HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 04 06 Minutes
April 6, 1994
The meeting was called to order by Ccmnissioner Pat Warren, Chairrran, at
7:10 p.m. with a moment of prayer.
Ccmnissioner Warren thanked Conmissioner Eckstein for chairing the last
Present were:
Ccmnissioner Patricia Fernandez, City of Altamonte Springs
Mayor Joseph M. Hillebrandt, City of Casselberry
Conmissioner Iris Benson, City of Longwood
Ccmnissioner Whitey Eckstein, City of Sanford
Conmissioner Pat Warren, Semdnole County Ccmnission
Ccmnissioner Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs
Absent were:
Ccmnissioner Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary
Councilperson Thomas A. Hagood, Jr., City of OViedo
Sandy Robinson, Semdnole County School Board
Guest speakers:
Paul Garcia, Program Director for YMCA
Davia Clemes, Program Director for YMCA
Herb Harden, Planning Manager Semdnole County
Bob Chorvat, Parks & Recreation Manager Semdnole County
Debbie Leigh, Sign Inspector for Semdnole County
Approval of Minutes:
Ccmnissioner Pat Warren asked if there were any corrections. There were no
corrections to the minutes. Ccmnissioner Eckstein moved to approve the
minutes. Seconded by Ccmnissioner Gennell and Mayor Hi 11 ebrandt . Motion
Treasurer's Report:
There was no report due to the absence of the Treasurer.
Old Business:
Sign Coordination Effort:
Herb Harden, Planning Manager Semdnole County, gave the Board Members a copy
of a letter he sent to Conmissioner Warren with attachments. The
attachments were a matrix of all the Cities sign regulations. (attached)
Ccmnissioner Warren said that she realizes that with
matrix that the Board Members have not reviewed this
Members review this for the next meeting and will be
under Old Business.
just receiving the
and asked that the
on the next agenda
Ccmnissioner Warren said that she would really like to see us all look at
interfacing our ordinances so that the cammon agreements that we all agree
on can be listed to an applicant that might come into the City or County so
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April 6, 1994
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that they don't have to fight differences in our ordinances. She said that
she thinks that this would be a service to our business community.
Harden gave a presentation on the matrix. He stated that at the last
meeting Cammdssioner Warren presented a proposal fram the County
Cammdssioners who indicated a desire to work with CALNO in fonnulating a
standard sign ordinance. The County Cammdssion didn't want to take the lead
roll but they wanted to cooperate and provide any Staff that is necessary
and of course work with the other Staff in the Cities to come up with a
standard ordinance.
Harden said that at the last meeting he got the impression that there really
wasn't overwhel~ng support for an over-all comprehensive ordinance. Quite
frankly, unless there is unanimous support on it we probably will be wasting
our time trying to put something together unless everybody can agree on it.
There seemed to be some indication that perhaps on the non-confo~ty issue,
bringing signs into conforrnancy, there may be some interest in pursuing
something that way. Even that in itself can be a major problem, right now
out of all the jurisdictions six have dates for bringing signs down in
height. Three of the jurisdictions have a date to bring all signs into
confo~ty, which would mean taking signs down fram buildings, this will be
a major problem when enforcement time comes.
Harden said that we need to get the elected officials direction of what you
want to do, of what you want to support. If there is any interest on a way
to support, we can get the Staff together and come back with some proposals.
It will have some major impacts in a lot of the areas.
Cammdssioner Eckstein said that one of the things we all need to support are
snipe signs. Discussion. Cammdssioner Warren said that she thinks this
offer us a chance to come into some compliance with each other, this is one
of the subjects that we obviously agree on. Cammdssioner Warren said that
she thinks that we need to put into our codes the ability to enforce and
econcmically to understand if we're having an HBA Show Home and Parade of
Homes, things that are complementary to our econcmic needs in the County, I
think we ought to leave, give them certain guidelines that they can utilize
the right-of-way for decent informative signs for a temporary time.
