HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 09 02 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY The council of Local Governnents in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, September 2, 1992 at 7:15 P.M., City of Winter Springs City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Mayor Joe Hillerbrandt, Casselberry Board Member Sandy Robinson, Seminole County School Board Commissioner A.R. "Doc" Jore, Lake Mary MEMBERS ABSENT Commissioner Pat Warren, Semi no le County Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Deputy Mayor Rex Anderson, Longwood Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo OTHERS PRESENT Rick Tesch, President - Economic Development Council of Mid Florida APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Hillerbrandt moved to approve the minutes of August 5, 1992. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein. Motion carried unanimously to approve the minutes of August 5, 1992. TREASURERS REPORT Commissioner Eckstein reported that the present treasury total is $339.25, we have not had any expenditures. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Kaehler indicated that Rafael Montalvo, Conflict Resolution Consortium, was scheduled as tentative and he is not present. Commissioner Kaehler stated that she is still waiting to hear back fran several of the Attorneys as to how they feel about this Resolution. She also suggested if by the next meeting we do not have some kind of affinmative action fran the attorneys, I think we either vote on it to take it to our Commissions or we forget it completely because this has been going on for over a year and that is my recarmendation if that meets with everyone's approval. Discussion. Commissioner Kaehler said this item will be tabled until the next meeting. Commissioner Kaehler said Commissioner Eckstein's will give his report at this time. Commissioner Eckstein stated that the Mayor of Sanford called a special meeting of the Sanford City Commission at 4:00 this afternoon to try to figure out if there was something the Sanford City Commission could do to help the victims of Hurricane Andrew. We decided to act on a request by North Miami Beach to help them out with temporary communication operators. We also agreed that we would send a back-up fire truck with our people for two weeks to Miami. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County September 2, 1992 Page 2 Commissioner Eckstein also mentioned that the Sheriff has already sent people down to Dade County so therefore our Cities are really going to be backing some of the Sheriff people up. The people of Seminole County need to know that we are acting as a back-up to the Sheriff. Commissioner Eckstein stated that the Sanford Commission felt that the biggest thing that is needed down in Miami is roofing materials. The City Commission of Sanford agreed to give their City Manager the latitude to send a roofing crew, maybe two crews, down to Dade County to help put roofs on. I suggested to my Commission that I would bring this up at tonight's meeting to see if there is some kind of cooperative joint venture that we can undertake to show that Seminole County cares for the victims. Show that we can get together and maybe there is a common thread of help that we can send a "message" down there. The accaTT1l)dations for the crews will be provided for, so I am thinking is maybe the vehicle to address this problem would be for us to go back to our City Managers and to our respective Commissions and ask if maybe our City Managers could work out a coordinated effort that we could for example Sanford could go down for two weeks, then maybe Winter Springs could go down for two weeks etc. So the people in Dade County will see that Seminole County is an on-going process. This is an on-going problem, the people down there will be dislodged for up to a year. Within the seven Cities, County and School Board, does have expertise in the roofing area, so I am asking this Council for your guidance. Commissioner Jore stated that Lake Mary, on a volunteer basis, is sending Police Officers down. They are using our equipment, somebody is supplying the gas, the meals are free and lodging; our men are going down there on their days off. I think a coordinated thing makes sense. Commissioner Eckstein stated that if you do send someone down from your City, they have to be paid by your City to be covered by Worker's Comp. There was a unanimous consensus of the present Council members to go ahead with this joint effort to help the Hurricane Andrew victims. Commissioner Kaehler said she would contact the members absent tonight to urge them to discuss this with their City Commission. Commissioner Eckstein stated he would like to have Sanford's City Manager contact the Council's Managers to coordinate this joint effort. NEW BUSINESS Rick Tesch, President of the Economic Development Council of Mid Florida, gave a slide presentation on what the Economic Development Council of Mid Florida has done and is doing for this area. Tesch stated that they represent all the citizens of Orange, Lake, Seminole and osceola Counties. The EDC brings clients/industry into the area and into your particular City. The organization is a 501C6, it is a public/private partnership, my budget is about 2 million dollars per year. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County September 2, 1992 Page 3 That budget is make up with three section: the governments - they pay us a contractual fee, that is a third; the other two thirds is private sector/membership, 1,800 members; then we have a group called corporate council. Tesch stated what they actually do to promote the market, is basically a six prong approach: 1. publicity 2. paid space advertising 3. call on corporate people on a weekly basis 4. newsletter to clients 5. relocation consultants and 6. work with other organizations. Tesch mentioned that Seminole County is getting ready to came up with an extensive economic development plan and a lot of the work they are doing is evaluating the properties within the City limits as well. I am trying to get the cities to evaluate their goal - What Do You Want To Be? Tesch said the next program they have is the Existing Industry Program. There is a full time staff person that trains volunteers from our membership or any Chamber membership and we call on industry and say basically three things: 1. Thank You for being here 2. is there anything thing we can do to help you expand 3. is there anything we are doing to hinder you from expanding here? We then have a three page questionnaire for them to fill out. Tesch said they also coordinate with the Community Colleges to make sure the manufacturer is using the resources here in town. We also have a film office and work with the film industry; we have one-stop permitting in this four County area. Tesch also said that they now have an international marketing program working with Canada, England, Germany and Japan. This new market is called the Metro Orlando International Business Council and is mayor oriented. Their function is for international trade, reverse investment and a resource center. The reason why we continue is to narrow the market, increased competition, growth management challenges and continuing need for diversification. Economic development is quality of life, we have a saying that quality of life begins with a paycheck. Tesch said that basically they are here to help you all in group endeavors. Commissioner Eckstein asked Tesch in his oplnlon how important the airport is in Sanford. Tesch answered in his opinion it is critical, not only the airport but same property around it needs to be tied up for industrial uses; I think that is where we are headed with our study. The Council thanked Mr. Tesch for attending the meeting and for his presentation. Commissioner Kaehler passed on the host presentation. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County September 2, 1992 Page 4 REPORTS FROM MEMBERS CASSELBERRY - No Report. LAKE MARY - Commissioner Jore spoke about the Conflict Resolution. He also spoke about the Commission in Lake Mary wants to roll back the millage. SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY - Sandy Robinson spoke about the caseation of the courtesy bussing and asked for cooperation from the Council members where ever they can help to get the children safely to school would be appreciated. She also spoke about the new high school which will be somewhere in Winter Springs. There are two sites in Winter Springs and there will be a work session on October 13, 1992, with presentations from the two property owners. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Margo Hopkins Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs