HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 12 22 Letter Re: Uniform Sign Regulations Countywide .it ~ COUNTY OF SEMINOLE o _$1;1. j ?' ~'I 1.,..}: ~ i'l".,.. 1.~ ~..'\' .~,.."..,' . ,\f ;'" "'. ,,,,,,,<~," .,\ ;.::' " ,.~;" ,f" .." ':' \~__,~:,;'~.1'.~:'; 4..:,:ij ~~ FLORIDA IOAADOFCOUNfYW''Pll1f'OMM I'HONI: .......,.. tt,"IAST FIRST STlIIET IANf'OM, FlClM)A ant December 22, 1993 Joseph Hillebrandt, Cbairaan CALHO 'city of casselberry 95 Triplet-Lake Drive Casselberry, FI 32107 Dear Chainum Hillebrandt: on ~ 14,1"3, the Board. of COWttl' C.-is.ioners reaffirmed its 4.. ire to ... .tQ ...istt.nce of the 011:.1.. todav.lop \Ullform '" 819ft racJU.UtiONi ~i..Uld by tills let:~ .. u. raque.ti.ncJ ~J that thl. effort. be fontally ooorcU.nate4 t.b.rou9h CAUfO. , By way Of"~, the a..u.o1e Count.y Ch.... of co.erce has over tile put two y....,..ve1.ope4 a draft ortira__uc1 lnt.ex'lc.cal agre.._t on. the ..11....92co:n:~or tor 00_1.....t.1_ by ..eof our respectlve 'ur:1scU.c:t1ons. ...bc's of city anclCOQJlty staff have assisteel t:he Cha..-r in proovt.dbl9 t.acbnioal a.sl~ ~ the Cl'taImer haa already forwar<<ecI its draft report. to all cit.ies for their review. We feelthatCALlfO would be the ..st. appropriate foruJI for a coordinated. review to d.veleprec......t.lou OIl9Q1JfttDiO. .1911 regulat.ion. that. oou14 be \1884 bY all ~nt. ,urllldict.ion.in, SeJIlinole county. Bnvisl0ne4 in this .ffort. oo\lld be an init.ial CA1MOdll1CU..ion on 'tile enclosed mat.erials CJenera1:ed by the Chamber of e~rce (which we have taken no actlon on.), an4 1.su&n.oe by CALNO of an open invit.at.ion for pr.sentations by the Khe Bui1cters Association, Great.er Orlando As.ociat.ion. of Realtors, New ear 0.a1.rs ,...oolat.ion., aJ'ld other CJrO\lps that uyhave sign comait.tees in plac.. CALlfO could then. foraulate rec~t.ion.s which would then be considered. by each jurisdiotion for adoption. n .,Jc Joseph Hillebrandt, Chairman CALNO December 22, 1993 ~ Page two If this appears to be a worthwhile project for CALHO to tackle, county staff will assist by forwardinq request.s for out. ide pre.entations to 1:I1eCAUfO chair and 4I:aftinq 1:I1e CALHO reco_ndations docu:ment to be sw.itted to each City andtbe county. CALMO .eeting .inu~swould be handled per your existing procedure.. On behalf of the county coma1ssion, we hope that CAUlO wlll accept the challenge of this project. 'that is 80 iapo~t to the beauty and business succ..s of our entire County an4 all its cities. Pleas. contact: .yself or Herb Hardin, Ct.lrrent Plann!nCJ lIanaCJer at 321-1130, exten.lon 7207 or 74'1, recJU411l9 yourplama to agenda this issue. We would be happy to MIld county staff _elCPlain thes..ideas at. the a'F_ri.~ CALHO ...tillf Qat .you. designate to agenda tbisitea for. discussion. I will also ukeayeelf available to atte. this CALIIO aeet:1n9 when soh.du1~. , . Please call.. it I can anfIW82: any questions. Sincerely, n BOARD OF COUftY COIIMISSIOlfDS I <=- ~2~ ~- I I I I l I 1 J' Dick Van Der Weide Chairaan DV: JDDl enclosures cc: Board of Count.y eouluioners Ron Rabun, County Mana,.. Kevin Grace,DCK/coaaunity swvice. Tony VanDerwol:'P, Pla_i*"9 , Dtlvelopaent Director Herb Hardin, current Planning Manager city Mayors City Managers n