HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 08 05 Minutes 'a' 4073215787 SEMINOLE 08/26/92 12:50 P02 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY August S, 1992 The council of Loeal Governl'Dents in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, Au&ust 5, 1992 at 7:00 p.m.. at the Seminole County Public Schools Administrative Of rice. 1211 Mellonville Avenue, Sanford, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs Commissioner Lee Constantine. Altamonte Springe Co1'llftlhsloner A.a. "Doc" Jore, Late Kary Deputy Kayor Ie. Anderson. Longwood Councilperson Ida Coot. Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Board Kember Nancy Warren. Seminole County School Board Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs Mayor/Commissioner Joseph Hillebrandt, Casselberry "EKBEIS ABSENT: Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commission OTHERS PRESENT: Paul J. Hagerty, Superintendent. Seminole County Public Schools Dianne Kramer, Facilities Planner, Seminole County Public SchoolS I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. APPIOYl~...m:_IHNUTE~ The minutes of Au&ust 5, 1992 were approved as submitted with one correction requested by Kayar/Commissioner Hillebrandt who aaked that the "r" after the lie" in the spelling of his name be removed. IV. TREASURER'S REPORt Commissioner Etstein reported that we still have '339.35 and everyone's dues are current with the exception of Loncwood. DeputJ MaJor Anderson replied that he viII take care ot the dues. Ihe Ireasurer's Report was approved as submitted. V. OLD BUSINESS Raphael MontallO. Conflict Resolution Consortium. was absent and the final draft or the Interlocal Agreement will be brought to the September meeting. Also. the resolution - removing communication restrictions - Was discussed. VI. A. IEPORT ON SCHOOL IMPACT PBES DIANNE ICRAiu~R'-DT&nn8-&a;8'an~update or recent decisions made on I.pact Fees and how it atfects new school construction. Dollar figures of future school construction was compared to figures ot the past. B. HOST PRESENTATION - NANCY WARREN. _SCH.QQb_~Q~RP_ QHAJ;R.JWi Board Kember laney Warren introduced the guest speaker tor the evening - Superintendent Paul J. Hagerty. Seminole County Public Sehool's new superintendent. Dr. Hagerty gave an update of his impressions of his first rew weeks in Seminole County. He cave some elamples of future improvements in some areas that he hopes will be possible. there was a great deal ot discussion and interaction by everyone present retarding Seminole County Schools - past and future. VII. REPORTS.FROK HEMBERS ALTAKONT! SPRINGS - Commissioner Lee Constantine deferred. CASSEL8ERRY - Rayar/Commi8sioner Hlllebrandt had two items to discuss. He asked about tbe status ot soccer and commended Gus Carbonell. Chief Fire Inspector. to Deputy lIayor Anderson. LAKB KARY - Commissioner Jore stated that he &ues88d everyone knew about the problems In Late lIary -namely the police ehlet and charter revision problems. Employee insurance was also brousht up ror discussion. LONGWOOD - Deputy Kayor Anderson reported on the status of consolidation which viII be decided by the voters ne%t election for Longvood. He warned that other municipalities would be approached in regard to con8olidation it Lonswood passes. FROM 4073215787 08-26-92 01: 07 PM PO;:' fr 4073215787 SEMINOLE 08/26/92 12:51 P03 UV.L&\IJU - I"oupe 1 J.pyt-t1un J.UII. ,",UUL L-"l1V&: I,.tfu UlI l.1I1tf UVL L VW r ~ ~ situation and also on IWS. She also had some updates on Oviedo's eharte~ ~evi8ion8. SANFORD - Co~issioner Whitey Eckstein was proud to announce that he has two former students running for offlce, namely Mite Horner and Tico Pe~9z. Also, the 4th of July fireworks were a disaster. WINTER SPRINGS - Chairperson Kaehler repo~ted on the problems pertain!n, to Winter Sprlngs. ALTAftONT! SPRINGS - Commissioner Constantine was proud to announce the Buccess or the Central Park area and the future endeavor to build a band shell. VIII. The next meeting will be held September 2, 1992 at Winter Springs at 7:00 p.m. Chairperson Kaehler adjourned the aeeting at 9:02 p.a. FROM 4073215787 08-26-92 01: 07 PM PO,