HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 02 05 Minutes
FEBRUARY 5, 1992
Present: Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Chairwoman, winter Springs
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Joseph Hillebrandt, Casselberry
Commissioner Paul Lovestrand, Longwood
Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Pat Warren, BCC Seminole County
Board Member Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Raphael Montalvo, Conflict Resolution Consortium
Absent: Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary
1. The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Cindy Kaehler at
7:10 P.M.
2. Commissioner Paul Lovestrand led the Council in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
3. Approval of Minutes: January 8, 1992
Councilperson Cook moved to approve the Minutes, seconded by
Mayor HIllebrandt and carried by a unanimous voice vote.
4. Treasurer's Report.
commissioner Eckstein reported that the remaining fund balance
is $268.14. He said checks for membership fees were received from
Sanford, Lake Mary, winter Springs and Seminole County and
requested all members whose dues are outstanding assure that the
dues are paid.
Commissioner Eckstein asked for approval to purchase a plaque
for Commissioner Mealor in recognition of his service as Chairman
to the Council for 1991. The Council discussed the type of plaque,
and the inscription.
Councilperson Cook moved to approve ordering an 8 X 10 plaque,
inscribed as discussed, for an approximate price of $32, seconded
by Mayor Hillebrandt. Carried by unanimous voice vote.
5. Old Business.
Commissioner Constantine questioned the whereabouts of the
Council's Legislative Priority Statement and commissioner Kaehler
said she would call Commissioner Mealor as she believed he had the
6. New Business.
Report by Raphael Montalvo
Conflict Resolution
In response to the Council's request, Mr. Montalvo said he
would take a case through the process upon completion of reviewing
the changes. Mr. Montalvo referenced the Draft Revision dated
January 18 1992 which contained the changes discussed at the prior
meeting and reviewed some of the changes incorporated:
Section D.l. Added wording "singly or jointly"
commissioner Nancy Warren arrived at this point in the meeting
(7 : 2 5 PM).
Mr. Montalvo continued:
Section D.4. New paragraph D.4. inserted. This paragraph
does not specify how the initial request would be delivered.
section E. The addition of steps in the process, made in this
section, extended the entire process.
Section F.
Reviewed various changes made to the section.
Commissioner Constantine referred to Page 3, Number 6. and
said he believed the phrase "or proceed directly to an EDSC without
engaging in mediation" conflicted with the entire concept, in that
it gave the parties the ability to by-pass mediation totally. The
Council discussed Commissioner Constantine's comment and agreed
that there should be a waiting period before proceeding to an EDSC
and asked Mr. Montalvo to prepare the proper language.
The Council discussed the proposed document being reviewed by
each member's attorney prior to bringing the document to their
respective commissions. Mr. Montalvo said he would make the change
requested and send the revision to each Council member, at which
time they could then distribute to their attorneys for review.
Mr. Montalvo began explaining the process of taking a case
through the dispute process.
commissioner Pat Warren arrived at this point in the meeting
(8:20 PM) and apologized for being late. She said she could only
stay for a short time but said she needed an appointment to the
Tourist Development Council made tonight by the Council.
Commissioner Constantine asked Commissioner Warren if she
could furnish the Council, by the next meeting, some information
with regard to the Tourist Development Council appointment, i.e.,
member being replaced, length of term, dates, time and location of
meetings. The Council agreed with commissioner Constantine's
names of
to have
Montalvo continued, saying he is available to suggest
facilitators/mediators if requested. The Council agreed
their respective attorneys review the agreement and
the agreement under Old Business at the next Council
The Council thanked Mr. Montalvo for his report.
7. Reports from Members.
commissioner Pat Warren distributed a copy of the Board of
County Commissioner's Work Session schedule and encouraged members
of the Council to attend these sessions as there were many topics
that would be discussed that would be of interest to all, i.e.,
Concurrency, criminal Justice, Solid Waste.
Commissioner Kaheler advised Commissioner Warren that she had
received a memo from the City Manager of Altamonte Springs asking
the cities to request the County to impose mandatory garbage pick
up because the County's non-mandatory system is affecting the
cities. Commissioner Warren said the BCC is now considering
mandatory service, possibly with exemptions for hardship.
The Council discussed mandatory garbage collection and School
Board Member Nancy Warren said, due to the cities having mandatory
garbage, the School Board must now work with the haulers for each
City and said it was more expensive than when they were able to
have a private contract for all the schools. Commissioner Eckstein
believed it was an issue worth discussing and the Council agreed to
schedule garbage/solid waste collection as a New Business item on
the March Agenda. Commissioner Kaehler asked members to provide
her with information regarding their government's regulations,
costs, billing procedures, and contracts prior to the next meeting.
commissioner Warren was also requested to furnish the Council
with the Tourist Development Agency budget for the next meeting.
The Council agreed to schedule the appointment to the Tourist
Development Agency on the March Agenda under New Business.
Commissioner Warren asked to be excused at this point in the
Commissioner Lovestrand advised that Longwood is struggling
with the County with regard to the proposed widening of CR 427 to
six lanes. He reported that the Longwood City commission
unanimously opposes the widening to six lanes for the following
reasons: widening would change the character of the Longwood area,
would damage the Historic area, would not be pedestrian friendly,
and would create congestion where the six-lane road would intersect
with SR 434 and south CR 427 which are both four-lane roads. The
alternative presented,
improve Hwy. 17-92.
intensity uses along
City's Comp Plan has
he said, was to put pressure on the state to
He said Longwood has been putting lower
CR 427 to keep a lower traffic level and the
called for low intensity uses for some time.