Cammdssioner Warren stated that pulls us to a real point of cooperative
effort, if we can get our signs in some compliance forms and certainly in
areas of like the snipe signs and things; that we could work together such
as your people could pick up some if they run across our County and we could
pick them up if we run across the City as long as we are all in total
agreement. This is an opportunity and I believe that if it comes out of
CALNO that we are asking all of our government bodies to have a co-op
agreement to work together. Discussion.
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April 6, 1994
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Cornnissioner Warren asked what do we need to do to work together to find the
corrmon denaninators in this matrix. Discussion. Camri.ssioner Warren said
can we go back to our Board and say we want to make a County wide effort
through CALNO to take care of the illegal signs and we are all agreeing to
the same thing that we can pick them up it they no names. If they have a
name we will contact them.
Discussion on how to get together in working on this.
Cornnissioner Gennell said that she thought the consensus of this Board last
meeting was to have the County take the ordinances, which they did, and
compare them to see where they were alike, which they did, and it seems to
me that if we could have sanething drafted as a Phase I - Sign Agreement
that it is what everybody already agrees to. Then pass it around fram City
to City and get them to sign on, that would be one Phase, and then move into
the next less controversial phase on signs, then pass one around tentative
and see if we can get it to be passed by the Cities.
Camri.ssioner Warren said that maybe in preparation in passing the agreement
to the Cities, Mr. Harden could contact the sign person in each of your
Cities and work out the a~nistrative detail of what the background is and
why you are saying one thing and the other City another. Discussion.
Harden said that we need to get together with all the Staff. This matrix
was put together by the 17-92 Cornnittee with all the information. There may
be sane errors in there or where it says silent it may be addressed
sanewhere else. We need to get together and fine tune this thing.
Cornnissioner Warren asked Harden if he gets a feel for what the Board wants.
Harden said that he thinks so, but perhaps the best way is for each City to
appoint a Staff member to serve on the cornnittee and if you could provide
those names to Cornnissioner Warren or her secretary, we will try to set up a
meeting to have an initial Staff meeting and then cane back to CALNO and
tell you what we think is the best way to head.
Cornnissioner Eckstein said let's start with what Camri.ssioner Gennell said.
Harden said like excess flags, banners, trailer signs, things of that
nature. The CALNO members present were all in agreement.
Conmissioner Warren thanked Mr. Harden and Debbie Leigh for attending the
New Business:
Parks & Recreation Presentation:
Cornnissioner Warren introduced Mr. Bob Chorvat, Seminol e County's Parks &
Recreation Manager.
Chorvat showed the Board members a map identifying the different parks in
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April 6, 1994
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Seminol e County. The wap showed not just County parks it showed state and
City parks also. He told the Board a swall history of how the Seminole
County parks got started. Discussion. Chorvat said that the year 97-98 the
County will be built out in the parks that they have now.
Chorvat said that the state allows you in your C~rehensive Plan regarding
parks, is that they allow you to wake your own standards. There is a
reconmenced standard that the state has but they really allow you to do your
own, they also allow you to say what you are going to build. What we did
with ours is nothing that the state had or even what the Cities had or other
Counties didn't seem to work very well with Seminole County; so we developed
our own standard and we developed our own term for our parks - we call our
parks Urban Community Parks which is a combination of an urban park and a
community par. A ccmnunity park usually in the neighborhood of up to 20
acres and it serves a community which way consist of 4 or 5 neighborhoods.
An urban park is a much larger park that way be 150 acres in size and it
serves an urban area. OUr size didn't fit because of the size parks that we
have so the sizes didn't fit but the activities fit so we meshed it together
and said this is Seminole County's plan. Discussion.
Comrndssioner Eckstein said that
program was taken frcm the Seminole
Little League program has 4 to
following your model because that is
the City of Sanford has a Little League
County's program at 5 Points. OUr
5 times more people participating now,
a great baseball program.
