HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 03 02 Minutes
MAR 29. 1994 3:17PM ~470 P.02
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County met in Regular
Meeting on Wednesday, March 2, 1994, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the
City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, sanford, Florida.
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford, CALNO Acting Chairman
Mayor Joseph M. Hillebrandt, Casselberry
Commissioner Gal-y Bl"ender, Lake Mary
Commissioner Iris Benson, Longwood
Councilperson Thomas A. Hagood, Jr., Oviedo
Board Member Sandy Robinson, Seminole County school Board
Corunissioner Cindy Gannell, Winter Springs
Commissioner Pat Fernandez, Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission, CALNO Chairman
Don Eslinger, Seminole County Sheriff
Kevin Grace, Assistant County Manager, Seminole County
Herb Hardin, Planning Manager, Seminole County
William Simmons, City Manager, Sanford
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development, Sanford
Tony Martin, Home Builders Association
Ben Tucker, Greater Orlando Realtors Association
Diane Kramer, Facilities Planner, Seminole County School Board
Mary Robinson, Land Development Coordinator, Altamonte Springs
Pledge of Allegiance
Acting Chairman Eckstein called the Meeting to order at
7: 00 0' clock P..M., and announced that CoJ1UTtissioner Warren was ill
and would not be in attendance this evening.
Acting Chairman Eckstein asked Commissioner Brender to serve as
CALNO's Treasurer, and requested that he mail CALNO dues letters,
and pay a florist bill.
Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger shared some statistics
regarding the Corronunity service Program, as follows: S~minole
County: 938 clients, convicted of a misdemeanor, on probation; of
those 938 clients, 81% are currently employed; 520 (69%) being
professionals/skilled, with a total of 35,000 community service
hours. State Department of Corrections: 3600 clients on
probation, of those 3600 clients, 37% are employed full-time, with
each client averaging 50 to 100 community service hours. Sheriff
Eslinger requested a letter of commitment from each City indicating
interest in the program and the different types of jobs available.
MAR 29. 1994 3:18PM ~470 P.03
Also, the Seminole County Sheriff's Office is sponsoring an open
house at the Airport, on Saturday, March 19, 1994, from 9:00 A.M.
to 3:00 P.M.
Election of new Treasurer
Co~nissioner Fernandez moved to appoint Commissioner Gary Brender,
city of Lake Mary, as CALNO TreaSurer. Seconded by commissioner
Benson and carried unanimously.
Acting Chairman Eckstein requested that Mayor Hillebrandt send
Chairman Warren all 1993 records and past minutes for the notebook.
Acting Chairman Eckstein reported that the Seminole County Board of
County Commissioners approved CALNO's recommended appointments of
commissioners Fernandez and Hagood to the Tourist Development
council, and Commissioner Hagood to the Seminole County Expressway
Acting Chairman Eckstein reported that Chairman Warren has
contacted Representative Lee Constantine regarding CALNO's
opposition to HB 405, cutting Urban Forestry funds; and Gary Siegle
relative CALNO'S support of the initiative to allow Cities and
other entities to opt-out of the Florida Retirement System.
Acting Chairman Eckstein stated that Commissioner Gannell has
provided a letter concerning the Lake Jessup Bill, and asked
Commissioner Gannell if she wished to speak regarding same.
commissioner Gannell gave some background regarding Marvin Couch's
proposed Lake Jessup Bill, stating that said Bill would legislate
the friends of Lake Jessup, the St. Johns Water Management District
and several other entities, as a committee to make recommendation
to rcstol-e the lake to its original conditions I and to oversee
funds for said restoration. Commissioner Gannell requested that
CALNO support the Lake Jessup Bill.
Acting Chairman Eckstein read a thank you letter from Betty Jore.
Acting Chairman Eckstein reported receipt of CALNO's last notice
from Seminole County Public schools, to apply for a tax number.
After discussion, the Council concurred not to pursue a tax number
because of the expense involved.
commissioner Fernandez stated that the City of Altamonte Springs
passed the Mediation Resolution.
commissioner Benson reported that the City of LongWood did not pass
this resolution, and reviewed proposed changes.
FROM: C I T'r' CLE;:.(K
MHR 29, 1994 3: 18P~1 t.l470 P. 04
After review and discussion of the proposed changes, Acting
Chairman Eckstein asked Commissioner Benson to forward a copy of
same to each Council member for review and further discussion at
the next CALNO Meeting.
Commissioner Gannell l'eported that she has not received a copy of
CALNO's originating documents. Acting Chairman Eckstein apologized
for the delay, and stated that he would send Commissioners Gannell
and Brender information relative how CALNO originated and what it
hopes to accomplish.
Review of Ordinances and Interlocal Agreement regarding signage
along the 17-92 corridor.
Herb Hardin, Planning Manager, Seminole County, reported that after
the Board of County Crnnmissioners indicated that they wanted to
work with Cities in developing a standard County-wide sign
ol"dinance, the Seminole Chamber of Commerce formed a Conuni t tee
comprised of City/County Staff and local businessmen, and developed
a proposed sign ordinance, which was forwarded to CALNO in
December, 1993. No elected officials were involved in formulating
this ordinance, but the Board of County commissioners would like
input from officials befol'e moving forward. The County has offered
t.o provide a draft ordinance as recommended by CALNO, and to
coordinate with any outside agencies as necessary. Mr. Harding
suggested that City/County Staff meet and work with interested
ci tizens, and come back with a presentation at the next CALNO
After discussion of each City's sign codes/ordinances, the
consensus of the Council was that said codes/ordinances were
comprehensive and adequate, that setting minimal sign
guidelines/standards and tightening up overall requirements to
achieve more uniformity throughout the County would be desirous,
but they would not be supportive of major revisions which would
reduce existing City sign codes/requirements.
