HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 05 06 Memo Re: Standardized Sign Regulations
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May 6, 1994
To: Commissioner Pat Warren, CALNO Chairman
From: Herb Hardin, Curr~ Planning Manager
Subject; Standardized Sign Regulations
Durins the Apli16th CALNO ~~ the manben present ;ndicated some desire in
working towards a County wide standardized .$ip1Wdc. The tee1jllp seeD1 to be that dUa
would be &.desirable long term goal, but should be slowly phased h1. The members
suggested that the staffs trom aU the cities and Seminole County meet and fonnulate a list
of proposed sign standards that would then be taken back to the CALNO members for
their approval and .subsequent recommendations to their governing boards. This first phase
of sign standards would be non-controversial in nature, and would. serve as a vehicle for
the initiation for a county wide InterlocalAgreement and adoption of additional sign
standards in the firtute.
Tho basie dirGion was that the County would QOOrdinate the ataJf J&vicwa. with each
CALNQ member providing your ~ withtbo aamcofthe aatrporsoa &omtbeir
city that would be assigned to the project-After all cities haWfQSponded. I wowld d1ea
coordinate the sta1f meetings and prepare the repoa for CAlNO.
As we have not yet received any input trom the CALNO members regarding theaamesof
sta1f assigned to the project and I feel that aeveral $Udfmeetlns will be needed. I believe it
will b. at least December before the statrwould have the repOlt prepared for your
PIeaso.u. jfyou have aQY questions. As SOQll as.all CALNQ members haw provided
lCathy witb oameI of their atatf assigned to the proj=. I will sdledu10 tbe first meeUll8.
cc; RQn Rabun. County Manager
Kevin Glue, Deputy County Manager/Community Services
Tony Vanderworp, Planning and Development Director