HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 05 04 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MINUTES The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County met in Regular Meeting on Wednesday. May 4,1994, at 7:00 p..m. at the Reflection's Plaza, "Project Excer' with Seminole County School Board hosting. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission, CALNO Chairman Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Mayor Joseph M. Hillebrandt, Casselberry Commissioner Iris Benson, Longwood Councilperson Thomas A. Hagood, Jr., Oviedo Board Member Sandy Robinson, Seminole County School Board Commissioner Pat Fernandez, Altamonte Springs Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary MEMBERS ABSENT Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs GUESTS Paul J. Hagerty, Superintendent, Seminole County Schools Barbara Kuhn, Chairman, Seminole County School Board Jeanne Morris, Member, Seminole County School Board Nancy Warren, Member, Seminole County School Board Larry Strickler, Member, Seminole County School Board Ken Bovio, Executive Director Employee/Govn. Relations, Seminole County Public Schools Tom Marcy, Executive Director, High Schools, Seminole County Public Schools "PROJECT EXCEL" Wolfgang Halbig, Project Manager, "Project Excel" Tim Giannoni, Director of Operations, Private Industry Council Gary Earl, Executive Director, Private Industry Council Karen Grim, Teacher Brad Clayton , Teacher James Andresakis, Student Laucie Andresakis, Parent Joan Macon, Student David Downer, Student Linda Miller, Parent Jessica Cevelin, Student 1 Merlet Mirville, Student Cjros Raymore, Student Shawn O'Quinn, Student DISTINGUISHED GUESTS Representative and Mrs. Bob Starks C.J. Drake, Congressman John Mica's Aide CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Pat Warren, Chairman, at 7:25 p.m. with a moment of silent prayer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Warren asked for a motion for the approval of the minutes. A motion was moved to approve the minutes and seconded. Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Gary Brender stated that bills had been paid totalling $599.12. Commissioner Warren thanked Mr. Brender for taking the Treasurer's seat as there are a lot of activities in that position. 0_ OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Warren reported that the sign coordination effort was a repeat by her secretary. It was not intended to be a topic of discussion tonight since we have a very good program scheduled. However, if anyone brought their board selection person to serve on that Staff Network Committee, she would be glad to take that. The names given were: Jay Marder, Sanford; Richard Wells, Casselberry; John Brock, Longwood. All others were asked to be called in. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Warren said that CALNO Recommendation for Resolution for Gambling (you probably had not had time to get it back to your board) for the issue of gambling should not have been listed also. Did anyone have a chance to talk to their board about it as a common denominator or take a stand on that? We will register that for the next agenda, so if you will, please bring back some response on that. Commissioner Warren asked to have one write in item. Economic Development Incentive Committee - Mr. Turk asked me tonight if we could come out with a CALNO representative to serve on that. I will be glad to entertain that consideration. They meet on May 10 for the first meeting. I have a memo here. It is a reasonably new committee so I think it will 2 - be determined by the numbers that go. A vote will be taken after the program to see who will go. Gary Earl has brought a film entitled "CHALLENGE TO AMERICA". It is not part of the program but it will be available after the program for anyone who would like to view it. Sandy Robinson was asked to take over for the program scheduled for tonight. First of all, she welcomed everyone and thanked the SCPS Food Service for providing the refreshments for the evening. Also, thanked Marcia Duffey for taking the minutes for the evening. This evening we have a very exciting program. We are very excited about .Project Excer, our Alternative High School, our first in Seminole County. We have formed a partnership with PIC and the school district in providing an alternative setting for students to be successful in completion of high school credits. We have students here tonight, we have the project director, we have a lot of people, and I would like all the school people to stand up and introduce themselves so that I don't do anything wrong. (All the school related people were introduced starting with the Superintendent and on down to the Private Industry Council staff and the students and their parents.) Tim Gianonni, Director of Operations, gave a brief background of PIC, their board, their grants, and their program in general. He gave a synopsis of .Project Excer and their expectations for the future. Three more students entered and introduced themselves. He encouraged everyone to ask any questions they desired to the students. CALNO representatives were asked to introduce themselves and also, the legislative representatives were introduced. Wolfgang Halbig, Program Manager, gave a brief description of the students and their programs and what was being accomplished