HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 12 21 Letter Re: Resolution 467 from City of Lake Mary ~ " " Clt!l of ~akE. dlI{a't!l POST OFFICE BOX 9150700 LAKE MARY. FLORIDA 327915-0700 00WAY E. ROCKETT MAVOA {\ 0- PHONE 407 - 324 - 3023 FAX 407 -324-3098 December 21, 1993 Mayor Joseph Billebrandt, Chairman Councll ot Local Governments in S..inole County 95 Triplet Lake 'Drive casse1b4lrry, Florida 32707 Dear Mayor Billebrandt: Encloseel is a copyot a..Olution 467 adopted by the LakeHary City cOlIJIli.slon on De...r 16, 1993. This a..olutionurves the Goverl'lorall4 '-,." Left.let1ve s.8s10n to . proaote, adopt and/or amend. exbJt1n, ct'bltnal laws and corresponding penal. codes to include reducin9 prlaonovercrowding, restrictlftfJ earlyrelea.. of prisoners, ..tabll8klng .ecure confinement ~acl11tl.., providinq authority tor judge. to order the confine.ent of 'uveniles and retaining tbeFlorlda "contraband Forfelture Act" in its present statutoryqontent. Additionally, aesolution "67 provides that a copy of the ae.olution be tran..itted te the Council of Local Governaent an4 requ..t. that each represent.ative ..k their aqency to adopt a ai.ilar one. I would appreciat.e it if you could present this at your next .eetinq. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, C~QQ~ Carol A. Foster City Clerk cc: commissioner A. R. "Doc" Jore