HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 03 04 Minutes
MARCH 4, 1992
Present: Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Chairwoman, Winter Springs
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Joseph Hillebrandt, Casselberry
Deputy Mayor Rex Anderson, Longwood
Councilwoman Ida Cook, Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Pat Warren, BCC Seminole County
Board Member Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner A. R. "Doc" Jore, Lake Mary
Ralphael Montalvo, Conflict Resolution Consortium
Sherry Newkirk, Seminole County Solid Waste Management
1. Call to order.
Chairwoman Cindy Kaehler called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairwoman Cindy Kaehler led the Council in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
3. Approval of Minutes: February 5, 1992.
Board Member Nancy Warren moved to approve the minutes, seconded
by Commissioner Constantine and carried by a unanimous voice
4. Treasurer's Report.
Commissioner Eckstein reported dues collected from seven members
in the amount of $175.00 (Altamonte Springs & Longwood dues
remaining). Account balance is $314.25. An expendi ture was made
of $28.89 for the plaque for David Mealor. Commissioner Jore
will present the plaque to Mr. Mealor at a Commission meeting.
Commissioner Constantine moved to approve the Treasurer's report,
seconded by Councilwoman Cook and motion carried by a unanimous
voice vote.
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5. Old Business.
A. Conflict Resolution.
Rafael Montalvo, Conflict Resolution Consortium, outlined the
changes in the draft which had been made since the last meeting
and offered to answer any question raised by the members or their
attorneys. For those who were new to the meeting, Mr. Montalvo
explained the conflict resolution process.
At the last meeting two substantive changes were requested:
1) 30 days for an informal solution. Page 4, top paragraph, is
wording for that provision.
2) CALNO will choose a facilitator if the parties can't. Page
3, E. 2 and 3 address that issue.
Altamonte Spring's attorney had returned the draft with
legal language inserted, and upon discussion, the Chairwoman
asked that the attorney for each entity send their comments
directly to Mr. Montalvo.
Raphael Montalvo reported that the Florida House Committee on
Community Affairs has requested a copy of this for their review,
and that there is now an item called the Florida Governmental
Dispute Resolution Bill before the House.
B. CALNO Appointment to Tourist Development Council.
Councilwoman Cook moved to nominate Rick Lee, President of the
Oviedo Citizens Bank and a member of a family of long-standing in
the SeminoleCounty area, who is interested in serving on the
Commissioner Constantine stated the Council would recommend Cindy
Kaehler, as working within the industry, they would feel
comfortable with her being on the Council with her experience.
Chairwoman Kaehler explained her background for those who did not
know her.
Commissioner Constantine reported sending a copy of a memo from
Jack Wert with the information they had requested. In talking
with Mr. Wert,the reported budget was:
Promotions, advertising and printing - $180,725.00
Office operation, salaries and travel - $73,952.00
Contract services - $81,300.00
Grants for Promotion - $488,648.00
There was discussion on the zoo project, the Altamonte Springs
band shell and the County pool in Lake Brantly. Councilman Cook
wi thdrew her nomination upon a request that the appointment be
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Commissioner Warren moved that the CALNO appointment to the
Tourist Development Council be Cindy Kaehler, seconded by Board
Member Nancy Warren and motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Kaehler thanked the Council and stated she would
make regular reports to them.
6. New Business.
A. Update of County Solid Waste and Recycling Program.
Sherry Newkirk, Program Coordinator for the Seminole County Solid
Waste Management, updated the Council on the solid waste and
recycling program from its beginning in 1988 with the State
Legislative Solid Waste Management Act to the present. The
County has five franchise companies providing the service for
garbage, recycling and yard trash pickup. The cost ranges from
11.59 to 12.80. The County will be looking at mandatory
collection this fall, and billing on the tax role. Winter
Springs has also looked into billing on the tax role. There was
discussion on why the rates vary in different areas, the many
problems connected with collection of yard trash, and the
success of a project at Red Bug Park using recycled products.
Ms. Newkirk reported this was the third year for recycling
telephone directories, gave quarterly figures regarding the
number of pounds of materials collected for recycling, reported a
new transfer station opening up off 17-92 would have open house
on Apri18th and that a commercial ordinance, which takes place
July 1st, will require any commercial hauling company to provide
recycling service if the customer asks for it.
