HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 10 07 Minutes FROM:CITY ALT SPGS 4078304421 TO: 1 407 327 6912 OCT 30. 1992 8:47AM P.02 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY The council of Local Governments in Seminole county held a meeting on Wednesday, October 7, 1992 at 7;45 P.M., City of Altamonte Springs City Hall, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte springs, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT commissioner cindy Kaehler, Winter sprinqs commissioner Whitey Eckstein, sanford Mayor Joe Hillerbrandt, Casselberry Board Member sandy Robinson, Seminole county school Board Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs MEMBERS ABSBNT commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole county Commissioner A.R. "Doc" Jore, Lake Mary Deputy Mayor Rex Anderson, Lonqwood Councilperson Ida Cook, oviedo Commissioner constantine asked that the Host presentation be given prior to the meeting. The members of CALNO participated in a demonstration of the Residential sprinkler Demonstration Trailer. Fire Marshall steve Randall explained the importance of fire sprinkler installation in residences as approximately 6,000 lives are lost each year to residential fires. There is a 50% reduction in loss of life with workinq smoke detectors and a 98.6% reduction with residential sprinkler systems. The Residential sprinkler Demonstration Trailer was funded by a grant from FEMA (Federal Emergency Manaqement Aqency). The Residential sprinkler Demonstration Trailer is available to agencies in the state of Florida and south Georgia. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Kaehler at 7;45 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sandy Robinson moved to approve the minutes of september 2, 1992. Seconded by Mayor Hillerbrandt. Motion carried unanimously. TREASURERS REP~n~ commissioner E. $339.25. Ther reported the present treasury total is ,)t been any expenditures. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County october 7, 1992 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS A. Reappointment/Appointment Recommendation - Expressway Authority Chairman Kaehler explained that Bettye Smith's term was expiring soon and Paul Tremel would no longer be serving on the Council as of April, 1993. Moved by Commissioner Eckstein, second by Sandy Robinson, to reappoint Bettye smith to the Expressway Authority. Carried unanimously. There was discussion concerning the appointment to replace Paul Tremel. Cindy Kaehler was nominated, seconded by Commissioner Constantine. Mayor Hillerbrandt moved to close the nominations, seconded by Sandy Robinson. Chairman Kaehler agreed to accept, provided she be replaced as Chairman when she begins service on the Expressway Authority. Motion carried unanimously. B. Host Presentation - Commissioner Lee Constantine. Host Presentation of the Altamonte Springs Residential Sprinkler Demonstration Trailer was given prior to the meeting. Chairman Kaehler offered congratulations to Lee constantine from members of CALNO for his election to the Florida House of Representatives. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS CASSELBERRY - Mayor Hillerbrandt explained the city is busy working on their Land Development Code. SANFORD - Commissioner Eckstein announced the st. Lucia Festival and invited Lee Constantine to ride in the parade in his capacity of State Representative. - Commissioner Eckstein further congratulated Commissioner Constantine on his election to the State House of Representatives. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County October 7, 1992 Page 3 WINTER SPRINGS - Commissioner Kaehler announced the Winter Springs Art Festival is being held on December 5th. SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY - Sandy Robinson reported the following: 1. There will be a new school presentation for the Winter Springs High School next Tuesday night. 2. She is serving on a committee for expansion of miscel- laneous high schools. 3. Topics to be covered at an upcoming conference will be entitled "I Can't Get There From Here". It addresses bicycling and walking for kids and seniors. The dates of the conference are November 30th to December 4th. Cost is $150.00 for 3 days or $275.00 for the entire week. 4. She will be giving a Chalk Talk at an upcoming workshop. WINTER SPRINGS - Commissioner Kaehler had nothing further to report from Winter Springs. There was discussion concerning problems with development between Casselberry and Winter Springs. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS - Commissioner Constantine reported the following: 1. The Altamonte Springs budget for FY 92-93 has been adopted and taxes have been lowered. 2. There are currently 11,131 dwelling units being serviced by Project Apricot, covering approximately three-fourths of the City. 3. The Haunted House is open again. Presently it is open on Saturday and Sunday only. Beginning October 17th, until November 1st, it will be open each day. The Haunted House is owned by the Special Population Advisory Board and supports the Altamonte Springs Therapeutic Pool. Last years net profits from the Haunted House totaled over $75,000.00. 4. The Planning Board just approved a mixed use project that will add 82,000 square feet commercial and 98 single family dwellings to the City and will cover 33.39 acres. ,d"_ Council of Local Governments in Seminole County october 7, 1992 Page 4 5. Altamonte Springs Fire Chief Torn Seigfried, who has been with the City for 19 years, was just elected as 2nd Vice President of the International Fire Chiefs Association. 6. In celebration of Fire Prevention Week, a display and demonstration will be held at the Altamonte Mall all week. All are encouraged to attend. 7. Next Monday there will be a work session of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council on Wymore Road. The Department of Transportation has selected a committee to discuss statewide transportation needs for the elderly and students. A study is being conducted by the University of Florida. There are three areas of the state being used in the study, and Altamonte Springs was one of those areas chosen. 8. On Sunday, October officially opened Florida Symphony. park. 4th, the Cranes Roost Lake Park with a 48 piece ensemble of the He encouraged everyone to visit the Commissioner Constantine gave a recap of his tenure on the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County, stating he has been a member of CALNO for 13 years, 6 of which he Chaired the council. He expounded on the many accomplish- ments that has occurred during that time. He charged the council to continue to "Keep it together". Commissioner Constantine expressed his pleasure to have served with each member of the council and his desire to serve as representative to the House of Representatives. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 9:::::: ~~ Deputy City Clerk City of Altamonte Springs