HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 02 10 Letter Re: Final Copy of "Friends of Lake Jessup" [' o (\ .. ....--:=::.. '- .<~\NTE'.,?' ~/C*,;,.. '., .-S'''%. /-. . 1\ u ' .. , (j,. Itllorru,,~ I , It.r;~ I "~~/ .' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 February 10, 1994 Commissioner Pat Warren, CALNO Chairperson Seminole County Board of Commissioners 1101 East First Street Sanford, FL 32771 Dear Commissioner Warren: () L~' fOA ~ ~~I l;JCP oW ~ +~ ~ l\^ ~ aJ1~ l V\.3..;j I -rh Enclosed is the final copy of the "Friends of Lake Jessup" bill which was submitted to the Clerk in the House of Representatives this week. Would you please distribute it to the CALNO representatives along with the March agenda so that they have adequate time to review it prior to that meeting? Thank you very much for your assistance. Yours truly, ~.~~ Cindy Gennell, Commissioner Enclosure Imh -......,. ...?~~~.f' . " .'~~~.~. . "~:f(.~~.~.'.'::.. . .:....I...L . ;:'::.;,': o n ..\ 2 3 4 5 , 7 . 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1t ao 21 u Z3 24 25 26 27 28 2. 30 31 o 515-114-1"4 A An act relatln9 to providing tor Lake Je.up," a Lake ba,in manAgement team, pr r llIembeuhip, ptovhUng purpe.e and ptavidi~9 for funding, provldtn9 for travel expenles and per dielll: requirin, a rtport to the Lettel.ture, providin, for a,enoy -.. participation and cooperatlon, requlrlng the St. John. River Mater Managlment District to provide administrative, technical, and Il.cal lupportl provldln9 an appropriation: provldln, for !uture r.ptal, prov141n, an effective dat., WHCA~, the wegillature recogni.ee the l.pottanoe of 1.provin9 ~attt quality 1n lurtao. ~attr. with regional or .tatewlde .i9Difl~.n~e, and NIIRIA', Lake Jelup, a lake which fluctuate. with the St. JOhnl Rlvtr eYltt. In4 .noompa.... bttw.en 9,150 acre. at low wat~r and 13,034 acre. at high water, 1. an lmpor~.nt natu~al re.ource of regional and .tatewlde 119nlflcance, an important economic r..ouree, and a habltat for rt.ld.ftt Ind mi,ratory fi.h and waterfowl, and NBIaIAS, endantered .,eclt', lueh a. the ..natee and bald .a91., and .p.olt. of spealal COneefft, .ueh a, the lbll, wood stork, and .and hill orane, U'I thi, lake and ba,1n a, habitat, .~d MHlREAI, hi.torical1y, Lake Jeeup h.. b.en . p~l"ry destinatlon of lporl: flsh.r..n, & navigable waterway, and a ':~',:,i,. , I bee: 1 ,a 1 .4 1 .1 1.S 1 .7 1.8 1.' 1.11 l.tJ 1,1:1 1.14 1.15 1 .,, , . , . '.20 1.21 1.U 1.24 1.21 1 .27 1.2' 1.30 t.J2 CODING: Worda ,It..MIR ac. delel:lo~., wotdl 'underline. art addltlon,. . i ""-",' -"",,~'''- ----'. I l..