Chorvat said that one reason they met with the County Comrndssion and gave
them a presentation was because we are running to the end and wanted them to
give us direction as to what to do next. How do they want us to proceed
forward, if what we are have done is good - how do we enhance it, how do we
develop it better. There are certain locations that we don't reach the
citizens of Seminole County, we have always known that but we can't meet
everyone's needs, we have tried to meet the wajori ty of the needs but we
can't meet all the needs. He also said that Seminole County did not start
up the Seminole Pony Baseball league, they just donated the land and they do
it on their own.
Discussion on the County's neighborhood parks and their special parks which
are basically boat ramps. chorvat said that the special parks are funded
through the Florida Boater Improvement Funds, which is anytime a boat is
registered in Seminole County, certain amount of those dollars come back to
the County for boating related activities. The rest of the funding for
parks & recreation in Seminole County is through general tax dollars.
chorvat said that the County Parks serve anybody that comes to us, they
don't have to be a Seminole County resident. Comrndssioner Warren said that
the cost to a non-County resident is not any different than a County
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April 6, 1994
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Chorvat said that the they got direction fram the County Camrrassioners after
we did our presentation. The direction was that we are developing a task
force which will involve all of the cities or same type of representation
fram the Cities and also the Sheriff's Department, private agencies and the
School Board of Seminole County and representation fram the County
Camrrassion all on this task force to try to give us direction of what we are
going to do after year 97-98. That is where we are at right now, our
direction may change or stay the same and it just may be enhanced. I don't
actually see us changing what we are doing now because business wise you
wouldn't do that but we may get into the area of trying to incorporate
private agencies carning into our facilities and running programs that we
don't run now. It may be that it is a joint venture between us and them,
because there are some services that we don't provide. One of the biggest
services that we don't provide are after school programs or summer programs
which use to be in the past now they are intersession programs. The YMCA
does came into our parks and run the intersession programs.
Conrnissioner Gennell asked if they have a lot of use fram Schools using the
County's parks. Chorvat said that they have a lot of use on certain
activities such as tennis courts, soccer fields and baseball fields. We
have different High Schools that run their leagues (tennis) as well as their
matches and conference championships.
Camrrassioner Gennell mentioned that the City of Winter Springs is in
negotiating an interlocal agreement with the School Board for them using a
piece of our park for soccer, football and band practice. Discussion.
Camrrassioner Warren said that is what she was illuding to when she said that
the County C~ssioners didn't take a different direction fram where they
are they took an additional direction. That additional direction includes
just what Camrrassioner Gennell is talking about, and that is to search for
cooperative areas that they can work with. The High Schools are an ideal
one or other Schools that may happen to have a lot of land that we can co-op
the land and the equipment and perhaps programs fram outside areas so that
we can develop this. It is foolish for a school ground to sit vacant for
many hours of a good long summer day. With Conrnissioner Henl ey on the Board
there seems to be a push towards this. Discussion. Chorvat said that the
ideal area to do the co-op when you are talking about Schools is elementary
and middle schools. Discussion. Ccmnissioner Gennell also mentioned that
last week the City approved to put a putt-putt golf course in our Central
Winds Park. Discussion on user fees for parks in the Cities.
C~ssioner Gennell said with the YMCA doing the inter-session program,
the children fram Winter Springs residents will have priority and if there
are still openings then it will be filled with non-residents.
Paul Garcia, YMCA Program Director, said that the Winter Springs residents
will get our agreement with the City will get our member rate and non-
residents will get the participant rate for the inter-session programs.
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April 6, 1994
Page 6
Camrrdssioner Warren said that she would hope that we would all merge
together in the service to the citizens, in same things, such as the first
response and parks and those sorts of things; that we remove the artificial
lines that are there and work together. Discussion.
Reports fram Members:
City of Winter Springs: Camrrdssioner Gennell said the YMCA representatives
are present to speak on their programs.
