HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 06 05 Minutes
JUNE 5. 1991
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County met in Regular
Meeting on Wednesday, June 5. 1991, at 7:00 p.m. in Room N300 of
the County Services Building, Sanford, Florida
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Commissioner David Mealor. Lake Mary
Commissioner Paul Lovestrand, Longwood
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole county
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs
Mayor Andrea Dennison, Casselberry
Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo
Dave Galnor, Purchasing Director for Seminole County
Jean Kassab, Principal Analyst, Office of Management & Budget for
Seminole County
Maureen Liberatore, Personnel Purchasing Coordinator, Lake Mary
Chairman David Mealor called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
Chairman Mealor announced for those who may not be aware that
Commissioner Bob Sturm's wife passed away unexpectedly that
morning. The Memorial Service is scheduled for Saturday, June 8,
at 10:00 a.m. at the Baldwin-Fairchild Funeral Home, Altamonte
Chairman Mealor indicated appreciation for the support the City of
Sanford gave and the prompt submittal of Minutes by Linda Brace.
Nancy Warren moved to approve the Minutes as submitted. seconded by
Commissioner Kaehler. Chairman Mealor commented he thought the
Minutes were incredibly thorough, particularly with the several
issues brought before them that evening. The motion carried
Commissioner Eckstein reported a balance of $430.14. which balances
with the Bank Statement just received.
Chairman Mealor stated that this portion of the meeting is a
continuation of Maureen Liberatore's presentation at the last
meeting concerning cooperative purchasing, and further information
will be provided at this meeting by Dave Galnor, Seminole County
Purchasing Director. Mr. GaInor opened his remarks by passing out
a paper (attached) describing both Regional Cooperative Purchasing
efforts by Valencia Community College to form a purchasing group in
the Central Florida Region. and an update of Seminole County
efforts to form a County-wide Purchasing Group.
Chairman Mealor stated that County Manager Ron Rabun indicated his
support of our efforts at the last meeting. and had contacted him
again today as a follow-up on that commitment.
Mr. GaInor indicated that this had actually began last November
when he sent a letter to all cities and government entities in
Seminole County and posed the question as to whether they were
interested in forming a co-op. with the overall response being
Last month Valencia Community College facilitated the regional
meeting to discuss the potential of creating not only a regional
coop but also some local coops. A Steering Committee was formed to
develop goals and policies and procedures to present to the large
government entities throughout Central Florida for the big and/or
large volume purchases. such as water treatment chemicals. road
maintenance items. and fuel.
One of the main reasons in forming a coop is not necessarily to
obtain the lower prices because in many cases we already have it.
the advantage is the "clout" that can be brought to bear for
services and quality. The Regional Group is looking to the
Counties to create smaller co-ops to take care of the smaller.
local requirements. such as uniforms. office supplies.
Mr. GaInor advised that on Thursday. June 6 he would be holding a
meeting in his office of the Seminole County Coop which will be an
organizational meeting to develop policies. procedures and goals
for presentation to their respective agencies. Mr. GaInor's major
goal is to have this approved by the various Boards and Commissions
and in place by the beginning of the new Fiscal Year. October 1.
Mr. GaInor at this point opened the floor for questions or
Commissioner Lovestrand asked how many cities are represented. Mr.
GaInor responded Lake Mary. Winter Springs. Casselberry. Longwood.
Altamonte Springs. Oviedo. Sanford. School Board and the Sheriff.
covering all the major entities within Seminole County.
Commissioner Eckstein posed a theoretical question concerning
possible purchase of police uniforms and what should be done if a
vendor in Lake County out-bid a vendor they had always used in
Seminole County.
General consensus was that you go with low bid. Commissioner
Warren and others pointed out that you look at low bid and quality
and preferably local. However. even though you feel you have a
responsibility to go with a local vendor. if the local vendor does
not have the lowest price. he has to realize you are also
responsible to the taxpayers.
Mr. GaInor. in addressing the "low bid" issue. indicated that many
times a local vendor is the smaller vendor who cannot command the
wholesale pricing that a larger vendor located outside the area can
command. and therefore. cannot even enter into the bid. He said
basically if the quality is there. then the low bid should have it
due to necessary fiscal responsibility.