Councilperson Cook invited all to attend the Oviedo Council
meeting next month. She said Oviedo has changed its water rates
slightly - a little less painful. She said the Council approved
switching the City elections to coincide with the County and State
Primaries. Councilperson Cook said Oviedo is considering garbage
rates and will have a work session and said they are still not
satisfied with rates proposed. She said they planned to review the
City Charter.
Commissioner Eckstein said the Sanford Airport Authority
expanded its membership from seven to nine. He said the two new
members appointed were Mr. Daniel, of Sun Bank, and Mr. Wunderdruck
of Seamons.
School Board Member Warren reported two school dedications -
Milwee Middle School and Parton Elementary. She said she spent
Monday and Tuesday in Tallahassee lobbying with regard to funding
for education, and said they received some good news - funds may
not be cut. Ms. Warren said new procedures for school inventories
will be implemented. She reported that, Principal of Rock Lake
Middle School has been suspended without pay, union contracts are
about to be settled, and the search for Superintendent has begun;
deadline to submit applications is March 10.
Commissioner Eckstein called School Board Member Warren's
attention to what he believes is a problem that should be
corrected. He said when school trips are taken, the driver is
required to stay the entire time, which could be from 7 AM to 7-8
PM, even on local trips from one high school in the County to
another, and the cost for having the driver stay all day can be
over $200 for the one day. He asked Ms. Warren to look into how
this cost could be curtailed as each school has to pay for this
service from their budget.
In response to Commissioner Kaehler, School Board Member
Warren stated year-round school could begin as early as 1993.
Commissioner Kaehler said the construction of Central Winds
Park is on schedule but there are still some problems with the DOT
wanting winter Springs to provide an entrance onto a road that will
not be there in three years as it is due to be widened.
Commissioner Constantine announced that he, Mayor Hillebrandt,
and School Board Member Nancy Warren are on the Honorary Committee
for the Central Florida Gala that will be held on February 23, 1992
at the Altamonte Mall. He advised that the money raised will go
toward scholarships and encouraged all to attend.
commissioner Constantine said this year he had attended the
JFK Harvard School of Business seminar held at Howie in the Hills.
He highly recommended that the Council members attend next year as
the seminar teaches a great deal about political leadership,
creative thinking and ideas on how to solve problems.
commissioner Constantine encouraged the Council members to
join SICOP (Six County Cooperative Purchasing Association) which is
a cooperative purchasing organization. He said the purpose of the
organization is to create a forum where members of SICOP can share
information, identify and evaluate products or services that may be
purchased, coordinate the participation of members for joint
bidding and establish a data base of products and services. He
distributed a copy of the Resolution adopted by Altamonte Springs
and suggested anyone interested in joining call Mr. DeBore at the
City of Altamonte.
commissioner Constantine announced that the City of Altamonte
has over 11,000 dwelling units on the Apricot system. He said over
1800 Christmas trees were picked up, chipped and all were used to
mulch the Haunted House property. He said the Haunted House netted
$74,000 this year and the entire event was put on using volunteers.
commissioner Constantine announced that a new Music Store and
a new Rooms To Go store were locating in Altamonte. He announced
that the City was given first runner up in Employees of the Year
Award for employing disabled persons and that the Special Popula-
tion Advisory Board, in cooperation with Winn Dixie, has a program
for subsidized home shopping privileges and have distributed 200
coupons to disabled persons for free delivery of groceries.
Mayor Hillebrandt mentioned the City of Casselberry's
annexation strategies and said he would be happy to furnish this
information to Council members. He advised that the City's new
adult entertainment ordinance passed on first reading at the last
meeting. In response to Commissioner Lovestrand, Mayor Hillebrandt
said Casselberry's ordinance is different than what the County is
working on. Mayor Hillebrandt said although Casselberry is
enacting their own ordinance, they would still cooperate with the
County. He said Casselberry's Comp Plan would be up for adoption
on the 17th and Casselberry was looking to adopt a good sign
ordinance and asked if anyone had one to forward a copy to him.
Mayor Hillebrandt said a Spring Fling will be sponsored and
it was being organized outside of the City because the City
believed it would not work and would not support it. Mayor
Hillebrandt said he believed it was important to encourage
community spirit and that was the reason he was involved in the
effort. He said it was tentatively scheduled for the weekend after
Easter at Secret Lake Park.
Commissioner Constantine said he was also involved in
community events, such as the Charity Challenge which is held in
May. He said this event is not a City sponsored event but is
sponsored by a group who incorporated in order to sponsor the event
each year. Commissioner Constantine announced that a Little League
tournament would be held at Eastmonte Park, in Al tamonte, on
February 29.
commissioner Constantine welcomed "Doc" Jore, newly elected
Commissioner of Lake Mary, to the Council. He said he knew
Commissioner Jore for many years and he believed he could
contribute greatly to the Lake Mary Commission.
Commissioner Jore stated a recent accident on Broadmoor, the
road which leads to the back entrance of Seminole Community
College, has brought more attention to the need for a solution to
the traffic problem that exists. He said the cooperation of the
College is needed in order to solve this problem.
8. Next meeting: March 4, 1992, Oviedo.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:50
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy Kaehler, Chairwoman
Geraldine D. Zambri
City Clerk
City of Longwood