HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 05 12 Letter Re: Interlocal Agreement on Mediation and Intergovernmental Coordination D aritt! of 1lioltgfuoob 175 WEST WARREN A VENUE LONGWOOD. FLORIDA 32750-4197 PHONE (407) 260-3440 Ma.y 12, 1994 Commissioner Pat Warren, CALNO Chairperson Seminole County Board of Commissioners 1101 East First Street Sanford. FL 32771 Dear Commissioner Warren: I have enclosed several copies of the Interlocal Agreement of Mediation and Intergovernmental Coordination. These copies have been reviewed by our C.i ty Attorney and mysel f and our comments have been highlighted. I have also included copies of our Commission minutes where our Council discussed the language and the portion of the Charter where the Mayor has signature authority. o I realize the CALNO adopted, and request discussion. members are anxious to have this Resolution that it be placed on our next agenda for Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, ksl~ Commissioner, District #1 ~ ~f.2~']. _~~ ~ ~IH 1 i (; ~~~:;,il-i : I ~L5lT1J'- ~ ---------------------- o City Mission: "Enhancing the Quality of Life for Our Citizens"