The question was addressed by Mr. GaInor as to whether an agency
would have to participate in any given bid He said he will
present in the Policies and Procedures Meeting that any Agency will
be given an opportunity to bid. The Agency may then make a
determination. If an Agency commits to participating then the
Agency will be held to that commitment. The Agency will be able to
say "perhaps I may want to participate". present their estimates
and then make a determination whether or not they want to commit.
Also. the Agency may decline to participate in that bid.
Mayor Dennison posed a question to Dave GaInor concerning the
disposal of excess property. Their auctions are not large enough
to generate enough competi ti veness. Will the County also be
working on a program through which surplus goods could be channeled
for a bigger auction which would command more competition and
better pricing?
In addressing Mayor Dennison's question on a cooperative auction.
it is his understanding that municipalities have always had an
opportunity to participate in a County-wide auction. He intends to
continue that practice. He intends to re-bid the auctioneer
services this summer and will be looking at a better facility to
hold the auction.
Chairman Mealor asked if the press had been notified of the meeting
on June 6. Mr. GaInor re sponded that they had not because no
elected officials were expected to attend the meeting. He added
that he will be asking attendees to take back to their agencies
several items:
Some form of an interlocal agreement.
* The concept of having a "lead agency" The entity who
initiates the bid automatically becomes the "lead" on that bid
and once that entity makes the award. the other agencies
accept the validity of that award. It would then appear on
Agendas as an informational item rather than having to go
through an approval process at each Board or Commission.
* Monthly meetings
participating entities.
* Asking that the approval process to participate go through
the various Administrative approvals and Board/Commission
approval so once the agreements are set. the backing from the
elected official and the administration is there.
Chairman Mealor asked if anyone could foresee a problem with an
interlocal of this nature. Commissioner Constantine said he did
not and that the agreement should be brought to CALNO and then each
member could take it back to their respective Boards/Commissions.
Mr. GaInor pointed out
sharing of time between
communication between
business practices.
several non-economic advantages would be
agencies. problem solving through greater
agencies. and it will promote uniform
Chairman Mealor asked Mr. GaInor to return for their August meeting
to give a further update. Chairman Mealor stated that it was
gratifying to see the culmination of this idea and extended thanks
and appreciation to all who had worked on it.
Chairman Mealor announced that the August 7 meeting will start at
6:00 or 6:30 at the School Board. The guest will be Rafael
Montalvo from the Conflict Resolution Center. He will be bringing
the chief from Tallahassee. Also. Mr. Montalvo has requested
several guests be invited to the meeting. Chairman Mealor will be
unable to attend the August meeting but will make sure all
information is sent to Members.
Discussion of Distribution Calculations for Local Option Gas Tax
Chairman Mealor indicated that Jean Kassab. Principal Analyst for
OMB for Seminole County had requested time on this agenda to
discuss the distribution calculations for the local option gas tax.
Ms. Kassab stated that the local option gas tax is a tax that is
authorized by Fla. Statute 336.025. it is a six phase gas tax that
is distributed by the County to the cities through an interlocal
agreement that was adopted in 1986. Seminole County staff acts as
the coordinator and collector of certifications of the 5 years of
eligible transportation expenditures. The formula for the cities
is 36.4% of the total tax collected. That is distributed to the
cities based on their total eligible expenditures incurred for the
past five years. Each new year we drop the old year total and
All the certifications were received by the cities and sent back to
them along with a copy of the spread sheet (attached) and we have
received no responses or objections to the gas tax distribution
formula. If there had been objections they would have been
presented back to CALNO and the Council of Governments would hear
those objections and make a ruling.
Expenditures that are eligible to be included in the formula are
any expenditure from a State and Local source. No Federal funds
are eligible. no bond proceeds are eligible and no expenditures
directly from the gas tax are eligible. They are excluded before
the calculations are done.
Two years ago the Council authorized Developer Credits to be given
in lieu of collecting of revenues that would have been otherwise
been spent on transportation and those are spread over a three year
time based on when the credit was issued.
