HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 01 05 Minutes
meeting held January 5, 1994, at 7:00 P.M., in the city of Longwood
Commission Chambers, 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida.
Mayor Joseph Hillebrandt, Chairman - Casselberry
Commissioner A.R. "Doc" Jore, Treasurer - Lake Mary
Commissioner Patricia Fernandez - Altamonte springs
commissioner Iris Benson - Longwood
Councilperson Thomas Hagood, Jr. - Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein - Sanford
Commissioner Patricia Warren - Seminole County
Board Member Sandy Robinson - Seminole County School Board
commissioner Cindy Kaehler - Winter Springs
Gregory Bean, President,
Exposition, Inc.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
After the dinner hosted by the City of Longwood, Chairman
Hillebrandt called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. Commissioner
Fernandez excused herself prior to the beginning of the meeting and
returned at 8:35 P.M.
II. Approval of Minutes
commissioner Eckstein apologized for not making the last meeting,
although he had not received notification. Motion by Board Member
Robinson to approve the December I, 1993 minutes as submitted.
Seconded by Councilperson Hagood. Motion passed with a unanimous
voice vote.
III. Treasurer's Report
commissioner Jore reported that there were no transactions this
month, the current balance is $589.25. Commissioner Eckstein
initiated a discussion on assessing dues this year. The consensus
of the board was to assess dues at $25.00. Chairman Hillebrandt
volunteered to send the invoices. Motion by Councilperson Hagood
to approve the Treasurer's Report/Seconded by Commissioner Warren.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
IV. Old Business
Chairman Hillebrandt began discussion on the Interlocal Agreement
on Mediation, Longwood being the last City that has not adopted the
Resolution. commissioner Benson will introduce the Resolution to
her Commission. Commissioner Eckstein will also verify that
Sanford has adopted the agreement.
V. New Business
A. Election of Officers
Commissioner Eckstein nominated commissioner Warren as Chairman.
Motion to close nomination of Chairman by Board Member
Robinson/Seconded by Councilperson Hagood. Commissioner Warren was
elected Chairman by a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Eckstein nominated Commissioner Jore as Treasurer.
Motion by Board Member Robinson/Seconded by Commissioner Benson to
close the nomination for Treasurer. Commissioner Jore was elected
Treasurer by a unanimous vote.
Mayor Hillebrandt questioned Commissioner Warren if she would like
to chair the remainder of the meeting. commissioner Warren
declined and Mayor Hillebrandt continued the meeting.
B. Seminole County Fair Presentation
Mayor Hillebrandt introduced Mr. Gregory Bean, President of
Seminole County Fair and Exposition, Inc. The fair will be held
February 24th-March 6th at Seminole Greyhound Park. Mr. Bean
distributed a booklet showing the activities and programs offered.
The fair's goal is to be a showcase for advancement of
horticulture, agriculture, technology and education. The fair has
been designed with great emphasis on cleanliness and the programs
geared to the modern fair attendants and also the historic;
livestock and agriculture. Many suburban children have never been
exposed to farm elements. Entertainment will be exceptional,
particularly in this area with the competition of the attractions.
They have joined in a partnership with Sea World to perform their
fireworks/laser light show "Americana in Rhapsody". All cities are
invited to showcase at the fair. Altamonte Springs will have an
exhibit "Florida's Backyard", showing the same yard in stages from
0-15 years plant growth.
Commissioner Eckstein commented that he was especially pleased with
the concept of the fair because of the agricultural history of
Seminole County. Mr. Bean replied that today's children do not
have the advantage of visiting "Grandpa's farm" and many would
never be introduced to livestock or agriculture except through a
fair environment. Two hundred children will be guests of the fair
where they will visit during the day for special educational
programs. A general question and answer period followed the
presentation; hours of operation, traffic problems, food prices.
Beer and wine sales are only allowed at the food concessions and
not allowed on the midway. The carnival operation is under
Cumberland Valley Shows from Tennessee, who has an outstanding
reputation for cleanliness and honesty, they are also the founders
of Cracker Barrel Restaurants. Members complimented and thanked
Mr. Bean for his presentation.
c. Sign Regulations
Mayor Hillebrandt furnished copies of a letter from Dick Van Der
Weide and the proposed inter local agreement concerning signage on
u. S. Hwy 17-92. Mayor Hillebrandt explained that the County
Commission has requested that CALNO develop recommendations for a
countywide sign regulation. After a general discussion it was the
consensus of the board to speak with their respective staff members
and have them review the handout for preparation for the March 2,
1994 meeting. Each member is also invited to bring technical
support to the March meeting.
Members discussed the coordination of community service worker's
for the February 2, 1994 meeting at the City of Oviedo. Mayor
Hillebrandt and Commissioner Warren will confirm the invitation to
the Sheriff and County judges to attend this meeting.
Mayor Hillebrandt distributed a copy of a Resolution initiate by
the City of Lake Mary. The Resolution addresses prison
overcrowding and early release and requested that members present
a similar resolution for adoption to their respective agency.
Board Member Robinson passed around a petition from the S.T.O.P.
organization concerning a state constitutional amendment to insure
that prisoners serve at least 85% of their sentence. Also, a
petition requesting that five solutions be adopted during the 1994
legislative session; shortage of adult prison beds, violent
criminals released too soon, shortage of beds to combine violent
and repeat juveniles, inadequate authority for juvenile judges to
control offenders, and insufficient local funds for drug prevention
and enforcement equipment.
