HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 05 01 Minutes ':::OUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MAY 1, 1991 The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County met in Regular Meeting on Wednesday, May 1, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, Sanford, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary Commissioner Paul Lovestrand, Longwood Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs MEMBERS ABSENT Mayor Andrea Dennison, Casselberry ALSO PRESENT Ron Rabun, County Manager, Seminole County Maureen Liberatore, Personnel Purchasing Coordinator, Lake Mary Bibb Kirkpatrick, Seminole County School Board Pam Hastings, Capital Programs Analyst, Seminole County Tony Vanderworp, Director, Planning Department, Seminole County Barry Hastings, Seminole County CALL TO ORDER Chairman David Mealor called the Meeting to order at approximately 7:20 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Mealor thanked Pat Lee for her prompt submittal of the Minutes of April 3, 1991 Meeting. Commissioner Constantine moved to approve the Minutes as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Eckstein reported that there was one transaction, with Crown Office Supply in amount of $29.07; said bill has been paid, that he received $25.00 from Seminole County School Board, which was deposited; leaving a balance of $430.14. OLD BUSINESS Chairman Mealor reported that he contacted Mr. Raphael Montalvo, and advised that the Council would be willing to meet on August 7, 1991. Mr. Montalvo stated that he would relay same to his boss and get back to him in early May, and that he will report regarding the status of said meeting at June 5, 1991 Regular Meeting. - 1 - NEW BUSINESS A) Discussion regarding purchase "piggybacking". Maureen Liberatore, Personnel Purchasing Coordinator, Lake Mary, reported that approximately 30 purchasing agents attended a Work Session on Friday, April 26, 1991, regarding cooperative purchasing. She stated that Volusia County currently has a cooperative purchasing council, which utilizes purchase "piggybacking", and that it has been very productive. Also, a SICOP council was formed 10 years ago. Further, a meeting has been scheduled for May 30, 1991, to discuss rules and regulations regarding same, that she will report back with additional information, and requested that governmental officials support the re-establishment of SICOP. Chairman Mealor stated that there have been some isolated cases where significant dollars have been saved as a result of purchase "piggybacking", that citizens are sensitive to spending, and that anything that can be done in a cooperative venture would increase the confidence level. He encouraged representatives and their colleagues to submit written and or/oral suggestions, and stated that it would be a worthy goal to have a formal operation in place by the fall. Commissioner Constantine proposed that the program be formalized by an Interlocal Agreement, and that said program be operated by the County. Chairman Mealor asked if the County could spearhead this type of program. County Manager Rabun gave a qualified yes, and stated that the County is interested in pursuing such a program, that said program has been used extensively in Pinellas County, with great success, that Dave Gallager knows how to set up such a program, and that he will discuss same with Mr. Gallager and advise. Chairman Mealor asked Ms. Liberatore to coordinate with County Manager Rabun, and report back with additional information for Council consideration at the June 5, 1991 Regular Meeting. Bibb Kirkpatrick, Seminole County School Board, stated that the same companies bid to different Cities, that said bids can vary thousands of dollars, and recommended that other governmental agencies be contacted. Commissioner Warren reported that she enV1Slons eventually having an anchor house, and hopes to have a total purchasing operation. - 2 - Chairman Mealor thanked Maureen Liberatore for her presentation, and asked Paul to thank Rhonda for spearheading. B) Presentation regarding One Cent Sales Tax Referendum. Chairman Mealor reported that Pam Hastings, Capital Programs Analyst, gave a presentation regarding the program at the last Lake Mary City Commission Meeting in April, that the Commission was interested in additional information, and that he felt it would be appropriate to address this body regarding same. County Manager Rabun reported that the County is committed to the referendum, which is a unified program for road improvements, that there will be some variances in the area of intersections, signalization, and bus turnouts along the transportation corridors, and that the roads identified in the County transportation system relate to all comprehensive plans. Further, the County has $450,000,000.00 worth of road needs, and that 86 miles of road have been identified for improvement. Further, the County is trying to present the program in an educational manner to the public, that he believes the upside is that approximately 40% of the people who travel through the County will pay for this, and that sales tax is a positive option. The downside would be the possibility of an ad valorem tax, should the referendum