HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 06 03 Minutes
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting
on Wednesday, June 3, 1992 at 7:15 p.m., County Services Building,
1101 East First Street, Sanford, FL.
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Mayor/Commissioner Joseph Hillerbrandt, Casselberry
Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo
Board Member Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board (Briefly)
Commissioner A.R. "Doc" Jore, Lake Mary
Deputy Mayor Rex Anderson, Longwood
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Peggy Flomerfelt, Senior Analyst, Office of Management & Budget,
Seminole County
Commissioner Pat Warren moved, Mayor Hillerbrandt seconded, and the
motion carried unanimously to approve the Minutes for the May 6,
1992 meeting.
Commissioner Eckstein reported that the present treasury total is
$339.25, indicating he still had not received the $25.00 from the
City of Longwood. There was discussion that it possibly had been
sent, and whether or not to send a letter. Commissioner Eckstein
said he would handle it with a phone call.
Commissioner Kaehler indicated she had received a phone call from
Rafael Montalvo concerning the Conflict Resolution. He had been in
contact with all the attorneys, but would not have anything ready
for tonight. He should, however, have something to present at the
next meeting.
There was discussion at this point as to when the next meeting will
be, and a suggestion offered that July be skipped and the next
meeting be in August. It was aqreed that the next meeting will be
Auqust 5 at the School Board. Commissioner Kaehler stated she
would notify Mr. Montalvo.
Mrs. Peggy Flomerfelt, Senior Budget Analyst for Seminole County
Office of Management and Budget. was introduced as substituting
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tonight for OMB Director. Jean Kassab. Mrs. Flomerfelt presented
the Local Option Gas Tax Distribution.
The Local Option Gas Tax Distribution has been calculated in
accordance with the Interlocal Agreement of August. 1986. Copies
of this distribution formula were submitted to all of the seven
ci ties and she indicated they had not received any calls or
response that there was disagreement with calculations or
As can be seen on the attached Distribution sheet. 36.40% of the
tax is distributed among the seven cities and it is based on their
total past five year transportation expenditure history. Also. by
agreement of the Council in 1989. Developer credits in lieu of fees
were also eligible. but must be allocated over a three year period.
The Distribution formula must be forwarded to the State Department
of Revenue by July 1. in order for it to meet the January 1.
effective date. She pointed out that the five year history is on
the sheet that had been distributed (attached).
Commissioner Warren asked for clarification of what expenditures
are eligible. Mrs. F lomerfel t explained that State and local
sources are eligible. expenditures from Federal sources. local
option gas tax funds themselves. or Bond proceeds are not eligible.
There is a form sent to the cities that is specific as to funds
that are eligible. The cities have to send Financial Statement.
and include on the form expenditures from public transportation
operations maintenance. roadway and right of way drainage.
streetlighting expenditures. traffic signs. traffic signalization.
pavement markings. bridge maintenance and operations. debt service
and expenditures for transportation capital pro j ects. including
construction and reconstruction of roads.
Representatives of Seminole County have been invited to Chicago to
talk with the U.S. Soccer Federation regarding the possibility of
relocating their facility to Seminole County. We are one step
closer to the goal with one other place in the running. Barry
Taylor. Jack Wert and Sharon Leisure will be representing the
Comments were made as to the many benefits this would bring to
Seminole County.
The Solid Waste issue is still under consideration for
renegotiation. Seminole County still has three years to go on the
contracts so any action is limited. One problem that has occurred
is that through meeting the State mandate of reducing the landfill
by 30%. revenues from the landfill have also gone down. so staff
has indicated that tipping fees may have to be raised. This in
turn will be passed through to the citizens by the haulers.
Commissioner Warren indicated that she had been advised that
Seminole County had stated that Silver Lake Road by the Airport was
on the list to be improved. She brought this to the Board as she
had heard that there were grants available for this type
improvement. There was a consensus of the Board to commit up front
to do anything to help.
The question was asked as to whether the Airport Authority had a
full Board. There is one vacancy coming up. Indication was made
that a strong. high profile Board is desired because there is
always the threat that the Orlando Aviation Authority may take
over. Recommendations were solicited.