The next step is for the Council to concur with the distribution
and the formula would then be submitted to the Department of
Revenue no later than July 1. and the tax distribution formula
would go into effect January. 1992.
Ms. Kassab asked for questions. Commissioner Lovestrand asked for
clarification in that "the more we spend the more we get on a 5
year rolling average. dropping the last year and adding the new
year. " Ms. Kassab indicated that is correct. Commissioner
Lovestrand asked how the County formula of 63.6% was arrived at.
Ms. Kassab explained that the 63.6% was arrived at by an estimate
of the actual expenditures the County had been incurring at the
rate they were incurring in 1986 when the Interlocal Agreement was
enacted. She stated that is a fixed amount and not based on a
rolling average. There were some $25 million in bonds issued
against the County's portion which was one of the reasons the
County portion needed to be fixed so that the County could document
revenue anticipated for the bond proceeds.
Commissioner Constantine explained that at the time the Interlocal
was enacted the Council wanted the County to do some long range
planning with bonding. The County's was fixed with the cities
"rolling" because some of the cities were growing and some of the
cities that were stable did not want to sit there and incur the
same amount. Wanted to give the cities an incentive to spend money
on transportation so the more money they spent the more they would
get in gas tax revenues. Ms. Kassab explained further that the gas
tax revenue was not intended to take the place of local governments
providing for their own transportation and that is the reason the
gas tax itself is excluded from the transportation formula.
Ms. Kassab said the next step is to send a letter to the Department
of Revenue verifying the new formula.
Question was asked as to how much it would generate this year. She
did not have the figure but would get it to the Council.
(She returned later with the figure of $6.974.424 of which the
cities portion is $2.538.690. Take $6.974.424 times whatever your
percentage is. you can come up with the amount.)
Se.inole County
Commissioner Pat Warren suggested having one of the meetings at the
Airport Authori ty. Chairman Mealor suggested the September meeting
be held there. would make the necessary contacts and confirm in the
August meeting.
Some highlights from the Seminole County Board meetings last month:
* The Commission approved the building modifications for the
softball complex at Sanlando. Staff is to submit a work order
before approval. That is moving along real well and will be a nice
complex of softball fields and landscaping.
* Established a 22-Member Economic Development Steering Committee
to explore very strong areas of economic development hoping to pull
in some tax base for Seminole County. With Expressway coming in
this is a good time for that planning process so it can be guided
they way it needs to be instead of zoning independent of what the
needs are.
'" Commission on Children is in a limbo situation where we are
going to have a Work Session as to what charge may be given them.
That mayor may not continue as a Committee. It has been purely
advisory until now and am sure it will continue to be that.
'" Work Session on Redistricting and Reprecincting Work Session on
August 6.
'" Public Hearing on Solid Waste will be on July 31. Will be a
full public hearing with input and results of current negotiations
wi th haulers. The decision on going mandatory will depend on
pricing received from the haulers. Commissioner Kaehler asked if
consideration had been given to "squaring with cities". 1. e.
combine some areas of the County with Cities to include them in
the city service area for garbage pick up. Commissioner Warren
indicated she would mention that to Larry Sellers.
* Econ River Ordinance is scheduled for first Public Hearing on
June 11. Commissioner Warren indicated that she feels it is the
best. the tightest and the most environmentally sensitive Ordinance
of anyone around. including Orange County.
Commissioner Warren asked Dave GaInor about a Resolution adopted in
support of the design. funding and construction of a North-South
Connector from Lake Mary to Seminole Community College Campus.
Dave indicated the City of Sanford. the City of Lake Mary. the
County and the Community College came up with four alternate routes
that starts about at Bayhead Racquet Club on Lake Mary Boulevard
and comes down and abuts Five Points and connects with Welden
Boulevard. This is in the College's long range plan they are now
taking to the State for a "spot survey" for priority funding for
this pro j ect. In order to expedite the "spot survey" it was
requested that Resolutions be passed supporting their project.
This would relieve some traffic congestion by routing traffic from
17-92 through the Campus.