Commissioner Gannell proposed that the County be provided a copy of
each City's ordinance, for further review/evaluation, and provide
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development, Sanford, reported
that the Committee has reviewed each City's sign codes, with the
exception of Altamonte Springs and Oviedo, and has prepared a
spread sheet of comparisons.
Max Mogel, Member, Seminole Chamber of Commerce Committee, stated
that local businessmen agree that there needs to be some sign
conformity from City to City, that the Committee has prepared a
schedule and would like to review same at the next CALNO Meeting.
MAR 29, 1994 3:19PM ~470 P.05
William Simmons, City Manager, Sanford, stated that perhaps one
contribution CALNO could make would be to agree on a comparable
sunsct.ting of non-confol"rning signs that differ from jurisdiction to
Tony Martin, Home Builders Association, reported that the proposed
sign ordinance is too restrictive, that the Committee did not have
representation from the Home Builders Association or the Greater
Orlando Realtors Association, and that these groups need to have a
voice in establishing/structuring such an ordinance.
Ben Tucker, Greater Orlando Realtors Association, reiterated that
both boards need to be involved in the process.
Mr. Mogel reported that the these organizations were not included,
because the Committee did not have sufficient time to address home
builder/real estate signs/billboards.
Mr. Hardin reported that the County has a three-year deadline for
non-conforming signs.
Dianne Kramer, Facilities Planner, Seminole county School Board,
l"eportcd that it is logical to identify some maj or commercial
corridors in the county, and work at consistent ordinances for
those corridors, but you do not need to extend it to the total
John Casselberry, Member, Chamber of Commerce Committee, reported
that an inter local agreement would be easier than a standardized
City ordinance.
Mary Robinson, Land Development Coordinator, Altamonte Springs,
reported that the idea of a consistent non.conforming sunset would
be beneficial for everyone.
After discussion, the Council concurred to have Commissioners
Fernandez and Hagood provide the County with a copy of Altamonte
Springs and Oviedo's sign codes/ordinances, for incorporation into
the proposed ordinance, for further review and discussion at the
April 6, 1994, Meeting.
Lake Jessup Bill.
Commissioner Gannell stated that she would like to entertain a
moti6n to endorse the Lake Jessup Bill.
Acting Chairman Eckstein stated that, in all fairness, this issue
should be taken back to the respective Commissions, and considered
at the next CALNO Meeting. The council concurred.
Commissioner Gannell requested resolutions of support from each
MAR 29, 1994 3:20PM ~470 P.06
Board Member Robinson reported that the board is setting up the
particulars for t.he May, 1994, Meeting. There are 15 to 16
students in the "Project Excell" Program, which allows expelled
students back into the system to get a GED. Further, juvenile
justice will affect the Seminole County school District in many
ways, and will take considerable funding.
Commissioner Brender stated looks forward to getting familiar with
how CALNO works.
Commissioner Benson reported that the Farmers Market is progressing
well. The City is renovating two bathrooms in the City Chambers.
AS of Friday, there were four remaining candidates for the position
of City Administrator. The Lyman High School Girl's Soccer Team
received an award.
Mayor Hillebrandt reported that the Seminole County Fair, which
will be open through March 6, 1994, is going well, and that vendors
arc already requesting to come back next year. The City is
refinancing bonds in amount of 13 million dollars. Further, he
will be pushing heavy for annexation reform when he attends
Legislative Action Day on Wednesday, March 23, 1994. Mayor
Hillebrandt stated that he is concerned about the prospect of
casino gambling coming to the area, and that he would like some
suggestions on how to approach this issue from the City of
Casselberry's standpoint.
Commissioner Gannell reported that the YMCA has been invited to
attend the next City Commission Meeting to discuss the youth
program. The City will celebrate its 35th Anniversary in June,
1994. Further, Eagle Ridge, a 400 plus housing development south
of SR 434, has broken ground. Also, interviews are continuing for
City Planner and Assistant City Manager.
Commissioner Fernandez stated that the Historical Commission is
compiling a bibliography of the City of Altamonte Springs and its
cit.izens, for the City's 75th Anniversary next year. The City had
its first Valentines Day Music Festival. On JUly 2, 1994, there
will be an event associated with the World Cup Soccer League.
Commissioner Fernandez reported that according to the results of a
recent sociological data survey, an overwhelming majority of
Altarnonte Springs citizens think their tax dollars are being spent
wisely, and are pretty much satisfied with everything with the
exception of the City's water quality. Also, most citizens said
they feel safer living in Altamonte Springs than they would in
other communities, and that the main topic of concern is crime.
MAR 29, 1994 3:21PM ~470 P.07
Commissioner Hagood reported that the United Statas Volleyball
Association's Site Selection committee came to Central Florida to
see the City's proposed '3 million dollar volleyball training
facility site, that Oviedo is one of the four remaining City's
being considered for this site, and that the Committee will make
its final decision for presentation to the board in May, 1994. The
City of oviedo is excited about this prospect because the
volleyball industry brings over 22,000 hotel room nights to an
area, and will bring approximately 6 to 10 million dollars a year
to the local economy. Commissioner Hagood stated that there needs
to be a team effort of all conununi ties in Orange and Seminole
Counties, and requested that each City adopt a resolution
supporting the concept.
Commissioner Benson moved to approve the Minutes of February 2,
1994. Seconded by Commissioner Fernandez and carried unanimously.
Acting Chairman Eckstein reported that after spending 41 million
dollars, the City of Sanford did not discharge one drop of water
into the lake last month. The Museum 1s now open. Also, he is
hopeful that the Master Waterfront project, which is moving at a
good pace, will help the image of Sanford.
The April 6, 1994, Meeting will be held at Winter Springs City
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Warren, CALNO Chairman
nda L. Brace,
City of Sanford