in this environment. Larry Strickler, school board member said there are a lot of rumors. It is important to understand the financial numbers. This system here in increments of 30 cost less per student than a high school student. Everyone works at their own speed. Pat Warren asked the question that if students (who obviously are there by choice) are there as long as they want to be. They have 3 options: 1) they can get aGED - 2) they can get their full credit and stay for as long as the expulsion or - 3) if they choose, they can remain until they receive a high school diploma. It is up to them. I would like to introduce you to David Downer who has been with us a while. He had a conversation with Gene Daniels, SUN Bank, who asked him why he was here. David explained about his experiences from elementary to middle school and how he was promoted because he was bad. He was always promoted, but when he got to high school credits were involved and he couldn't do the work. If he acted bad enough they would kick him out of school. He was socially promoted all those years and when he got to high school he had no clue. He wants to graduate now. Chris Raymore and Merlet Mirville were introduced. They told of their experiences with various business partners. James Andresakis and Jessica Cevelin were introduced. The audience was encouraged to talk with them and walk with them on the tour. TOUR OF "PROJECT EXCEL II 3 ,.-.. .-"',- After the tour of .Project Excer the CALNO meeting continued: OLD BUSINESS Iris Benson remembered one thing not in the minutes that when the county wide signage was discussed she stated that her city was not interested in an agreement that would go through all the cities, because they have their own ordinance. Do you remember that? Commissioner Warren stated she remembered someone saying that and that she was just hoping to find common ground a piece of all of our sign ordinances that would be uniform. Each would have a satellite that might be a little different but would begin to work the formation of agreement between the cities. Signs were discussed at length - more like a minimum standards. Tom Hagood asked if Altamonte Springs and Oviedo were incorporated into the matrix as it was the common ground. Joe Hillebrandt answered yes. It was in with the packet mailed out. How far away is this being the starting point? Commissioner Warren said each issue needs to be looked at on that matrix and discover why one is yes and one is no. It may be a technicality that can be resolved. Whitey Eckstein said that at the last meeting Cindy Gennell suggested that we have our various representatives and that we are going to go through stages and we are going to try and attack the most common threat that is rolling through our cities. It may take 5, 6 or 7 years, but there are some things that we can do initially that will be a stepping stone. You aren't going to this overnightender agreed. Need to identify other areas as well as signs. Everyone is waiting to see if CALNO makes a real effort toward this sign business. I think it is important for the record and to arrive upon that common ground. Tom Hagood found a common ground: "nobody wants animated signs." Commissioner Warren added, except some of the dealers. Various animated signs were described by the members. It was agreed that in good faith, attack one item at a time and find some successes in it. Choose to disagree. Everyone agreed not to have immoral signs. Go back and ask your board. One of the difficulties is everyone agreeing. Commissioner Warren is going back and give Herb Hardin Sanford, Jay Maurder, Casselberry, Richard Wells, Longwood, John Brock (might have to be checked but Iris Benson brought it up at one of their meetings.) Sunset will be one of the biggest issues, and might be resolved in 1998. Altamonte is the first in 1996. Legal implications are involved if Sunset is not observed. The attachment on signs that was included with the last minutes was discussed and looked at. If by November or December, Commissioner Warren stated that a win or a close to win if we all work together, that's what CALNO is all about and we need to be accountable at the end of the year - not just business as usual - but we ought to get a thing and do that thing well whether it be the sign ordinance, maybe not completed by the end of the year but perhaps a watermark. Tom Hagood asked if anything had been heard about the Interlocal Mediation Agreement? Mayor Hillebrandt replied that we were going to make some changes like Longwood and changes hadn't been sent. Iris Benson gave a copy to someone. If that could be finalized it could be passed and done away with it. Discussion occurred and it will be brought in and that could be edited and brought to closures. Commissioner Warren asked that a copy be sent to her and it will be mailed with the next agendas. Iris Benson was asked to lead her council to accept it. Much discussion 4 followed about past history. NEXT MEETING DATES NeXt meeting will be County - June 1st - County Services Building - 3rd Floor July and August will be skipped. September 7 - Altamonte Springs October 5 - Casselberry November 9 - Lake Mary December 7 - Longwood Representative Starks stopped by at this point and told the council how much he appreciated what they were doing. It was good to see something positive going on and people working together. Commissioner Warren stated that we appreciate you, too. We count you among the reelected this year. NEW BUSINESS Calno Recommendation for Resolution for Gambling - Commissioner Warren asked that each member carry back to their board and present for their approval. EDC - Mayor Hilldebrandt volunteered. Iris Benson said she would. They only need 2. It was decided that Iris would go. It was decided to try and send 2., perhaps one and one alternate. Commissioner Warren said she serves on the Board and will send members copies of when the next meeting is so everyone could attend if public is allowed. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Sanford Whitey Eckstein announced they are getting a new plaza and it looks like Toys R Us will be the principle tenant on the east side of the new mall. Also, a new Cracker Barrel is coming in. Several other businesses are scheduled to come in. Tax dedication was also discussed. as well as various traffic and other problems. Commissioner Warren asked about the open air market which will go to P and Z tonight. Whitey said that all he knew is what he had read in the paper. Traffic will be the biggest problem. Taxes go to county not city. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS Commissioner Pat Fernandez mentioned she had a couple of things. An affordable housing program was created a couple of weeks and ago and last night a down payment 5 assistance program. ($72,900.00 and $79,900.00) General discussion commenced requirements, etc. CASSELBERRY Mayor Hillebrandt mentioned that the Village Inn at the end of Dog Track Road is going to be an Angels. A Discovery Zone type place may be coming up soon. Formal action was taken to create a CRA committee redevelopment agency. We've got a map going to the county where we are trying to reach out of our boundary. At the last meeting, we took first reading on fairly comprehensive animal control ordinance and I'll be glad to supply information if anyone is interested. We are the first city in the state to do so and particular in mandatory spaying. It is connected with the purchase of a license. Penalties will occur if not followed. SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Sandy Robinson stated that she appreciated the opportunity for us to host tonight and I think it was very beneficial I hope for all of you. One of the reasons for wanting to do this is that we are taking some flack within the community for why we are spending resources for "bad" kids. "You pay now or pay later". Some of these children are certainly salvageable. We have formulated a Year Round Education task force that is going to start meeting - the next meeting is May 25th at MILWEE at 7:00 p.m. to bring community people together and start an evaluation process. Commissioner Warren had one question about the revolving door concept the children told her about tonight. Sandy told her no, they have one chance. Wolfgang Halbig clarified this position also. Only one time. More discussion followed on the different children and some of the problems connected with the individuals. LAKE MARY Commissioner Gary Brender reported that pigs seem to be the most well known of their problems but they are in the process of being slaughtered so the problem should be over soon. There is a Rhinehart Road study that has been completed. A discussion with county commissioners is coming up soon on drainage, annexation and some other problems. Strang Communications is still looking for location for their international headquarters. Timaucuan is almost out of foreclosure. Sun Bank is staying as the developer. They have hired a gentlemen to run the development. There is a rumor a man is interested in buying the whole Primera tract. We did finish adopting the resolution with the Sanford airport problems that Lake Mary has. Old Lake Mary Days are Saturday, a spring festival. 6 OVIEDO Tom Hagood reported that in Oviedo that a resolution on water reuse system to include a declaratory judgement from the courts to see if a local utility has rights to provide waste water. Hopefully, we will have resolution on that soon. We will meet with FDFT in work session to discuss the realignment of 434. They have made some concessions. They have decided they can make a 90 degree turn. Next month I should have the status on volleyball. This Saturday is the grand opening of the GreenWay. LONGWOOD Iris Benson reported that a new city administrator named Sidney Shelton had begun work. The city had their annual Easter egg hunt and she passed out pictures of her in clown costume. The City Scene was distributed to everyone. Last Thursday, the city hosted a board appreciation dinner at Ramada Inn. Each board member received a certificate and a city pin. It was very nice. Cost was about a $1000.00. YMCA has been allowed to use Candyland Park again this summer. There is a business person of the month. SEMINOLE COUNTY COMMISSION I was going to mention the opening of the Greenway. The only regret is the cost is too high. Seniors and hardship cases should be given a break. The county is doing a considerable amount of affordable housing considerations. We are feeling a definite improvement in the recession time. A motion was moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded and all voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:54 p.m. 7