Ms. Newkirk reported on a program underway, called "The
Wastewatcher Award", distributed copies of the County's program
and will share information on an experimental program for multi-
housing recycling in about a month.
B. Host Presentation.
Councilwoman Cook welcomed the members to Oviedo and asked City
Manager Gene Williford to report on the City's recreation areas.
Mr. Williford reported that during the past five years the City
has obtained approximately 75 acres of recreational land from the
Round Lake area eastward to the new Oviedo Sports Complex. The
Round Lake Park opened this year in July. Thirty acres making up
the Sports Complex consisting of Ii ttle league fields, a senior
league field, and four softball fields would be playable in
March. He reported they had just received confirmation that in
July the City will be hosting the Greater Central Florida, Metro-
Orlando area, Class C men's softball tournament, and also that
Oviedo Riverside Park had made the New York Times relating to
impact fees.
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Councilwoman Cook reported the Mid-Florida Chapter of the
American Institute of Architects chose the downtown Oviedo area
for its' annual community design project. Ms. Cook presented the
five conceptual plans illustrating redevelopment and improvement
ideas for the downtown Oviedo area.
7. Reports from Members.
Commissioner Eckstein reported Sanford was in the process of
adopting an ordinance for code enforcement officers, probably two
from each department and all the police officers who could issue
citations. The citations would allow approximately 5 days to
take care of the matter and then there would be a fine or a trip
to court. Commissioner Eckstein is opposed to this and sees
potential problems. He asked the opinion of the members. A
citizen's review board was suggested, and a lengthy discussion of
how each city's code enforcement board worked followed. The
majority supported Commissioner Eckstein's concerns.
Commissioner Warren questioned if it was true that Red Bug Road
would soon be a true "walk in" school. School Board Member Nancy
Warren stated by next year it would be.
Commissioner Warren reported that on the 10th of March there
would be a meeting regarding road impact fee methodology change
at 10:30 a.m. At 7 p.m. that night, there is the Novera CDD
evidenciary hearing. Monday the 16th at 9:30 a.m. is another
overview for concurrency. On the 24th is Criminal Justice Law
Enforcement work session impact fee report and citation
ordinance. Road impact fee work on the 24th at 1:30. Monday the
30th, another concurrency public hearing. Morning work shop 7
a.m. for adoption. On the 31st remaining LDC changes for
Board Member Nancy Warren reported they have had the public
hearing on superintendent's selection for input from the public.
Next Tuesday is the deadline for applications and they expect
between 125 and 150 applications. They are proceeding with year-
round calendar but must work out the funding. Courtesy busing
will probably be eliminated.
They have selected the Teacher of the Year and in May will have
their annual teacher of the year presentation. Sunday is
Heathrow's dedication and open house.
Commissioner Warren mentioned construction of the beltway and
thatthey have saved six million dollars on the construction due
to the recession. She reported that contrary to what they may
have read in the newspaper, there is enough space for six lanes
for the future.
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Commissioner Constantine reported working with the Tourist
Development Committee and Lake Brantley High School and will have
the swimming pool and fieldhouse at Lake Brantley for the use of
citizens and students. The incinerator at Florida Hospital is a
controversial item which was in the paper today. The Central
Parkway overpass on 1-4 will be open this month. Commissioner
Constantine reported on an innovative program they are working on
which gives credit to those businesses offering to put child care
in the office building. This is a leasing incentive for their
Mayor Hillebrandt reported they were still fighting annexation
and water battles; however, communication is opening up in these
Commissioner Jore reported they were waiting on the election.
The biggest one will be the stormwater tax.
Deputy Mayor Anderson stated he was going to enjoy meeting with
this group. He hoped all members take information obtained at
these meetings back to their commission. Deputy Mayor Anderson
reported they had been in the paper recently regarding sewer and
wastewater. There is a move to consolidate the Police Department
with the Sheriff's Department and they have a fact finding
committee looking into this. The majority of the calls he
receives are for the City to keep their service. It was reported
that CLEO would probably be back in operation in a month.
Councilwoman Cook stated the City had been approached by the
Research Park Group which has a bus that runs through the park
and to the University, to work perhaps with the Tri-County
Transit, to run a bus to Oviedo. City Council has encouraged
making contacts to see if that can be started. Commissioner
Warren suggested that a letter be written from the Council to the
Board asking for their consideration at budget time for a Tri-
County bus route.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy Kaehler, Chairwoman
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