Board Member Robinson also brought a copy of
legislative program, if anyone would like to review.
requesting restoration of funds for safe schools.
the schools
They will be
Mayor Hillebrandt furnished copies of winter springs commissioner
Cindy Kaehler's resignation from CALNO, due to her upcoming
resignation from city commission. Commissioner Kaehler requested
that she retain her seat on the Tourist Development Council, but
CALNO would need to reappoint a member to the Expressway Authority,
as the appointment must be an "elected official". Motion by Board
Member Robinson/Seconded by Commissioner Warren that the Council of
Local Governments in Seminole County nominate Thomas Hagood as our
representative for the Expressway Authority. Motion carried by a
majority voice vote.
VI. Reports From Members
commissioner Benson reported that the November election resulted in
three new Commissioners; Iris Benson, Ron Sargent and Annamarie
Vacca. A non-exclusive franchise has been adopted for collection
of solid waste. She invited members to attend the new Farmer's
Market held on Saturday mornings located next to City Hall. The
City Hall complex, consisting of three buildings have been
refurbished and painted in pastel colors, using the village
concept. The Commission also reduced the number of take home
vehicles from 21 to 10. The City has imposed a 180 moratorium on
the issuance of licenses for adult entertainment to allow
sufficient time for the attorney to write an adult entertainment
code. A Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony was sponsored by the City
which included Lyman High school Choir, children's workshop for
making tree ornaments and a flea market, which the proceeds were
donated to needy families in Longwood. Commissioner Benson also
announced the hiring of John Brock, Planning Director.
Councilperson Hagood reported that they had the dedication ceremony
for Friendship Park. The park was donation funded and was
immediately successful. FDOT had also approached their Council for
a 434 by-pass from Chapman Road off SR 434 to Mitchell Hammock/Red
Bug Road. The Council responded by letter requesting several
Commissioner Eckstein informed the Board that the Grand Romance had
sold. The infrastructure, roads etc. are on target for the new
mall. A Cracker Barrel Restaurant is being constructed on the
North side of Hwy 46 across from the proposed mall. The Main
Street Program has been adopted. Commissioner Eckstein also
expressed his appreciation to Mayor Hillebrandt for serving as
seminole County
commissioner Warren had spent the day before at the Juvenile
Detention Center where Judge Wood was hearing cases. She expressed
that if anyone had not attended one of these sessions, they should
try, it was most inlighting and also depressive. There is strong
regional support to replace HRS jurisdiction with a juvenile
justice system to work with juveniles, law enforcement and
alternative programs. Commissioner Warren also attended a meeting
that afternoon at the Science Center. Seminole citizens count for
over one-third of the attendees of the Science Center. The county
is going into a contract to continue support of the zoo, currently
they receive 25% of the Tourist Development Tax. The County is
currently in the bid process for a hunting lease for the Thrasher
Camera property in Geneva. Possibly by mid year the County will be
researching funding for a new safety/sheriff building.
Seminole County School Board
Board Member Robinson reported that the School Board will not be
]olning Seminole County in building a joint-usage facility.
Although, they will be staying in Sanford and will build on
property they already own on Lake Mary Blvd. extension. The
building will be approximately 100,000 square feet and four
stories, the plans are currently being worked on and hopefully the
building will be complete in 12-18 months. The School Board has
been diligently working on alternative education, one program in
place is dealing with the top worst layer of students and will be
lieu of expulsion. The program is working in conjunction with the
Private Industry Council and will be housed in the Reflections
Shopping Center on Lake Mary Blvd. The classes will be much
smaller, they will have the opportunity of receiving their GED and
possibly returning to their home schools. Board Member Robinson
also fully endorses Gary Segal's proposal to extend drop-out age to
18 versus 16.
Altamonte sprinqs
commissioner Fernandez reported that they received great support
during the citrus Sale Fest. Also, the City decorated Central
Blvd. for the Christmas holidays with lighted poinsettias. Lake
Lotus Park is scheduled for completion the beginning of next year.
Lake Marv
commissioner Jore reported that the City just received their new
fire truck. Lake Mary has also received a state grant for
instituting a Traffic Division, five fully equipped cars have been
funded. Lake Mary has one the highest traffic fatalities per
population because of 1-4.
Mayor Hillebrandt reported that Casselberry will be annexing
approximately twenty acres into the City this year. A new Target
store has just been approved and should be built by June. Alcohol
service hours have been revised to allow for Sunday sales. The
Commission plans on appointing themselves as the Community
Redevelopment Agency, with a business advisory committee. Using
the Commission as the Agency will allow for one stop permitting.
seminole Plaza will be their first order of business and hopefully
fund through a Tax Increment Financing District. The City is now
part of the first response program. Mayor Hillebrandt also
explained that he has furnished copies of the 1994 Legislative
Policy statement from the Florida League of
cities. The board may want to review and select 3-5 items that the
group feels are important at a future meeting.
VII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. The next meeting is scheduled
for February 2, 1994 at the City of Oviedo.
Respectfully Submitted
Eva Neisler
Deputy City Clerk
Patricia Warren