*Commissioner Warren had the Sales Tax Referendum informational
brochure. which all present indicated they had seen.
Mayor Dennison indicated that when the Casselberry Council withheld
support of the Sales Tax Referendum and she said to Ron Rabun.
"Well there go our roads.". he said to her "I believe in this plan.
it is a County Plan. To eliminate any roads in any area would
create a disintegration of the plan. and that will not happen."
Mayor Dennison said of Mr. Rabun. "You have hired yourselves an
incredible professional."
Altamonte Sprinqs
*Would like to have an update on the Expressway in one of the
future meetings.
"'Also. would like to have Ron Rabun come back after the Referendum
vote for an update.
*In Altamonte. Apricot is continuing. Center Street Overpass is
continuing and the Cranes Roost lake projects is beginning and will
finished by December.
Commissioner Constantine was asked about the Charity Challenge. He
said they had 34 teams and raised $41.000 net. It will be on
Channel 68 on Sunday night. June 30.
Commissioner Warren asked if serving beer was an image problem.
Commissioner Constantine said "no". because they did a number of
things. such as not allowing alcohol brought in. Rotary Club
serving, police on hand. and a towing service on site to volunteer
to take people home. In the six years they have been holding this,
they have never had a problem.
Mayor Dennison reported that Casselberry is advertising for a City
Manager. The Ordinance has been changed to give the City Manager
more power. They are advertising throughout the United States
using ICMA and getting excellent service from them. Indicated they
have an excellent screening committee. Mr. Litton. Mr. Penland, Mr.
Gene Williford and Pete Noles. Also. they are presently installing
a computer network with Imaging. making them the first political
organization in a three county area that will have Imaging. UCF is
having Government Day on June 26. and she will be participating.
Commissioner Lovestrand reported that Longwood has finished their
Comprehensive Plan, late but before the penalty period. Has been
sent to the State for corrections.
Longwood had an Arbor Day. Planted a Sable Palm and gave away
several hundred Bald Cypress Trees. Longwood is trying for "Tree
City" designation.
Commissioner Lovestrand indicated that Longwood is in a budget-
cutting situation.
Commissioner Eckstein reported that the Museum is expanding and
will be bringing in new exhibits.
Merv Griffin and Paradise Island will be coming to the Airport and
will hopefully encourage more tourism and more exposure for the
Commissioner Warren noted that it is a good deal at $269 per person
for three nights. plus other packages.
School Board
Nancy Warren indicated that as of now Tuskawilla Middle should be
open in the Fall with whatever construction is left being done
around the children.
The School Board will be having a Work Session with the Florida
School Board Association Executive Director regarding evaluation of
the Superintendent which should also include a discussion about the
posi tion and whether they are going to do a search
Discussed the difficulty of logistics in moving from
Superintendent to an appointed Superintendent.
or not.
There will be a meeting this summer concerning implementation of a
program of year-round education. Most of the decisions concerning
the three schools going to year-round schedules this Fall were made
at the staff level and the Board feels it should be more involved
in those decisions.
Indicated there was a meeting on Impact Fees with Randy Young and
he says it will take $2,900 per single-family dwelling to meet the
needs of growth. Approach will be to have a review team made up
various representatives of the County, hopefully some County staff
and city staff, HBA people, and possibly elected officials. There
is a suggestion, felt strongly by some, namely Larry Furlong, to go
for interim impact fees. Cindy Benson spoke at the meeting and
indicated she would go back to her Board and ask them to support an
interim impact fee. Ms. Warren feels that at the next Board
meeting the discussion will be whether or not to request of all
cities and the county to impose a voluntary interim impact fee not
to exceed $1,000 or an amount that would be acceptable.
That \~ould be interim until they could work through the review
process and decide on a figure. Realistically $3,000 per single
family dwelling is high. If they don't go that high then they have
to talk about another bond issue, COP's or lease-purchase. Even
with the $3,000 they are committing themselves to another 10 years
of 2 mills.
Commissioner Warren asked what the legal standing on this is, can
the cities and county be asked to look at it other than what they
have already volunteered to do unless you are offering them a clear
legal avenue to use. The last she heard from the County Attorney
was that there is still a lot to determine and a lot that has not
been given to us.
