HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 11 04 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERmffiNTS IN SEl\llNOLE COUNTY ."".......... The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, November 4, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., Casselberry City Hall Commission Chambers, 95 Triplet Lake Drive. MEMBERS PRFSENT: Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs; CALNO Chairperson Mayor/Commissioner Joseph Hillebrandt, Casselberry Commissioner A.R. "Doc" Jore, Lake Mary Deputy Mayor Rex Anderson, Longwood Councilperson Thomas A. Hagood, Jr., Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Board Member Sandy Robinson, Seminole County School Board ~IEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission QTIIERS PRESENT: Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Rafael Montalvo, Conflict Resolution Consortium Gerald Brinton, Seminole Expressway Authority Jack Schluckebier, Casselberry City Manager Thelma McPherson, Casselberry City Clerk Donna Acovino, Casselberry Commission Secretary APPROV AL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 7. 1992 MEETING MOTION: Mr. Anderson moved, Mr. Eckstein seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the minut.es of the October 7, 1992 meeting as presented. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Eckstein stated that the City of Longwood provided a copy of the check they sent, but he did not receive the original, and that by the next meeting the situation should be rectified. Commissioner Eckstein also reported that there has not been any expenditures as of yet. FROM 40783 1 6 1 14 12-01-92 12:30 PM POZ CALNO November 4, 1992 Page 2 , OI..D BUSINE.~S ~QNFLICT RESOLUTION CONSORTIUM Mr. Rafael Montalvo, of the Florida Growth Management Conflict Resolution Consortium, explained the principal features of the draft revision, changes from the original agreement, and suggested procedures for implementation of the Interlocal Agreement on Mediation and Intergovernmental Coordination. (A copy of Mr. Montalvo's summary and the draft jnterlocal agreement. is attached to these minutes.) Commissioner Eckstein commented that the recent legal situation which arose between the City of Longwood and the Seminole County School Board regarding school bus stop locations, might have been avoided if the new mediation interloca.l agreement had been in place. Commissioner Jore distributed copies of a facsimile he received from Lake Mary's City Attorney, Ned Julian, which documented the attorney's concerns with the proposed interlocal agreement. Chairperson Kaehler suggested that the Council review all the relevant documents and contact Mr. Montalvo with any questions before the December 1992 meeting, so final action on the matter can be taken at that time. MOTION: Mr. Hillebrandt moved, ~fr. Anderson seconded, and motion carried unanimously to have all members of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County review all materials in reference to the Interlocal Agreement on Mediation and Intergovernmental Coordination; and address all concerns directly with Mr. ~Iontalvo prior to the December 1992 Council meeting so that final action may be taken on the matter at that time. NEW BUSINESS UPDATE ON THE PROGRESS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY Mr. Gerald Brinton, of the Seminole County Expressway Authority I gave a presentation on the history and the current status of the expressway. He reported the twelve (12) mile section from Aloma Avenue extending to 17-92 in Sanford should be completed by the end of 1993. Chairperson Kaehler expressed a concern regarding the permitting of borrow pits in Winter Springs for the expressway construction. Mr. Brinton explained that the contractor is being persistent because the close proximity to the construction site will significantly reduce his costs. FROM 4078316 1 14 12-01-92 12:30 PM PO? CALNO November 4, 1992 Page 3 HOST PRESENTATION Mr. Jack Schluckebier, City Manager of Casselberry, reported that the City of Casselberry, along with Altamonte Springs and Oviedo, would be participating in a program to provide training for local government officials from Poland. He stated that the visitors would be here for several weeks and the program was being coordinated by the Office of International Studies at the University of Central Florida. Mr. Schluckebier also reported that the Florida League of Cities has indicated that legislation allowing cities to opt out of the Florida Retirement System for new employees only and provide a comparable plan, will be approached again this year. He stated the City of Casselberry is in favor of this legislation because of its substantial long term savings, and will be asking CALNO to endorse the legislation in the future. Chairperson Kaehler suggested that Mr. Schluckebier provide a detailed report that the CALNO members could distribute to their separate entities. Mr. Schluckebier stated that the Florida League of Cities will also be attempting to produce legislation that will solve enclave problems, and encouraged CALNO's consideration and support of that matter as well. Mr. Robert King, 2211 Black Hammock, Oviedo, came forward and spoke in opposition to annexation of enclaves. He suggested emphasis be put on de-annexation of surrounding areas as an alternative solution. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Chairperson Kaehler suggested the Members Reports be suspended due to the late hour. The Council concurred. MOTION: Mr. Anderson moved, Me. Jore seconded, and motion carried unanimously to a(ljoum the meeting. Donna G. Acovino Recording Secretary Cindy Kaehler CALNO Chairperson APPROVED FROM 4078316 1 14 12-01-92 12:30 PM F04