HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 02 21 Memo Re: County Wide Sign Standards
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February 21, 1994
From: Herb Hardin, Current Planning Manager ~B\l
Subject: County Wide Sign Standards
The Seminole Board of County Commissioners have assigned me as the County staff
representive to CALNO, to provide any assistance that you request in developing a
standard county wide Sign Ordinance. In that capacity, either lor a member of my staff
will attend any CALNO meeting regarding signage and will look forward to working with
the CALNO representives and various staff members from the municipalities in drafting a
standard sign code.
In 1993, the Greater Seminole County Chamber of Commerce appointed a
DesignlRegulatory Committee to formulate, among other things, a proposed standard for
signage along Hwy 17-92. Although not adopted by any of the juristictions along Hwy 17-
92, these proposals could serve as a starting point for the development of standard sign
regulations throughout Seminole County.
The Sign Regulations, as proposed by the Greater Seminole Chamber of Commerce's
Highway 17-92 DesignlRegulatory Design Committee, if adopted as County wide
standards, would result in the following modifications to the Seminole County Land
Development Code:
1. Prohibit trailer signs except for grand openings and one special promotion per
year. Comment: Existing code permits up to three trailer sign permits per year.
2. Limit size of changeable copy signs to a maximum area of changeable copy to
40% of sign. Comment: Existing code is silent to the size of changeable copy as
long as overall sign does not exceed the size limitations.
3. Prohibit off-premise advertising signs, except for billboards. Comment:
Existing code allows temporary off-premise advertising signs for new
subdivisions.(one year maximum duration). Those would not be permitted under
.. ..,.
4. Roof signs that are erected wholly upon or over a roof would be prohibited.
Comment: Existing code is silent to roof signs.
5. Prohibit beacon lights, except for grand openings and special promotions.
Comment: Existing code is silent to beacon lights.
6. Only one flag pole (flag) to be permitted per 300', or portion thereof, of road
frontage. Comment: Existing code allows four flags, regardless of size of parcel.
7. Signs for special promotions, including banners, pennants, beacon lights, and
balloons, permitted once a year, for ten days. Comment: Existing code only
allows inflatable advertising balloons for special promotions, once a year, for seven
days. The existing code, which is more restrictive, would apply.
8. Ground sign setbacks shall be 51 from the RO.W., 20' from side lot lines and 50'
from residential zoning districts. Comment: Existing code is silent to ground sign
setbacks except for requiring a 10' setback from the roadway pavement.
9. Require that all ground/pole signs to have vertical supports enclosed in a
landscaped base. Comment: existing code is silent regarding enclosing or
landscaping of vertical supports for ground/pole signs.
10. Non-conforming on-premise signs would not have to be brought into
compliance with new code until the existing business is closed or the sign needs
repair. Comment: If the existing code is not changed, the existing code would
prevail and all signs over 15' in height would have to be lowered to 15', by January
1, 1995.