Ms. Warren indicated that there has been a Motion for Clarification
on the St. Johns County case to determine whether a County has the
right to impose an Ordinance or whether it would have to be
individually adopted by each city.
Commissioner Constantine said that the School Board will be asking
the cities and the County to take on the legal burden that should
not be their responsibility. However, he indicated that his main
concern is an "interim" impact fee. Feels once an impact fee is
put in place, people consider that as final, not temporary, and any
change, especially one of 300% will cause problems. The County
did that a number of years ago on impact fees and is now paying the
price. It was stated that when the request comes down, the
Attorneys for the cities and county will ask justification. If
none is forthcoming it will be "same old School Board not willing
to make a commitment" and no one will be willing to take the flack
again. Commissioner Warren commented that "we are not willing to
take the flack, we are willing to share the burn, but not take the
burn. "
Mayor Dennison suggested drawing up a schedule and review the whole
process and come up with final impact fees rather than risk being
stuck with the interim fees.
Commissioner Constantine continued the discussion by indicating
that the other government entities are more than willing to
cooperate with the School Board, and want to, but the School Board
needs to cooperate.
It was stated that one way to save money would be to terminate the
7th period at the high schools. Ms. Warren indicated that was
going to be done.
Commissioner Warren stated that a concern, and not a popular
concern is that the higher the impact fees go the further growth
will move away from this County. Said that she would not make a
judgement as to whether that is good or bad, but impact fees and/or
sales taxes are no good unless the turnover is there to bring them
in. Indicated that when the School Board looks at another Bond
Referendum hopes they will look at a smaller one and shorter
sunset. Ms. Warren indicated she did not know what the plans were
Chairman Mealor asked Ms. Warren what had been done after the bond
referendum was defeated by staff to come back and present what is
needed to operate. Said from a leadership perspective they would be
remiss not to go outside for a search for Superintendent and would
be remiss not to start reevaluating the way some things have been
done. The support will be there, but only so much can be done.
Commissioner Kaehler indicated that everyone is talking about
"budget crunches" and they are facing that as well.
Asked if anyone has a merit pay system. Instead of an across the
board increase, increasing a small amount and then merit on top of
that. She indicated her concern that it becomes political and
therefore defeats the whole purpose.
Mayor Dennison indicated they have a merit system where an
employees needs to attain "70%" to receive full amount. She does
not believe there has ever been an employee who did not get the
"70%", so it is a fallacy. Merit pay does work under proper
Commissioner Kaehler said she brought it up because they are
working a number of things right now. For example she has just
found out after being Commissioner for 5 years that their
retirement plan is not a retirement plan. It is more a severance
pay than retirement. Commissioner Warren indicated that if it is
the Florida Retirement System then it is meant to supplement a
retirement plan, not to be a total living wage.
Commissioner Warren indicated that a Merit Pay Plan is only as good
as head management. Expects the County plan to flourish this year
under the new manager because everyone is starting even in his
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Mayor Dennison commented that a bad Merit Pay Plan is better than
any guaranteed increase plan. A guaranteed rate increase creates
that attitude that you only need do what needs to be done to get by
because I am going to get what I get regardless of the amount or
quality of work I do.
Commissioner Kaehler indicated she was thinking of a fund set up
where a department head could recommend an outstanding person for
an award from the fund. with the decision being made by a vote of
all department heads.
Commissioner Lovestrand indicated when he was in industry. his
manager made him take his 16 employees and rank them according to
value to him and to the company. and then reflect merit pay
according to ranking -- with the top quarter getting most of it and
the bottom quarter getting nothing. Said that is the way industry
Commissioner Warren discussed the Seminole County "Employee of the
Month It program which does not include a monetary award. and is
decided by the Personnel Board.
In closing the meeting. Commissioner Mealor indicated the Auqust 7
meetinq will beqin at 6: 00 at the School Board. The Conflict
Resolution will be on the Agenda.
In September. they will try to meet at the Airport Authority and
then at the October meeting he will request an update on the
Expressway Authority.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.