HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 09 04 Minutes
," r. F E
p. €12
B~ptember .t 1991
Cent.ral i'loridaRegional Airport f SanfOl:d r Florida
~~.8~.~S PgSEN.,I
cOIlUnissioner Lee Const.:antine, Al tamonte Springs
commissioner Paul Lovestrand, Longwood
Commissioner Whi.tey ECkstein, Sanford
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Co:mmissioner cindy Kaehh'l.r I winter Springs
Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary
Commissioner Pat rJa.rren, Seminole County
Mayor Andn~a Dennison, Casselberry
Councilperson Ida Cook, oviedo
Steve Cooke, Director of Aviation for the Central Floriu~
Regional Airport
Conml.issioner Whi.tey Ec.kstE!in, r.rreasurer I called the rneeting to
"'order at 6:30 PM.
commissioner Eckstein informed the council that Chairman David
Mealor called hitn to chair the l'neeting as ChaLrman Mealor was
unexpectedly unable to attend.
cornmissione;r cindy Kaehler volunteered to take minutes of' the
Mot io;-;;~~-!~ade~'by Nancy Warren, seconded by conun i ss ioner
Constantine, to approval the minutes of August 7, 1991. Motion
carries unanimously.
Comm.issioner Eckstein :r.t?po:t'ted a balance of $430.14. He also
reported that there would be expenses incurred from the previous
me;;>;ting for travel e~;peliSe$ fer the Cr.mf'lict Resolution. Board.
The council asked commissioner Eckstein to look into these
expenses and report back when the. expenses 'Ner:e aut.hori.zed and
by ';thom.
For informational purposes, Commissi.onto-or Eckste:tn spoke about
a question that cams up dut.ing a j..~int planning session with the
county cO:::lcerning the CAIiNO interlocal agn."i:..,rnent and whet.her any
ot-her ag:t:eement, with the county would take preced,enc:e. He
reported 'Chat the county attorney said that the CALNO agreero('.nt
wOl.tld take precedence over. other agreem~1l1ts.
Page Two
september 4, 1991 Meeting
DirectorofAviation, St..eve Cooke, welcomed the council to the
Central F'lol"ida Rt!l~ional Airport. He passed out brochures
describing the history, services and future plans of the
Mr. Cooke spoke about t.he 8,000 foot primary runway, plans tor a
new tower November lst. a.nd funding that is received ft.'om t.he FAA
a.no FOOT. Mr. Cooke also discussed the airport's mastHr plan
and the need for an update of the plan. He said that business
trOD.'l the airport's industrial area brings .in about sixty pel'cent
of the revenues.
The AlP (Airport Improvement Program) from which the CFRA, along
with many other airports, was seeking funding was discussed.
Cooke said that operation and maintenance of the airport is
handled internally from revenues.
Mr. Cooke spo}c.e about possibili'ty or increased.busines$ travel
to Cl"'RA, especially Canadlan business. He said that right now
the airport could only handle preclea.red fl ights.
~U tUl.Qn~~.L~..R.;'ings
Commissioner Constantine observed that at a rec,;?nt budget
hearing f r~sidents ','w'Ea-e very concerned with a minor increase in
the millage rat.e. When it was clearly explained. ttiat this
l.ncrease was necessary for fire protection, the l:Bsidents had ne>
pl"oblem with it.
Commissioner Constant.:J.ne also said that Altamont(;,: Springs has
written a letter to the county appraiser, Bill suherj suggesting
that incre~ses in assessments be done gradually instead of a
large increase at one time.
He reportf:.d that after careful study, wh(:'f1 all t'.(',xes and fees
were considered, residents in the county were paying more than
those 1~vin9 in cities.
Constantine also said ~hat Altamonte Springs is ~equiring in
th';~ir contract ",.'1th cOlnmercial garbage haule:rs~hat ha1J.lers have
a t'f~c\e('11.n9 program for ap,;u:."tments and n.?sta.ul':'1nb:,..
Nancy Warren said ~he School Board was considering year round
schedules for all elementarv and middle schools bv 1994 She
also si'!id the\t publix is re~iIacing the computf.?rs ~t TnsK-:.'twilL:;
Middle School that were lost in ~he fire.
Warren said that the School Board was starting a recycling
program and asking for bids from lers.
4 () 7 - '327-- 5 E. 5 i-~J
P. (14
Page T~ree
September 4, 1991 Meeting
Pa.u.l I..ovestrand spoke abcut the storm water management impact
tees and a vot:er referendum for a new city hall at Longwood
VillagE' rNhictl wCluld bE' a. quarter: or t:he expense that tvould be
incurred to build a new city hall.
! i n t~J;,~p-I:ing,~
cin~y K~ehler reporte~ that Winter Springs had no increase in
thelr!~,~llatJe rate thJ..s y~~a.r.
W11.itey EckstEd.rl report.ed t:hat Banford's water reUf;.;e f'yst.em was
expanding. He also mention~d the Art Gallery that opened
dow'ntown .
N(;!x:: ll\l;~et~nl~
()ctct)(:;r 2nd i.n W.inter Springs ;:'tt 'j; 00 PM.
Meetin'J adj
7:45 r<M.