HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 04 01 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY APRIL 1, 1992 The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County met in Regular Meeting on Wednesday, April 1, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, Sanford. Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Commissioner A. R. "Doc" Jore, Lake Mary Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs MEMBERS ABSENT Deputy Mayor Rex Anderson, Longwood Board Member Nancy Warren, Seminole County school Board ALSO PRESENT Paul Skoutelas, Executive Director, Tri County Transit CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kaehler called the Meeting to order at 7:17 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilperson Cook moved as submitted, seconded unanimously. to approve the Minutes of March 4, 1992, by Commissioner Warren and carried TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Eckstein reported that dues have not been received from the Cities of Altamonte Springs and Lake Mary, and, therefore, the account balance is still $314.25. OLD BUSINESS Proposed changes regarding the Conflict Resolution have been forwarded to City Attorneys for review. Raphael Montalvo to report regarding same at the next meeting. MEMBER REPORTS Commissioner Constantine reported that the first freak accident hailstorm caused considerable damage on Maitland Avenue and on the east side of town, that the second storm was not too bad, but it caused the finishing of Central Park to be postponed by a couple of weeks. The Black Tie Symphony to open Central Park ("Cranes Roost Park") is scheduled for May 24, 1992. Also, the opening of Central Park across I-4 will be Friday, April 3, 1992 at 10:00 A.M. Further, the annual "Charity Challenge" will be at the Lakeside North Apartments on May 16, and 17, 1992. There are 42 teams signed up this year, and 10,000 participants are anticipated. NEW BUSINESS A. Presentation - Tri County Transit Paul Skoutelas, Executive Director, Tri County Transit appeared and reported that the tri-county area consisting of Osceola, Orange and Seminole Counties has a population base of 1.2 million, which is anticipated to double within the next 20 years. Last spring, Tri County Transit conducted market research to determine how the public feels about public transportation, whether there is community support for same, and what can be done to improve the current system. Said research included: 1) 1,200 household interviews in Orange, Seminole and Osceola Counties; 2) interviews with over 40 community leaders, elected officials and business representatives, and 3) a commuter survey with focus groups i.e. riders/potential riders. (Mayor Hillerbrandt, Casselberry joined the meeting) Further, examples of statements/questions posed in the surveys and the results of same, as follows: 1) public transit is just for those who cannot afford a car or cannot drive (70% disagreed with statement), 2) public transportation is important to local economy (67% agreed with statement), 3) I do not use public transportation, and will always vote no for anything involving transit improvement (70% disagreed with statement), and 4) until greater Orlando area economy improves, I will not support new public services (70% disagreed with statement. The results of combined research concluded that there is unanimous support for public transit for all segments of the community including dedicated funding for same, that public transportation is believed to be important to the economy, that public transit is perceived to be a viable alternative, but not in its present form (interest in receiving express bus service down the 1-4 corridor as well as light rail - currently, 120 buses carryover 25,000 people a day), that community leaders see the need for public transit, but want a plan, and that there is significant potential for increased ridership, which has already increased 26% to 27% over a year ago. Mr. Skoutelas stated that, within the last six months, Tri County Transit has signed a three-year contract with the labor union, has begun heavily marketing a student program (kids 18 years and under are transported to and from school, work and activities, for $.10 per ride), and has established van pools for 16 companies in the area. Also, "TCT" views commuter rail as the Master Plan for the region, and is working closely with the Commuter Rail Authority. "TCT" is currently contracted on a hourly rate basis. Altamonte Springs has recently agreed to spending $300,000.00 a year for a local bus system, which will provide 4-6 buses. (Commissioner Constantine absent from meeting.) "TCT" is a public authority, and has a 16 million dollar operating budget, which is subsidized by local (Orange County provides 90% of local funding), state and federal funding. "TCT" entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Orlando, Orange County, Seminole County, Osceola County, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, and the Florida Department of Transportation, which sunsets in 1995. (Commissioner Eckstein absent from meeting - returned.) B) Host Presentation - City of Sanford. Commissioner Eckstein reported that a presentation is being given in the Commission Room this evening regarding the Andres Duany Project, that the objective of said project is to improve downtown Sanford, but retain the City's historical quality and charm. Further, Mr. Duany has done similar projects in New York, Baltimore and Indianapolis. MEMBER REPORTS SEMINOLE COUNTY Commissioner Pat Warren reported that negotiations are continuing regarding the issue of mandatory refuse. Further, Chapman Road will be widened, but not until the level of service demands it. Once again, the question has been raised whether or not Lake Jessup should be extended. The Water Resources Seminar is scheduled for June 1, 1992; information regarding same will be forthcoming. In an effort to provide incentive and to help the economy get kick started, impact fees will only be increased slightly. WINTER SPRINGS Commissioner Cindy Kaehler reported that the borrow pit issue was recently decided, and that after considering the benefits, risks, and costs regarding same, said request was denied. Further, Wagner's Curve on SR 434 is currently being straightened out. CASSELBERRY Mayor Hillerbrandt reported that the Spring Fling will be May 2, 1992. Further, the City of Casselberry is having problems with garbage haulers in picking up trash on the routes, and that approximately 10-15 complaints are received per day. He stated that the City Manager's salary was adjusted after his six month review, and that he working on establishing a review, for not only the City Manager, but for the entire City, as part of goal setting. LAKE MARY Commissioner Jore reported that on the Commission. Further, the in terms of election run-off. along fine. there is a problem with "elitism" City Charter needs to be looked at Also, Morse Boulevard is coming OVIEDO Councilperson Cook reported that the City Charter is being revisited. The Council is proposing that the Mayor's position be elimination, that a Chairman be elected for three year terms, with a limit of two consecutive terms. Also, the Land Development Code is going to be revised, and vesting ordinances is coming up. Recently, the City Manager received a slight salary increase, plus a car allowance. MAY AND JUNE MEETINGS The May 6, 1992, Meeting will be held at Casselberry City Hall, and the June Meeting at Seminole County Services Building, Third Floor. There being no further business, the meeting was adj ourned at approximately 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~,...l-e ~~. -- ~da L. Brace Recording Secretary