Commissioner Warren discussed the Borrow Pits that have been
approved indicating that they have gone through the most stringent
of reviews by experts and have all passed requirements. The
question was asked as to what happens after all the dirt has been
removed. Commissioner Warren indicated that there are also
stringent rules concerning this. the sides are sloped and grassed
and the vegetation is replaced. Also. if more borrow pits are
approved than are needed. then the permits of the ones that aren't
used will expire and they will not be dug.
Seminole County will be having a technical work session to discuss
the in detail what is required by the County.
There was further discussion concerning the hiring of an expert to
monitor the pits and other concerns of the citizens.
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler of Winter Springs gave out copies of a
Resolution passed by the City of Lake Mary concerning the recent
Court decision on Ex Parte Communication. asking that each Council
Member take it back to their Commissions/Councils for similar
action. When/if it is passed then the Florida League of Cities
should be notified.
Mayor Joe Hillerbrandt of Casselberry indicated he was writing a
letter to the Tri County League and the Florida League to get this
on their August agenda.
There was further discussion concerning the Court decision.
Mayor Hillerbrandt stated that Casselberry recently passed a rather
strict Sign Ordinance similar to Seminole County's. Billboard
people are not happy with it as it states that no signs will be
more than 15 feet high. Old signs can be repaired up to 50% of the
(Nancy Warren. School Board entered the meeting at this time)
Commissioner Eckstein advised that there will be a 4th of July
celebration in Sanford. Sunnyland has recently given $2000 toward
the cost of the fireworks. Sanford had stopped having fireworks
several years ago. but now. due the efforts of a young man in town.
they are back and he is doing an excellent job.
Nancy Warren advised that the new Superintendent will be here on
July 1. and will start work on July 6.
Councilwoman Ida Cook
Education Impact Fee.
indicated that the City had passed the
They are the first city to pass these fees.
The City of Oviedo has a meeting this coming Monday with Tri-County
Transit. 7:00 p.m. June 8. and the cities and the County are
invited to attend. Tri-County has given Oviedo a tentative route
to Oviedo and will be on the edge of Winter Springs. This will be
the second item on the Agenda and will probably be taken up around
7: 30. She indicated she appreciated the help they had received
from Jennifer Kelley and the other people on Tri-County Transit.
She indicated that she has been advised that MPO has reapportioned
itself. There were 16 members and in the proposed change it will
go to 9 members. The only municipality to be represented now will
be Orlando -- Orange County will have 3 members. Seminole County
will have two members. Oceola County will have 1 member. Orlando
will have 1 member. Orlando-Expressway Authority will have 1 member
and Commuter Rail Authority will have 1 member. She does not
understand why this was necessary. Commissioner Warren indicated
that she thought they felt it would be more efficient. She said it
bothered her a great deal. brought it up at Commuter Rail. She
found she was the only one against it and suggested that either she
or someone else from Seminole County be appointed to give Seminole
County more representation.
Councilwoman Cook indicated she had a matter to discuss with
Commissioner Kaehler. specifically the matter of Winter Springs
Police chasing speeders into the City of Oviedo. Letters have been
sent to City Manager and Police Chief. The concern stems from the
fact that Winter Springs Police sit at the border of the City
Limits of Oviedo on Winter Springs Boulevard. clock the speeders
and then chase them into Oviedo down to Oviedo High School. There
have been several incidents there and also at the city limits on SR
434. Letters have been sent and discussions have taken place. but
the problem continues. Commissioner Kaehler indicated she would
check into this.
Commissioner Kaehler brought up the Memorandum sent to all CALNO
members concerning Social Services' request for a Representative
for Community Services Block Grant Advisory Board and her
appointment of Joe Hillerbrandt to that Board.
Commissioner Warren moved for after the fact confirmation of the
appointment of Joe Hillerbrandt to the Community Services Block
Grant Advisory Board. Ida Cook seconded the motion. The motion
carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.