HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 09 07 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY SEPTEMBER 7. 1994 The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, September 7, 1994 at 7:00 p.m., City of Altamonte Springs Commission Chambers, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL. MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Joseph Hillebrandt, Casselberry Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Pat Fernandez, Altamonte Springs Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs Board Member Sandy Robinson, Seminole County School Board Commissioner Thomas A. Hagood, Jr., Oviedo Commissioner Iris Benson, Longwood MEMBERS ABSENT Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary OTHERS PRESENT Mark Bevis, Sem inole County Traffic Joe Greene, Seminole County Transportation Jean Crampton, Seminole County Transportation Stanley Stevens, Citizen CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Pat Warren, Chairman, at 7:18 p.m., with a moment of prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Board Member Robinson, second by Commissioner Gennell, to approve minutes of June 1, 1994. TREASURERS REPORT In the absence of Commissioner Brender, a report was not presented. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY September 7, 1994 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Warren stated that she is still awaiting representative names from the cities of Altamonte Springs, Oviedo and Lake Mary for the Sign Committee. Names were provided and further verification promised. NEW BUSINESS A. PROGRAM PLANNING Commissioner Hagood questioned the status of the Interlocal Agreement on Mediation. After much discussion, the Council decided to request Attorneys McMillan and Mcintosh be prepared at the October 5th meeting to present the final document and answer questions concerning the agreement. Commissioner Warren requested that all Council members be prepared to address their jurisdictions questions/concerns as the document should be finalized at that meeting. Upon finalization, she will coordinate obtaining required signatures for execution. It was noted at this time that the meeting schedule for the remainder of the year is as follows: October 5, 1994 Casselberry November 9, 1994 Lake Mary December 7, 1994 Longwood B. ANNEXATION/LAND USE COMPATIBILITY DISCUSSION Commissioner Warren expressed concern over annexations and incompatibility of the land use of County/City contiguous properties, and the importance the Interlocal Agreement on Mediation could play in settling these issues. The Council further discussed problems in coordinating agreements between Seminole County and city staff. Presently only Sanford has an agreement with Seminole County. Commissioner Hillebrandt suggested the County evaluate the issue and prepare a plan for initiating agreements with the cities. He further stated a clear message needs to be sent to staff that this issue should be resolved. Commissioner Warren stated she will submit a request for County staff to begin scheduling meetings with cities for implementation and execution of these agreements. She stated there are already procedures which only need to be fine tuned. There was further discussion concerning the finalization goal for the mediation interlocal agreement by October or November. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY September 7, 1994 Page 3 Commissioner Gennell reported she has a card from a business which would be willing to present a program in November for towing abandoned cars to benefit the Kidney Foundation. Commissioner Warren expressed concern over legalities of this type program. Commissioner Hillebrandt suggested an information program of Code Enforcement procedures of each municipality. He expressed interest in learning how the difference cities address enforcement of their codes. Commissioner Eckstein addressed the code enforcement issue and the great impact that code enforcement has on budgets. Commissioner Iris Benson joined the meeting at this time. Commissioner Fernandez reported that some residents in a particular subdivison had complained to Commission of the lack of code enforcement and then when the Police Department concentrated their efforts in that area, other residents of the subdivision complained about the excessive enforcement. Board Member Robinson suggested the Council be prepared to provide ideas for future programs at the next meeting. Other suggestions for future programs were: The Crime Bill effect on Seminole County Storm water Management Bicycle trails and street markings Legislative update/preview presented by Lee Constantine and/or other legislative representatives C. SCHOOL BOARD REQUEST/SIDEWALK NEEDS ASSESSMENT DISCUSSION Board Member Robinson referred to a booklet titled "Sidewalk Needs Assessment" prepared by the School Safety Advisory Committee, which had been previously provided to each Council member. She addressed new legislative action which refers to the participation of cities and counties in sidewalk assessments for areas within two (2) miles of schools which have met criteria for hazardous conditions for school children. Mark Bevis, Seminole County Traffic, served on the School Safety Advisory Committee and was instrumental in preparation of the booklet. Mr. Bevis explained the differences in A list and B list. "A" list addresses 21 sidewalk projects and "B" list addresses 30 projects for a total of approximately $5.2 million. The costs are also broken down by city/county. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY September 7, 1994 Page 4 Further discussion of the sidewalk assessment continued and Mr. Bevis answered specific questions concerning costs and planning. Commissioner Gennell requested further consideration be given to bike paths on streets especially where sidewalks are proposed for both sides of a street. There was further discussion concerning safety at crossings. Mr. Greene and Ms. Crampton, Seminole County Transportation, spoke concerning the possible reduction in bus transportation costs resulting from the sidewalk construction. They were questioned about cost difference of sidewalk construction and added need for crossing guards versus buses. They stated that the cost information could be obtained but was not presently available. There was additional discussion of future transportation planning for school students as part of the regional transportation plan with Lynx. Mr. Stevens spoke of the need for sidewalks in the Jackson Heights school area. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS ,--- Altamonte Sprinas Commissioner Fernandez informed the Council of increased activities at Cranes Roost Park. Winter Sprinas Commissioner Gennell asked how other cities with water services bill delinquent accounts. The responses were as follows: Oviedo = one bill: uses a delinquent stamp on the original bill Altamonte Springs = two bills: 1-original, 1-delinquent Casselberry = two bills: 1-original, 1-past due Sanford= one bill Longwood= two bills: 1-original, 1-past due Lonawood Commissioner Benson reported the following: The City has purchased a building for Fire Administration. She attended the Florida League of Cities Conference in Orlando. Longwood will hear first reading on their budget next Monday. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY September 7, 1994 Page 5 Oviedo Commissioner Hagood reported the following: A services report for the Westgate annexation effort is being forwarded to the County. The City has recently assumed responsibility for Reed Road from the County. There are three (3) council seats open for election on September 8th. Tom was unopposed in this election. Seminole County School Board Board Member Sandy Robinson reported the county wide school redistricting is to begin with an initial task force meeting on September 13, 1994. There could be a delay hinging on the Lake Howell High School reconstruction project. Depending on the timing, opening for the new Winter Springs High School could be delayed and the facility used for Lake Howell High School students during their school reconstruction. The task committee will include all high and middle school principals, school board staff and some parents involved with PTA. The final adoption is targeted for July 1995. Board Member Robinson referenced a letter received concerning membership on the County Juvenile Justice Council. Pursuant to '94 legislation, the following members are to be added: Chairman of Board of County Commissioners or designee Superintendent of Schools or designee Single elected municipal official She stated the names are to be subm itted by October 1, 1994. The meeting will be held monthly, second Friday of the month, 9:00 a.m., at the HRS office on Lake Mary Blvd in the Reflections Plaza. After much discussion Commissioner Benson was appointed as the designee of CALNO. She agreed to attend the first meeting and will request the meeting time be changed to allow Commissioner Eckstein the ability to attend as CALNO designee. Casselberrv Mayor Hillebrandt announced a Tri-County League function to be held September 22nd, 5:00 p.m. in Windermere. He also referenced some annexations being considered in Casselberry. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY September 7,1994 Page 6 Sanford Commissioner Eckstein presented a rebuttal to recent negative newspaper articles about Sanford. He noted the many accomplishments for Sanford within recent years and the positive direction of the City. He further praised Mayor Bettye Smith for her dedication and involvement in the improvements to Sanford. Seminole County Commissioner Warren complimented each City on their individual accomplishments. She expressed her pride in the cities of Seminole County. She further reported on a letter from Nancy McNamara, Coalition of Intercounty Schools, requesting support of Seminole County cities in planning activities for students during their three (3) week breaks within the teaching tracts. Discussion followed. Mayor Hillebrandt offered to share information on impact of casinos upon request. Motion by Commissioner Benson, second by Commissioner Fernandez, to adjourn was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Submitted by: Janice Goebel, Deputy City Clerk City of Altamonte Springs, FL