HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 05 06 Minutes , CITY' OF CRSSEU::lc.kkY Ic.L NO.4U(-~jl-bl14 Ma~ L~,~L b:1U ~.UL COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 'IN SEMINOLE COUNTY The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, May 6, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., Casselberry City Hall Commission Chambers, 95 Triplet Lake Drive. ~fEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commssioner A.R. I'Doe" Jore, Lake Mary Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Mayor/Commissioner Joseph Hillebrandt, Casselberry Deputy Mayor Rex Anderson, Longwood Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Board Member Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board MEMBERS A nSENT: Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo pTIIERS PRESENT: Councilperson Cindy Benson, Oviedo Jack Wert, Director of Tourist Development Council Rafael Montalvo, Conflict Resolution Consortium Patrick Simpson, Casselberry Police Community Affairs Officer Jack Schluckebier, Casselberry City Manager Thelma McPherson, Casselberry City Clerk Donna Acovino, Casselberry City Commission Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES ..APRIL 1/1992 Counci lperson Henson stated that COllncilperson Ida Cook requested she note the following correction to the April 1, 1992 minutes: Under Member Reports for Oviedo, the minutes reflect Councilperson Ida Cook stating that 'Council's proposing the Mayor's position be eliminated.. '; should clarify that the Chairman should not be elected for a three year term, but rather Council terms be changed to three years, with a limitation of two consecutive terms. MOTION: MI', Jore moved, Mrs, Benson seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the Council of Local GoverlWlents in Seminole County April 1, 1992 meeting minutes as amended. !.-11~. Ur- LH~~t.LJjt.I<I<Y ItL NO.4U(-8S1-b114 Ma~ 29,92 8:11 P.03 CALNO l\lillutcs l\lay 6, 1992 Page 2 TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Eckstein reported that everyone's dues was current with the exception of the City of Longwood. Deputy Mayor Anderson indicated he would follow-up with Staff on the maller. Commissioner Eckstein stated the present treasury total was $339.25. MOTION: Mr. Constantine moved, Mr. Jore seconded, and motion carried unanimously to appro\'e tbe T..ca.~urer's report. OLD BUSINESS CONFLICT RHSOLUTION CONSORTIU M - FINAL DRA FT - INTER LOCAL AGReEMENT Mr. Rafael Montalvo stated that a draft of the resolution was forwarded to all the respective attorneys for review and comment. He stated that most of the suggested modifications from the attorneys were minor and would not present any problems. He also stated that the firm of Stenstrom, McIntosh, Julian, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons, as well as the Seminole County Lawyer objected to the resolution because in their opinion, the process does not offend the Jaw, but is both cumbersome and unnecessarily time consuming, and not a material improvement on what exists currently. Mr. Montalvo suggested the following three alternatives to attempt to arrive at a consensus: a) Inviting the nine attorneys to attend a workshop together to discuss the resolution. b) Presenting the resolution in its current form to the respective jurisdictions. c) Continue to discuss the resolution with the attomeys on an individual basis. The Council directed Mayor Hillebrandt to contact Donna McIntosh to inquire if she could act as a representative for the five members that her firm represents, and meet with Mr. Montalvo. The Council also directed Mr. Montalvo to consult with the Seminole County Attorney throughout the process, if Mrs. McIntosh agrees to provide the representation. NEW BUSINESS TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL PRESENTATION Mr. Jack Wert, Director of the Tourist Development Council gave a presentation on the impact, target markets and general promotion of tourism in Seminole County. . '-.L 1,1 ur '-M00C.L.DC."'''' I IC.L. l'lu.L.jVr-o.JJ.