-",-' "...J I _'---'- 11'_'. I ..1.._'. -"'._' .. J..' . " o 5'5-114-1-4 5 S 7 8 !J J. 10 11 12 13 14 0 15 16 17 11 U 2Q 21 22 23 . n waterway eapable oe .upportLn;,oommerc., travel, In4 Z recreation, and 3 WHEReAS, the water quaue)' andJ~iolo91calI;OIlllft\ln1tl.. . 4 of Lak. JI.Up have deteriorated, and ~. " . ' WHEREAS, t..toration of Lak. J..up ha. be.n a .tatld .'''.. objective of stat. aQtnCies for .ome year., h~..ver, th.., .. ..... \ agenci.. have acquired insuttioient data on tht, characteristics and condition of the lake to dtt,cmlne appropriate restoratlon and mana9.m.nt .trate91.., and WHEREAS, a coordinated effort .hould ba ..d" coa~lnin9 .~ .c1entlfic lIIethods, eHact1ve .eOly.t... _nave.ant. ttChn1qu.., biolo91cal principles, and r..ll.tic Qonatructlon and reatoratlon practic.., to determine the de9re. ot r.ltoration de.ired .nd po,s1ble, with con.ideration to cost-etreetivena.. over the 10n9 term, and WHEREAS, a coord1nation of Itat. a91nc1 prQ9rlm. and the lntenslve effort n.,dtd to deterMine the be.t po..Lb1. .ethod, of re.toration or enhanQt...nt shodeS involve repre.entative. of cltllen and con..rv.tion of,.niaation. knowled9..ble about take J..up and CQngerneeS with re.tor1n, or enbanc1ng tbe hk.ln an eoolo,1ca11y lound anel ...thtUoaUy plea.ln9 m~nner that tak.. into consideration and balanc,. both hu.an and wi1dl1:e needl in ~k. Jt.up In4 the Ja.up 24 b.. in, NOW, THEREFORE, Z!J :26 Ie It Enact.d by the te9illatut. of the Itat. of rlorida. 27 2. Zg 30 31 Section 1. ,o11cy...The tegi.lature h'ft~Y dlr.c~, ~be St. John. liver Water Mana9...nt Oiltrlct, In eaniunatlon with the D.~~tment of Bnvlronmental Prot.~tl~n('~he G~. and Frein Water rllh Commis.lon, Semlnol. County, the ~ltY at Winter 2 CODING: Nords .t.'e~eft are deletions, words ~derllned ar, additions. ,.~ '\0 o. . ' '.r." ,'. ':. ~"~.I .. " .... .' I. :!, I~.~ 1.33 1,"". '<I~~ 1.35 1.3' 1.37 1.3t 1 .41 1.41 , . 4. 1.U t .41 1 ;., 1.41 1 .50 1.n 1.13 1.55 t ... 1.51 1.59 , .fO '~, Iltne ,.,. f.U ~ !.56 I.n 1.68 . I ......L.' t,;.., I _''""1' 11'_" 1 .,L"_'.~..L J, J..... II....I- I 1'_'. ~""'ff,-:w.' """. .; , .. ~ ..~7;.. . ;, ~~( .: ;~ .~. o 515-114-1.4 SprinQI, the City- of Oviedo, the City of Sanford, and the 1." 2 cit:he.D,.lIll11beu of the 1:'.111 ..ta~l~IJl,~btt~b aot, to. 1.70 3 .l') Initlat. a pUot 'proj.ct for Lake .1esulJ ~ , Ilul 4 identity an .nvlronmentAllY-. lound, economically f.~,1b~e ",nd 1 . 