HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 11 13 Minutes COUNCIl. OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY November 13, 1991 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held at Altamonte Springs, Public Safety Complex, Conference Room, 225 Newburyport Ave., Altamonte Springs, Florida, At 7:00 P.M. November 13, 1991. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Pat Warren, Seminole County; Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs; David Mealor, Lake Mary; Whitey Eckstein, Sanford; Ida Cook, Oviedo; Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs; and Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman David Mealor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Moved by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Kaehler, to approve the October 2, 1991 minutes. Carried unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Mealor stated no activity has taken place. Commissioner Eckstein stated the Conflict Resolution Group had billed him for various expenses and asked the Council if they would authorize payment. Commissioner Mealor asked permission to delay payment pending receipt of a report from the Group. Commissioner Warren concurred with Commissioner Mealor to issue paym(mt pending receipt of the report. Commissioner Constantine stated there was never mention of payment for services to this Group. He wished the information be passed on stating his displeas1lre of the Council. Commissioner Mealor will convf.~y concensus of the Council along with the $272.00 payment. This leaves a balance in the Treasury of $230.14. OLD BUSINESS ------.---- Commissioner Meahlor stated bt~ has requeste.d a representative to CALNO from Casselberry. NEW BUSINESS Legislative Priority Policy Statement is due in Tallahassee and Commissioner Meahlor would like to personally deliver this to each legislator. He asked the Council to review last year's Statement and come back to the Group with input at December's meeting. Commiss ioner Eckstein asked to i lie lllcle educa t j on funding in this Statement. Commissioner Mealor asked to schedule December meeting on December 11th at Lake Mary. COUNCIL OF I,OCAL GOVERNMENT IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 13, 1991 Commissioner Cook made a clarificAtion that e8ch member bring to the next meeting issues to be included in the Legislative Statement. REPORTS COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE - CITY OF AT.TAMONTF. SPRINGS 1. Commissioner Constantine thanked the Cmlncil for their support in his cam- paign. 2. Congratulated the City of Sanford on their Golden Age Games. 3. Announced that the Work Session of the Community Redevelopment Agency addressed the design of the downtown district: around Crane's Roos t: Basin and the future community development. 4. Announced that the Institute of Government Alumni sponsored by Harvard for elected officials is to be held in January. 5. Shared information with others regarding the Montgomery Road 4-laning which shall be done. Request to the County to provide dollars for beautification on that road will follow shortly. 6. Requested that the Advance.d L1 fe Support Ambul ances be placed in designated areas for quick response. Lake Mary asked to have one put in the fire station rather than the planned location. COMMISSIONER DAVID MEAJ..(lR - I.A.KE MARY 1. Commissioner Mealor stated that if Lake Mary has an ambulance put in the fire station rather than the planned location, it would be detrimental to other cities. He had no strong feeling to place an ambulance in that location but would rather it be in a strategic location. 2. Announced the dedication of Liberty PArk was well received. 3. Announced the Swearing-In Ceremony for elected officials is scheduled for December 2, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. 810ng with the lighting of the Christmas tree. 4. Announced the City election has been concluded. COUNCILPERSON IDA COOK - OVIROO 1. Announced Cindy Benson is the new Chairperson of the City Commission. 2. Announced the completed Comp Plan has been submitted to the State. 3. Announced a Work Session was held n>.garding truck traffic caused by con- struction around Oviedo. 4. Announced a Work Shop with the Charter Revisions Committee is upcoming. 5. Stated that the Seminole County Tax Collector has leased space in City Hall for a branch office. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT TN SEMINOLE COUNTY MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 13, 199] 6. Announced the foot bridge parallel to the County bridge on S.R. 419 for child- ren at Parton Elementary will not be dealt with at this time. 7. Announced that a request for a meeting to discuss Fire First Response rejected by Seminole County Fire Department. She asked Pat Warren intercede on behalf of Oviedo for that meeting. was to COMMISSIONER PAT WARREN - SEMINOI.F. COUNTY COMMISSION 1. Announced the Seminole County Fire Department is working with Orlando to build and equip a fire station on McCullough Road. 2. Announced that the Red Bug Park boardwalk, composed of recycled materials, has been opened. 3. Announced the borrow pits situated along the Beltway are to eliminate truck traffic in neighborhoods. 4. Informed the Council that Seminole County taxes, portrayed by were to be higher than surrounding counties. However, all taxes in the Sentinel's figures rather than just County taxes. the Sentinel, were included 5. Announced a group of homeowners are looking into purchasing Sanlando Utili- ties. Updates will be made as progress is made. COMMISSIONER WHITEY ECKSTEIN - SANFORD 1. Stated there is no report from the architects regarding the revitalization of downtown Sanford. 2. Announced the Planning and Zoning meeting addressed the moving of the ship "Romance" from its present location, and the addition of two more boats. 3. Announced the Christmas Parade is scheduled for December 14, 1991, and an in- vitation was extended to the Council. ~lblic officials were also invited to participate. 4. Expressed disappointment at the statements issued by Seminole Board regarding news reports about weapons confiscated from School. County School' Seminole High SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOl. BOARD MEMBER - NANCY WARREN 1. Announced a search is being conducted for a Superintendent. 2. Announced Parton & Heathrow Elementary schools were opened for use. 3. Announced Indian Hills ElementAry School is being constructed. 4. Stated a new site for the Administration offices has been requested. 5. Announced the Impact Fe!' Camm ittee wi 11 have fees set and ready to go forward at the beginning of the year. 6. Stated that all schools need to be looked at for review of school imAges. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 13, 1991 COMMISSIONER CINDY KAEHI~R - WINTER SPRINGS 1. Announced that ground is being cleared for the new City park. 2. Stated a candy sale will be held to raise funds for playground equipment for the park. 3. Announced the Christmas Parade will be held December 24, 1991 at 3:00 P.M. 4. Announced Cindy Kaehler won the City election. 5. Announced their Comp Plan has been returned from the Department of Community Affairs with 90 pages of comments. 6. Inquired how financing for street lighting is addressed in private neighbor- hoods. The concensus reply was that it was not funded by the Cities, but it is charged to the homeowners. NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 14, 1991 AT JAKE MARY MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:08 P.M.