-oJ.J.L.j 1'1 d::; L.::l,::l L. 0 . J. J. r. V 4 CAl..NO Minutes May 6, 1992 Page 3 HOST PRESENTATION: D.A.R.E. PROGRAM Community Relations Officer Patrick Simpson of the Casselberry Police Department gave a presentation on the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program and its success in Casselberry, the State of Florida, and throughout the country. MEMBER REPORTS ,.,- Mayor Hillebrandt reported the foJIowing items: a) He distributed a copy of the City of Casselberry newsletter which was recently mailed to city residents. b) He also provided copies of Casselberry's Resolution 682 regarding ex-parte communications and requested that the members of CALNO present it to their respective jurisdictions for possible similar actions, as well as CALNO consideration for action. The Members directed Chairperson Kaehler to place the matter on the next meeting agenda. c) Current Casselberry Commission business items were a new sign ordinance, acceptance of a recently conducted wage and benefit study, and consideration of an code enforcement citation program. Deputy Mayor Anderson made the following report: a) The City of Longwood will have a new administrator, Mr. McFellon, on board May 18, 1992. b) He expressed a concern regarding the stringent DER permitting and the impact on the local area. c) A walking brochure has been printed for the Longwood historical district. d) A decision regarding the consolidation of the Longwood Police Department with the sheriff's department still has not been made. COllncilperson Benson reported the following items: a) The City of Oviedo will be having a workshop with Tn-County Transit regarding transportation provisions for the city on June 8, 1992. b) A new merit pay structure is currently being worked on by consultants. c) The Oviedo High School boys basketball team won the State championship. Commissioner Eckstein made the following report: a) Both the Seminole High School and Oviedo High School baseball teams are currently in contention for the State championship. b) He commended the County for their baseball/softball program at Five Points. . lll~ U~ lHSStLMtKKY ItL NO.4U(-~jl-bl14 Ma~ L~,~L d:1L ~.U~ CALNO Minutes May (i, 1992 Page 4 c) The City of Sanford purchased the remaining JWS contracts in the city for commercial pick up. d) Sanford now has bus service from the Amtrack terminal to various points of interest in the city. Commissioner Warren reported the following items: a) Seminole County will be sending a letter of intent to the World Class Soccer League for the possible construction of a training and administrative center in the county prior to the 1994 Cup in Orlando. b) The County Commission will be holding a work session on solid waste May 11, 1992. c) The County Commission is looking for input from the area cities in regard to forming a road maintenance priority list. d) The water seminar originally scheduled for June has been postponed to August 20, 1992. ,- School Board Member Warren made the following report: a) The School Board is in the process of interviewing candidates for the Superintendent position and a decision will be made on May 12, 1992. b) The Teacher of the Year ceremony was held May 4, 1992 at Lake Mary High School and was broadcast on Cablevision of Central Florida. Patricia Hitchman was named Teacher of the Year for 1992. Chairperson Kaehler made the following report and inquiry: a) The borrow pit issue has resurfaced in Winter Springs because the St. John's River Water Management District and DER has an intent-to-issue permit. b) She questioned Mayor Hillcbrandt as to why the City of Winter Springs had not been notified of a requested zoning change for a parcel of land located off of Murphy Road, which is adjacent to both cities. Mayor HiIlebrandt deferred the question to the Casselberry City Manager, Jack Schluckebier, who was present. Mr. Schluckebier stated the Casselberry Community Ucvclopment Department did not provide the required intcrlocal notification to Winter Springs and therefore the Planning and Zoning Commission delayed any decision on the matter in order to provide proper notice. He also stated that he personally already has given notice to Winter Springs officials. Commissioner Constantine reported the following items: a) The Altamonte Springs Police and Fire Departments have presented budgets amounting to less than last year white providing more personnel on the road and out of administration. Also, the entire city budget is less overall dollars than the previous year. b) The opening of Central Park has been postponed until June due to the recent flooding, which will result in cancellation of the Florida Symphony Orchestra performance. . LIJ~ U~ LH~~~L~~~~Y I~L NO.4U(-~~!-O!!4 Ma~ L~,~L b;l~ ~.UO CALNO Minutes May 6, 1992 Page 5 c) The APRICOT System in Altamonte Springs has become so successful that the city actually ran out of wastewater the weekend of May 2 - 3, 1992. d) The annual Charity Challenge is scheduled to be held at Lakeside North Apartments on May 16 - 17, 1992 and is anticipated to raise over $50,000 for charities based in Seminole County. The Challenge also promotes young adults to get involved with Ch2.ritable causes. Chairperson Kaehler announced the next meeting would be held on June 3, 1992 at the Seminole County Services Building and adjourned the meeting. fJ(jlV<~ J {l~,,~~~ Donna G. Acovino Recording Secretary Cindy Kaehler CALNO Chairperson APPROVED