Paul Garcia gave the members copies of their brochure on inter-session
programs. He reviewed with the members the YMCA's programs. He stated that
the YMCA is the only agency in Seminole County who is looking to service the
entire County. We have been working on this for quite same time and we are
happy to say that we have came to a point in time that we are able to offer
a package program that we feel is going to meet the majority of the needs of
the residents of Seminole County. Our over all goal was to provide
strategic locations throughout the County for parents and children to have
child care. Presently we have 17 before and after school sites in Seminole
County that services over 800 students. We realize that there is a huge
need that will came as a result of inter-session schools. Discussion. We
have been actively trying to pursue any feasible site available in the
County to get where we need to be; starting the first of June to offer the
programs. Our biggest problem is transportation, we have had to move away
fram just using parks, and now working with Cities that have encl osed
recreation centers.
Camrrdssioner Warren said that the YMCA has a good opportunity to work with
the County on same of the lands that the County is acqu~nng to build a
facility that would be a community use type of facility. She said that they
should put together a package and present this to the County Camrrdssion
before budget time. We don't have a lot of money to give but we have some
land and if you could build on a lease arrangement on the land, I would
think that something could be worked out. We have same parcels of land that
are smaller than what we can use for a park that might could be used for
some of your facilities. Regarding bussing, the Lynx people are anxious to
help with children transportation.
Garcia said that we have set forth in the very onset of our participation in
this, is to say that we cannot do this alone nor do we feel we are capable
of it as far as getting the facilities and transportation. We are great in
providing the staff, the insurance, the qualities and standards for running
a child care program and enrichment programs, but all of the other
infrastructures we need assistance with.
Davia Clemes, program director, said that we are in the formal contract
pending basis with the City of Winter Springs and the City of Longwood.
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April 6, 1994
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Clemes said that if any member knows of any areas in Sanford, because it is
a critical area, right now we are not prepared to provide child care
services for and no one else in that area is so we are taking any
suggestions. Discussion regarding low income. Garcia said that they have
financial assistance available. ComrrUssioner Gennell said that the City of
Winter Springs will subsidize some children to cover whatever the cost of
scholarships for the children who can't afford the program.
Garcia said the emphasis that he would like to make tonight is the needs are
still there, because we are trying to reach and be geographically situated,
because we can no longer offer transportation like we have in the past, the
cost is so great that we had to drop that, the area of Sanford and the area
of Altamonte, Forest City and Wekiva. Discussion.
ComrrUssioner Gennell reported that the City of Winter Springs will be having
a 35th Anniversary and she thinks it will be June 20th and she will be
sending invitations to each of the Mayors and the County ComrrUssion.
Altamonte Springs: ComrrUssioner Pat Fernandez reported that the City of
Altamonte Springs has passed their audit.
Casselberry: Mayor Hillebrandt reported that the City of Casselberry has
finalized their refunding of their utility Bonds, he said that he was happy
with the Staff for everything they did on that. Mayor Hillebrandt also
reported that the City has "backed down" on the liquor services issue for
two establishments in the City. He also mentioned that the City's
development review comrrUttee has received plans for a new Builders Square II
on 17-92 across fram City Hall and the new Target store.
Longwood: Corrmissioner Iris Benson reported that the City of Longwood is
getting new fire trucks. They are also having a Board appreciation day,
which is their first, all the Board members and same City Staff and
Corrmissioners will attend. They just did the City Scene which is an
informative mail-out for the residents. She also reported that they now
have their new City AdrrUnistrator.
Sanford: Corrmissioner Whitey Eckstein reported that the City of Sanford has
contracted their Downtown Waterfront project with the University of Florida
Architects to do same sort of master planning so they can market downtown to
Seminole County: Corrmissioner Pat Warren reported that they have a
volunteer appreciation time caming up this month.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully SubnUtted,
Margo Hopkins,
Recording Secretary