HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 11 04 Letter Re: Proposed Interlocal Agreement on Mediation (2) I(~NI:T" W. .....,"''1'0.104 ""CO N. "'UUAl\I, ,JQ W/LUoUot ... OOUN.," ri!l!AHtC e. _10_ el....f''r'ON l:) .''''IoION' -.o1lDlT .( 1loI4Ill/TC)S.. OCNNA ..... ....,,~O... WlW-.t Atl8CNMAHH. Jilt. CA""~,"I Ct. "IIKIo4I44NN "'.,..,..... N. M..N'rO.... o STE.."1STROM. McINTOSH. JtJLl:AN, COLBERT. 'WHIGllAM & SIMMOl\"S. P.A. ATTO.....CYS ANO COuNseLLoRS AT L.AW "V" ""loll( . OV/" t Iflf 100 wc.'I' ~"'T ~C't POIr.' t>f'~,. lIlOx .-0". SoI\NF'ORO, ~LORI~ 3J!~~"8 INoI~D "-07t .......~ ODuuc:)O "'Ct7t a;w.ell. ~A:It c.oo~ S~~711 OOVCiLNa ..,tlll""'" Ol" COUIoICI. TIiO~ I:. WHlClti4toI "......- November 4, 1992 Mr. A.R. "Doc" Yore CITY OF LAK! MARY Post Ottice Box 950700 Lake M~ry, Florida 32795-0700 Rei Propo..d Interlacel Agreement on Mediot1on Dear Mr. Yore: I have finally obtained And reviewed.. copy of what I be11.ve the draft of the Interlocal Agreoment on Mediation to be cu..cuI.ed at this evening' 8 CALHO m.eting a. requ.sted by you throu~h Carol o Edwards. My ob.ervation. arG 4S follow,. 1. The firat WHEREAS .hould be deleted w1th regard to IU\y reference a. to Chapter 164, 230, 166 and Chapter 125. If the agreementi. truly an interlocal agr....nt,th. .01. atatutory authority fo~ 8uch agreement 18 found 1n Chapt.r 163. The fourth WHEREAS 8hould be deleted. I would not think that it i8 ap~ropr1at. to formally aCknowledge that Chapter 164 .1. inadequate. I do not believe that Chapter 164 1s .1n fact inadequate nor do I believe that the function of Chapter 164 i8 to resolve the disputes prior to litlq_tlon a. oppo.ed to requiring Qovernmental Agencies to discus. di.put... 1n an effort to see that they may be settled prior to litigation. I 1 1 I i' I j 3 . t I i i I I 1 1 1 j 1 ('. 1 ~ j .j )... - - --'.- ~ l 2. iWlth regard to Section 3(.), I believe that the payment and attorney'. tees and co.t. 1. An inappropriate an unacceptable penalty to be .vok~ again.t . party whieh taIls to comply with the require_nee ot the agr....nt.. I believe that Section 3 (b) WOUld be adequate .a lon; a8 the .anction of dismissal 18 deleted. r be11evethat en appropriate act.ion would be abatement of lItigation until compliance haB been aChieved. FROM 4078316114 t .,_" of """'.... i1 believe that section 4 puts the cart before the horae. I do not believe that Ie the reeponslbility Of employed executives of qovernmontal entit1es to determine when litigation should be commencvd but only to recommend litIgation to. the qoverning body. At that time the governing bOdy can make a decision a. to whether the exception .et forth in Section2(a) is applicable or whether it desire. to evoke the agreement. The deciSion to Qvoke the agreement should be a deci.ion made by the elected public officials and not employed administrative officers. I would therefore delete a majority of Section 4. I would amend 4(b) to say simply thAt this agreement shall be evoked by the q~vernlnq body of each signatory hereto. Section 5 seems reasonable. I think it is a good objective to provide a forum for discussion betw.en the etaffs of the v~riou. entities involved in a dispute prior to litiq4t1on even though those staff, may have been involved in extensive prior di8c\,\8s1one. I believe however, that Section 5 and? should be merged because in essence 4 facilitator i. a mediator and fac11itatore/madiators generally charge 1n the range of $1250.00 to $150.00 per hour for their service.. Essentially I believe that Section 7 duplicates Section 5. If 7 1e merged into ! then Section 6 i. aeeeptable. I further believe that any mediation Ihould be oonducted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure as pre.cribed by the Supre.. Court of Florida. If tho.. rul.. are adopted then ....ntially the time frame set forth in 5 and 7 can be deleted with the exception of the initial time fram.e. for the start of the process after a party soeles to evoke the agreement. 6. I would restructure Section 8. Certainly, if the mediation resul ts in a proposal that thG staffs of each entity are prepared to pre.ent to their resp.cted body then there will be an opportunity tor the elected otflc:.1als to eon.icier the prop08ed .ettlement agreement, debete it, modify it, .te. That process by itl very natur. will result 1n communication. b.tween the t.wo govern1n; bodle. and may wellre8ult in a joint me.ting. o 5. o 4. As proposed, I believe the interlocel agreement contains many redundancies, extre.ely cUmbersome, and i8 not calculated to bring iSBue. to a speedy reeolution or alternatively to litlqation if neeessary. One must remember that before di.pute. reach a level where a interlocal agr..ment should be applicable there will have been many diSCUSSions back and forth between the administrative staffs of the entities and even the entities theme.lv.8. For that reason, the mediation process should be fairly t1me constraIned and task efficiant. The whole theory of mediation. is to provide 8 mechaniSM for partie. to quickly, efficiently, and economically re.801ve disputes in a non-judicial forum. Although I belleve the concept presented by the CALHO Agreement is 4 qood concept, a. I am r FROM 4078316114 12-01-92 12:30 PM PIS o n n an ardent !Supporter of the mediation process, I do not bel lev. that a8 framed it 1s quick, efficient, or inexpensive. Sincerely yours, STENSTROM, McINTOSH, JULIAN, WHIGHAM' SIMMONS, P.A. uuan:} NNJ/kar FROM 4078316114 12-01-92 12:30 PM PIS