HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 02 06 Memo Re: TDC Appointments (3) ->,._-,.~ FEB 06 "92 10: 15 SE/.lINCtLE CHAI'1BERAAAAAAAA P,2 tourist development council ep/oJ,II 1~ NAW'!t,tidi 1939 Boothe Circle 11 g"" . Longwood, FL 32750 (407) 834-3304. FAX 339-1224 (800} 80Q0..7832 MaN OllA M D UN DATE: February 6. 1992 COpy; Ron Rabun. Count)' Manager o The following ar~ the current appointments to tbe Seminole County Towist ~Vel()plnent Council (TDC). The statute calls tOr three appointees from the hotel industry, T~ from busin~ operating inLbt: tourism industr}, IDd three el~ted otn~ials-one from the COWlty Comm,issio~ one from the largest municipality. fGW one from another mUllicipality wi in the County, M.M. ~ McCullough- GM. Quality Inn North (434 &. 1-4) Cindy Bowel'- Calibre Management (Hotel Management Co.) Pill Looney-GM. Alwnonte Hilton Jim Young. President, Sanford Chamber Nand Yuroms. Pres, Rivt:rship Grand Romance SamJra Glenn, Sun Travel Bob Stut m, County Commissioner Pat ~ernandez. AluUJlonte City Commissioner o ~EB 0G '92 10: 1~ SEMI'-lOLE CHHr-1BERAAAAAAAA ,// . ! I TDC App0i'Q~. Memo Cool. The lhird eleaed offi<.iM1 appoiDtmeIlt. ro be rOWllU'~..by, .. mumcipalUy.within me Cc.>wuy to repJau Tom Maboney. former Lake M P.3 e 0. ~dc;QQ1e a City; Com1lW;si<)ner. The TDC IIIt:dS 0P.ce a month. .,.uy &he Ja:.1 week of the mooIh. in . locatiolls arOBDd thc:Cuunty. The ~ ~.uy Jast two hours, except for a fuJl day 10 review &rant pre~uttiOQ$aod a fuU day fora ~ *ae'._~5MSioo. The mee. I: date aDd lucau\lI1 is selc:cU:d at the previou~" meetin&aad cuntirmed by noti~ and agenditro "b member on week prior U) the lDC'.etiDg. dale. Appoi:DlmeBts to the TDC are for four y~. Tom Mahoney's a 1992. If you have any other questions. p1~ call me at 834-3304. .' t expired January 1. e e