloons and Streamers.-Permitted two weeks before a grand
opening until one month after the grand opening.
CALNO Sign Review Committee Members
Altamonte Springs- Mary Robinson
Casselbeny- Dick Wells
Lake Mary- Matt West
Oviedo... Susan McGregor
Sanford-Jay Marder, Chairman
Seminole County- Herb Hardin
Winter Springs- Carl Gosline