73 5 reatonable method for rl.torina or enhancinq Lak..1I.uD. 1.74 6 j2) Identify and OOMDil. all Dt.vl0Q.ly Qolltot.d 1:1QI 7 data, r'lIibiU~~ .l:l.1di... D&,ODO.,1&, and other DUbUc or 1.71 I Qovernmental rlco.mmendationa aCQu1red for or dev.loH4 by , .71 9 a~lncil', In.titutlon8 ot hioher If.rnlngj,or ~~bl( !O~itl.., 1.7' ('1 '0 10011.1d1nl the for.er Lake.Je,uD R.,tor.tlon 'a!klorc,. " (]) Rlvl.w and consolidate th'" date and all known , 12 methods, th,ori.., and DroDo.al. fot teetorino or ,nhancing 13 Lakl Je,uD. for con,14er.tlon by thl tta. l~tabll~hld ~t this 14 act. - , .., l11us 1 .84 2.2 15 Seotion 2. D.llnltlon..-"Lake Je,uD an~ the J~'UO 2.C (' 15 buin" lnclude. thl lovlr.lt,1nty- .u~erQtd laM. of LaIC, ,z.,"'.q 2.' , 17 to thl ordinary bioh-wat.r line al detlr.l~.d ~r d.'9fl~'d by 18 methodoloqy u...s _by Jib,.. Q~vhion of state Land, of the z.e 19 O,partlll"t of Jlnvlronlgental ProtecUOn,tholt lIft~' .nd wIJtrl 2.9 20 described ... th, JIIUD .1IJ.n 1n thl Jltu; ...~" Flood. cpU1n 2.10 21 Man.a,mlnt studY of , 9'1, the lands and water, ...t at.ltatl 2.'2 22 Road..." and 427. a. <Ifact 1"-d 1n ~I). 91' al)dl9~41er Crlek. 2. U 23 Flood 'la1n Manaaement Study of 19", DUDared bY~h.Unitlst 2.1. 24 StattlDeDAftlllnt ot AGrlculture .soil eons.rvation ',rvlee, 1n 2.16 25 cocDeration with the florIda oe~artm.nt 0' ~..\!pHY Attain 2.17 26 and thl St. John.R!Ytr WattJ' ~n.aem~nt Dilute'. and 2.11 21 t100dplain lands ~~lng b.tween S~I~' ~oad 434, Lake Je'IlD, ,n4 2." 28 the two above-described .tudy ar.... 2.21 29 Sectlon 3. rrien~. of Lake J'IUD.-~Therl 1, h.rlb~ 2.22 30 created I Lake Je,uD restoration .nd baaln aan4aement tt~lI, to 2.23 31 be known al the "Friend. of Lake JesuD," an4 referre4 to ln llqq 3 COOING. "01:48 .etteMtn ace deletions: wor48 u~4tfl1ne4 Irt Iddlelonl. (' n , l 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 115 17 18 19 20 21 n 23 24 25 21 n 28 29 ]0 31 n 515-114-1-4 this Ict IS the "team.". The 1;..11'1 shall !?e ,dyhon '0 the ~overnlnQ boud ot the at:. John. River Water IqnaGtmtnt Q.l=ttrlct. (1) The team shall conlbt of the fOllowinG. Iftembln. nch 'D;Ol"1;.d by1;he relDec~iVt trttitv ~h' "'.,bet regu..nUI (a) A re~(e..n"tat.,iY'-p-o-1..S!'e Depart.ment, of Illv lrOlUllent'~ r~Wc;:t:1qn. (b) A fe~t'...n~,t.lv, 2' the 1'1or1d~ Game and Fre.h Water Pllh CommissLon. tc) A ulu:t.entat1Y, o( .the St. Johnl aiver Water .~ "f"t9\mentRl'1;rlct. (4) A rIDf..lntat1v, of the 11'0" .amllock A.,oaLldon. t I) A uDn..ntaUve of the fU.1=awll1a IOl!lHwnen AllociaUon. (f) A rlPre.entatlye of the South Lake Je'UD Shore. Homlownerl Aelociation. (a) A repre.entative of Protect OUr W.ter. an . "JOCUt1on of .1~9CJ.tl~nl nRr..,ntina clHltftl J.n t~, Oentv. ar.. on 'he ..It ,14e of ~.~. Jt'UD. (h) A ftDfe.entaelve of the !e~~~ ~.~~ Je,uD lomeownera A'loclation. (1) A r'21e.~t,~lve o~ the Slerra Clu~~ ~entrf~ r.1ori4a Groug. (j) A r."r...ntat;i.v. of the Friend. of ttle 't. Johnl. (k) A reDt,.entative of the rl~rl4f Trail AI.ocl~tl0n. (1) A reD~...nt.tlve of the Board of Co~nty Comm~..Lonerl of I..