HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 02 03 Memo Re: February 3, 1993 CALNO Meeting r f" o 02-03-1993 01:52PM FROM TO 3276912 P.02 o.t~ of GUtsselb!ttU INCORI"OAATC:O 1940 95 TRIPLET LAKE DRiVe: CASSELBERRY. FLORIDA 32707 PHONE (4071 263.3toO OH'ICE OF MAYOA 10: Members of the Council of Local Governments In Seminole County FROM: Joseph M. Hillebrandt Chairman DATE: February 3, 1993 February 3, 1993 CALNO meeting SUBJECT: Tonight.s meeting will be held at Sanford City Hall at 7:00 p.m.. Meetinl packets were mailed on February 1, 1993. Please accept my apolOlY for any inconvemence caused by the 1ate distribution of materials. I am faxing a copy of the January 6. 1993 minutes which will be presented this evening for approval. Presently, 1 am unable to fax a copy of the aaenda, but win do so as soon as possible. If)'ou have any questions or need further information, please contact the City of Casselberry Commission Secretary, Donna Acovino at 263-3904. JMHldga