not pass. The County is seeking unanimity and is striving for Interlocal Agreements with all Cities in Seminole County, and the County has gained approval from Winter Springs, Altamonte Springs, and Sanford. All monies generated by said one cent sales tax will come back to the County, from a collection standpoint, and be farmed out for road improvements that will benefit Cities as well as the County. He stated that the County encourages opinions/suggestions from government officials, the business sector, and homeowners, and requested CALNO's support. Commissioner Eckstein asked what the thrust of the campaign will be. County Manager Rabun stated that the County will use traditional mediums such as brochures, mailings, a letter in the newspaper, billboards, signs at intersections, and a speaker's bureau. School Board Member Nancy Warren asked how much money. County Manager Rabun reported 298.6 million dollars over a 10 year period, and that anything less than a 10 year period would be too short of a horizon. Commissioner Lovestrand asked how the percentages were arrived at. - 3 - County Manager Rabun stated that percentages were based on the Department of Revenue's sales tax formula, for the collection of gas tax, however, said formula will not be utilized, and that the County is requesting Interlocal Agreements whereby 100% of all monies will come to the County. Pam Hastings, Capital Programs Analyst, Seminole County, reported that the County looked at the County-wide major transportation network, and has, in essence, agreed upon improvement programs to the County-wide network to that portion which has been the responsibility of the County since 1987. In addition to those needs, the County recognizes that Cities have roads which function as or like collectors as part of the network, and also looked at Cities, and their Comprehensive Plans for identification of needs on City roads that are part of said transportation network. She briefly reviewed eight City projects as well as major operational and safety improvements, which were added to the County's road responsibility. Ms. Hastings stated that the program is broken down into two five-year periods, that road improvements scheduled for the first five years were based upon the needs identified in each of the capital improvement elements. She distributed information packets, which represent improvements scheduled for the second five-year period. Commissioner Lovestrand stated that the list of scheduled road improvements does not include 434. Ms. Hastings reported that 434 is a State road, and that State roads was a major topic of discussion between the Cities and the County regarding transportation needs. Any revenue sources, including sales tax, is limited, however, the 10 years worth of the one cent sales tax will accommodate County/City roads identified for improvement, which make up the transportation network, including provisions for transit, and future signalization and intersection improvements. With State roads, such is not the case, and until the State, through the legislature or administratively, is able to take locally generated monies and in return provide improvements on a guaranteed schedule, we would be asking Seminole County shoppers and/or homeowners through sales/property taxes, to pay for improvements to roads for through traffic that is not stopping in this County. Commissioner Eckstein reported that a traffic problem exists on Lake Mary Boulevard at Groveview and Academy Manor, and asked if there is another formula, other than traffic count, which could be utilized when determining the necessity of signalization. <"",,,- - 4 - Commissioner Warren reported that there are instances when judgment calls are made using certain guidelines, rather than certain technical criteria, and suggested that Commissioner Eckstein initiate a new request, and direct it to either County Manager Rabun, or one of the Commissioners. Councilperson Cook proposed that CALNO, as a body, join with the County to lobby the State to address State road improvement needs, and that a portion of monies generated by the one cent sales tax be allocated to support said lobbying effort. County Manager Rabun concurred, and stated that a cooperative effort is needed regarding the Florida transportation system, and that there needs to be a concerted State-wide push. Commissioner Eckstein asked if beautification standards are in place as part of the plan. Ms. Hastings reported that the County did not adjust its cost estimates for road projects to include different levels of landscaping, however, within the comprehensive plan, the County is required to update road impact fees by 1992, and that the County Commission will consider as part of said update, and incorporated in their standard costs and standard design, an additional or different level of landscaping. Also, the comprehensive plan requires development and adoption of those specific landscaping standards, from a policy standpoint, by 1993. Further, the actual initial construction of roads funded by the sales tax would be in fiscal year 92/93. Tony Vanderworp, Director, Planning Department, Seminole County, reported that the County and Urban Forestry are putting together a proposal for a tree