~~ol. Count~. la) A rlDre.entatlve ot the City of Oviedo Cl~y Counc U. (n) A repr...neatlve of the City of Winter 'arlna. <<i1ty CouncU. 4 'l'Ii'~~:' 2.27 2.21 1: lUI 2.30 2.3t 2.32 , alul 2.35 , alul a.u 2.40 1alus a.u 1alu. 2.45 1 :hl 2.4. 2.41 'aluI 2.51 2~S2 2.14 2.S' ':lus 2.59 1 :lul 2.&' la1us z.n CODEId: Wordl .t'*e~ea ate deletions: words underlined ate .dd1tion.. , . '" of:., r, 515-114.1-4 .~; ""1 (0) A reet'tentative of the City of S.n~ot4 City 2.65 2 COLlnd 1. . (' 3 (1)) A rl1>u..ntativ, ot the OunCJe Beat, c:hb. 4 (2) Th, ~Ul'\,o.. ot th,e t...alJl ~hall be tcu 5 la) Prcvidea mean, by which r'Dr..~nt.tly.. e~om 6 .tat. a,enei", county and city Qovernm.nt', involv'd 1 ~on..tv.tien croant.atiens, and the publi~ through hom.owner 8 or ~l'ODtl'ty cwner cr9In~..t1on., can ,vl1u.t't tDI..&"acrl"".Di 9 nee4. cf the LakI. Je~\.lDb.~\n and the d,cue, ~fr"tout1on or 10 Inhanelml.nt IQoloql..;al1,y and .conol'lllCau.~ ~..lbh and 11 d.,lrabll COt Lake J..uP. 12 (b) Determlne and lll~lement meaIU!" taken 1n the 13 publie inte~Ist to rlltore or .nhan~, ~~~, ~,.uP, purlij4ng 14 methode and ~llcL.. that w1ll, cVIr , ~r10d 0; t1m" ..eor4 15 lasting blnttitl and ~,lt1v. r..ult.. 16 (cl Secure Unancing through any or .11 avanable 17 m,a"., bOth DubUc and pd vat.. ne.ded tQ re.tortor 'I)hl.no. 18 Lake ""up, includinG IIOney. from the pollutJ.ol\ a.cov.ry Trult 19 fund, ~h. wn.:Qu.Uty Allurance Trult pund, th. !&.!. O~~ 20 RlVen DrOG'''', and the Surtace M.ter ImDfov...nt ~ 21 Manage.ent pro;r~( .nd from o~h.~ Qtant. andDroara~, and t9 Z2 determinl and or101:1\:1Ie the ex,.ndlt~f.t of th'., funeS.. / 23 (d) Encouraae the coo~er.~op, advice. an4 24 pattieipatLoft of theUnlttd S~att' Army COrDI of Snain',r., 25 the Un1te4 Stat,. Env1ronmental Pl'ct.ctl~ AG.noy,~h! United 2' 't.~t' Dt~rt.,n~ of C~ttc.. the United State, D"&"'.lftt of 27 the Inudof, the Un1tt4 Stat.. 'lIh ."d IfU~~U. ,nY1c,( and 28 theUnlte4 St.te. CO.lt Guard, .. well 'I the 4~elo"'nt of 29 fed.fal leQl.l.~Lon to D~oYld. tor .uch cOODlt_ticft, a4vlee, 30 tnd aartleLgatlon. 31 Stetlon 4. 'ower. and d~ti...-- 5 n 2." 1 I 11.1.. , llul 2." 2.72 2.73 2.'S 2.17 ,.11.1.. 2.80 2." 2.82 ,.h. 2.84 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.$ 3.. 1 111.1.1 3.9 3.\0 3.12 3.14 3.15 J. ,. COOING, Wordl "f.e~eft art deletions: wordl underlined aft additions. . ... " ".' , ';ff,~"~:: " n n 1 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 ,. 10 11 12 1] 14 15 16 17 11 19 20 21 22 23 if 25 26 Z7 ~8 29 30 31 'r' --po~. . '~;:"' '.','.t. ;. ,\ . ,. .' I ;.' .....'. 