HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 02 06 Memo Re: TDC Appointments (2) '" . FEB 06 '92 10: 15 SEt-lINOLE CHAMBERAAAAAAAA P.2 ~ tourist development council tP~ 4"/.& N o.WJ, :Jo.I "~ ()d.rf~f~ 1939 Boothe Circle I (J ,,- Longwood, FL 32750 (407) 834-3304. FAX 339-1224 (800) 800-7832 MBMORANDUM DATE: February 6, 1992 TO: Commissioner Pat Warren fROM: Jack W.m, TOUJ.iom DevelopmeDt DirecliJr ~ SUBJEcr: TDC Appointmel1b o COPY: ROD Rabun, County Manager Tbe'following are the current appointmeuts Lo the Seminole County Tourist velopment Council (TOC). Tbe statute calls tOr three appointees nom the hotel industry, T~ from busin~ operating in lbe tourism industl;- and three elected officials-one from the CoWllY Commissio; one from the largest filUnicipality, and one from another municipality wi . the County. M.M. R.W McCullough- GM, Quality Inn North (434 &. 1-4) Cindy Bower- CaUbre Managetnt=l1t (Hotel Management Co.) Pal Looney- OM, Alcamonte Hilton Jim Young, Pre~dent, Sanford Chamber Nand YUIoms, Pres. Rivt7sbip Grud Romance Sandra Glenn, Sun Trclvel Bob Sturm, County Commissioner Pat ~e.rna.ndez, Allamont.e City Co~oner o .. , FEEl 216 '92 121: 15 SEMINOLE CHAMBERAAAAAAAA ( . ~ TDC Appoi~ Memo Coot. n o The third elect.ed of'ficii&l appointmem. 10 be roc:cw~.dby mUDic..ipality witbiD the CouDty to replace Tom Mahn,ney. former Lake P.3 O. $buuId come a City Co~ioner. The TDC medS OPU a IDOJlth~ uswaUy aile Jast week of tbe 1IIOOIh. in. . . locations arOWld the County. The meetiD&s puerally Jut two hours, except for a ful day to review arant presentatioAs aDd ;& full day for a long raole ,1"'>>1-& sessioo. The . I: date IDd lucatioa is sekaed at the previous meedn& and c:oufitmed by JIllt.iu and aleudatt> b member on week piur to die mediDg date. AppointmeDts 10 the TDC are for four yess. Tom Maboaey's a 1992. If you have any odIer questions, please call me at 834-3304. nt expired January 1 J