515"114--'-4 (1) The team Ihall hav. the Dower and duty tOt 3.1' Ie) Rtvlewl;ydi.., dua, recommendation., end 1111,1. D:OOOla1. .Dt~1~\~I+l~ telated to lake :..~orltlon or 3.Z1 tnhanc:tlllenttechntqu.. .net to advls. the c;ovel:'1\1ml b91~d o( 3. ZZ the St. Johns River Water Manaaement O).tr~ci_tlga~dina 3.23 ,olutton, to be considertd for restoratlon or .n~anc~e~t Of 3.24 Lake "'.IUD. Cb) Make r:ecOllllllenda~~oo, to the Governlna ~ar4 of th' ,.11.1. St. John. River water ~naG.~nt 011~rlot for a Lake J"UD 3.27 nltoution and baain manaa.mlnt q{oot.... U the GoverninG J.2I .~ baird ot the St. ~ohnl Riv,r Na~er Mlnaaement Di.trlot do.. 3.Z9 not adogt all the reco.andations offeu4 ~, the t...., th' Cloverning board .hall Dfovld.. wrltt.n.....tat...nt txD1alnina, 3.30 the reuo"s f.ol: its d.ttr.ina~ion. (2) In carl:r~nq~ou~.l~1 dutles and ~'IDO~.lbl1~tl... the team 1.1 a!i!thculzed "0 call 111;10" .~y d.DUt.tnt, oUl~'f ,d1v1Iio"# '~e~eY, or ROlltlcll ,~bdlvi.lon of the .tatt to SUDD1, 1t with !v.~l,~l~ data, rtDOrtl, or oth.r lneormat~on . it d..m.n.c:..~.ry. 1a9D d,JHftll.ftt. offict, c!1vlI1on, aaency, ot. 'QSll1Uca~ subdlvl110n of tht 'tate 1, Incoi[Ud, to the extent flllD~' .~4 q091i1tent with la., to cO~Dltl~t with the t.am 'nl.Cv,n~~ it with availabl. lnfor.ation, Detlonn.l, and a.'let.ne. to accom~li.h tht DUfDO... of thi. ~ J.42 3.31 1.1\11 3.34 3.35 S.U J.38 J.3t 3.41 (3) Befor. Novembet 1 of .acft year, the t... Ihall 3.44 t'DOtt dir.ctly to the IlNtaleer of t~e .oun of R'Dt...ftUt1ve~ :I. 4S and the preliden~ of en. Stnatt wi,th . Lake J.IUD rtl'ir,Clon :1.41 or enhancement and ba,ln manaaement proar", reaort a"~ any 3.41 recommendations regarding Laka JeluD for tn. followinG tlleal ~ 3.4' 6 CODING. Words .t~.eM.ft ate deletion.: words underllned ara addition.. ....:i. ~. ,.., \.... ~r<.. n n. ,,; .. FEB-C17 - "34 ['101.1 1 D: 44 I [i : . . 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 ~. 10 11 12 13 14 15 tIS 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2t 25 36 27 2' 3t 30 31 rEL tliJ: t:liJi;?_~U:D:3 , , '1.lM'~": "5-114-1-4 (4) Members of the team .hall .erve without 3.51 2 comD.nJatlo~, but .h.ll b. entitled ~o Der d1,. and traYI! ex!,).n... in accordance with .. 112.041, Florida 8tatut... 3.53 Sectlon 5. I)utitl Of !~t..er ~n__Q'A\ent: diltf1ct.--Th. l.n Qovecnlng boud ot the St:. Johns River Water ManlUBot ai.trice, as advised by the team, shall identlt~ In~ 3.57 coordinate ca.ks to b. undertaken by the district, thl 3.5' OeDartment ot Enviro~ental ProteoUon, the. <<;,tile an~ rUlh 3. Sf Watlr Fish COIIIIi181ol\, and affected \OCI\ CoveL'QVn~'t ~!1 3.61 order to fnltlatlthe Dl1Qt Dro~ect for L&k'J'~~o, Thl 3.13 oov.~ninq board .~ll~ IS nlld.d: (1) Conduct watlr .a.1,)111\Q ~f the like I~d itl a..oeiated tdblau1..,. to determine ,dltinG .atlt Quality aftd thl lonG-tea efhet, af.nutritnt loadino. ( 2) MaR and 11\I1YII .leUuaU of Lake orllUD to cSetenftJ.ne their:' ch.ra;teF' ~1atfloIlUon, anI! d'Dt:b. 3.61 3.61 3.156 3.61 , Ilu. 3.70 (3) Ixgin. the fl.,-dbl1J.ty of technlcrullt:o rt~tor:. I 1.1uI DOr~q if ~h, fl00dD~.1n marlh o~ Lakl JIIUD. (t) Day.10D aDofoorl.". nutrient bud~et. and 3.72 , 11\.11 hv~roloaic mode~1 for tnl ~aka. 3.76. '~1 ..!~~i~' ttC:hniqutI Which mat~. Yld to sUr ~b. 111u. Ixhtinq physical and blo1o~lcal chlrlctubt1cl attha l.kl. 3.17 (6) Con4uet tea.iblUtv .t:Ud~e. In4 4..n.n.'~on lllu. Dro1~ct.l tor sellcted lake r.atorat1QQ.metho41' 3.10 Slctlon 8. There 11 herebv IDDfODtlated fro. th. 1.11 Pollution alcovlrv !ruat rund to the oei.r~..nt of 3.12 Envlronmlntll Prot!~tion for the St. John. liver W.ter 3.13 ManaGement District the I~ af .750,0.00 for fllcal vaar "'4- 4.1 "'5 and the lum at .750.000 for lileal Ylar "t~-1.tS, to initiate and car~Y out thl provision. in .Ictlonl 1 thro~lb' 4.3 Of thh ac;t;. 7 CODING: words lerte~en Ire deletions: word. un4er~!n!~ It. addition.. . ~;.,l!; ,."", '''-114-1-4 r 2 u'!!e.. 3 4 5 . 1 . 9 ..... 10 11 12 13 14 15 r'" 11 11 11 11 20 21 22 23 aect10n 7. Th1. aQt is r.~al,d on July 1, ""1 4.4 reenacted by the LIG1,l.turl Drior to that aate. 4.5 Slctlon I. rhi. act Ihall takl Ifllct July 1, 199f. 1.7 Z4 21 3' 27 a. 2. .so 31 n \ . CODIHds Nord. '~.*'~'ft are deletion.,. word. unaerl1Ged are addition.. / -,; /.~,:.:: " . ~ ...;.... .......' . ,: ".. ~ ~,~ .~.' , " ..~ (\ n " ''t~. " . " o . . .~ --- , '-,\l,'.. 515"'114-1.4 ......................................... 1 : ht 1 J h~ ... 'C ~ .11 4.1: 4.14 4.'~ 2 Hou.e SUMMARY 3 ereate. the -Frlends of wek. J.eup. to eclvia. the tovetnint board of the St. Johne Riv.r Watlr ~n.q.m.nt District with te9ard to the reetoratlon or enhance.ent ot ~.ke Jelup and the Je.up basin. provide. tor a pilot p,roj.c:t, deta collection and revil." publlc and private Hnanclnq, cooperation of state and flderal a,eRele" ancS recOdlftlendaUon. to the t.e,i.lature. " tpeaiti.. duU... of the waur IIAnaqulnt district, the Depart..tnt of EnvltoMental trotec:t1on, and the G.... end rraeh Weter Flah comaJ.lllon. Provlde' en appropriation to tht"attr IIAnlq..nt diltrict trOlll the Pollution leoov1rf 'fruati Fund, Provide. ~IU rapeal of the act on Ju11 1, "", unle'l r.eneated. 4.lE 4.H 4.ac 4.21 4 5 6 7 8 t 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 ,. 19 20 21 U Z3 24 25 26 a7 2. 2t 30 31 4.1; 9 CODIIG: Norde .t~te~.ft are deletlonSI wordl underline. art .ddltlonl,