farm, which is one option that needs to be pursued. Ms. Hastings reported that the County incorporates in its construction provisions for irrigation sleeves, that landscaping and actual irrigation system may not be installed, but there are provisional sleeves for future potential. Commissioner Lovestrand reported that Don Terry has been working with Longwood merchants, and that possibly said merchants will fund the new section of 427 regarding same. Commissioner Eckstein reported that the beautification standards need to include some visionary type plants to address the water problem. - 5 - C0mmissioner Warren reported that said topic will be discussed at a future Work Session, which City representatives will be invited to attend. Chairman Mealor stated that Lake Mary will vote on the referendum May 2, 1991, that the City Attorney has written a letter of support, that Staff has recommended approval, and that he is confident the Commission will approve the Interlocal Agreement. School Board Member Warren asked how many counties have opted for the one cent sales tax. Ms. Hastings stated that approximately 24 counties have opted for the one cent sales tax, and that the window closes on November 30, 1992, for the option of conducting a referendum. Chairman Mealor thanked County Manager Rabun and Pam Hastings for their presentations. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS SANFORD Commissioner Eckstein reported that Sanford held its second press conference regarding the Seminole Towne Center project, which is scheduled to open in 1994 instead of 1993 as anticipated, and that J.C. Penney's and Belk Lindsey have announced that they are strongly considering participating as anchor tenants. Also, he was disappointed that the funding for same is not place, and that he believes the mall will be beneficial to the City of Sanford. WINTER SPRINGS Commissioner Kaehler reported that County Commissioner Bob Sturm informed residents that Seminole County would no longer be responsible for the maintenance of Orange Avenue, but rather the City of Winter Springs, and that she was displeased with the fact that he did not discuss same with the City Commission first. Further, the Commission received a letter which stated that according to an Interlocal Agreement entered into in 1987, the County expects the City to live up to the bargain. She requested clarification of the City's responsibility pursuant to said Interlocal Agreement. commissioner Warren reported that she would investigate the matter and advise. LONGWOOD Commissioner Lovestrand reported that Longwood is struggling with only four Commissioners, that a special election will be held, and that one candidate has qualified, and another has announced candidacy. He 'anticipates that the City will be able to move forward when the vacancy is filled. Further, Longwood has not yet voted on the proposed One Cent Sales Tax Referendum, and that a 2/2 split may be evident. - 6 - OVIEDO Councilperson Cook reported that Oviedo is trying to become a Tree City USA, that the City planted five live oak trees on the newly developed Mitchell Hammock Road, which is one of the requirements for becoming a Tree City. The Council is watching relative to the tree farm the County is considering. Further, the Council will discuss various items at the next Council Meeting which include: 1. An award for the new sports complex, which includes a little league field, a lighted baseball field, a soccer field, etc., and that the City has had a real cooperative effort from the little league and Babe Ruth League. 2) Oviedo conducted a feasibility study to determine whether the City needs an airport, and will vote to decide whether to pursue same, and 3) The City Council will take action relative to the one cent sales tax referendum. Also, Oviedo anxiously awaits information from the school board and the County, which will allow the City to institute school impact fees. Councilperson Cook asked the status regarding the City's request for the speed limit to be reduced on 419. Commissioner Eckstein asked Councilperson Cook how she feels about the Charter revision. Councilperson Cook reported that she recently received the final draft, and that she has not stated an opinion. Further, major changes will include: 1) The Council will be called Commission, 2) The Mayor will join the Commission, and become a voting member, 3) The Mayor will be elected by the citizens, and 4) The wording relative to City Manager responsibilities will be changed. Further, everyone will still be elected-at-large if the revised Charter passes. SEMINOLE COUNTY COMMISSION Commissioner Warren reported that the County is awaiting the school board's plan regarding potential school impact fees, and that the County is willing to entertain the possibility of same. Further, the speed limit on 419 has been reduced 5 miles per hour, that notification was sent regarding same, and that the County would be willing to consider an additional speed reduction as development continues to be more urban than rural. Also, the Commission was not appreciative of what the committee submitted relative to solid waste, that Staff was asked to renegotiate with Hollows, and bring back cost factors, and that the consensus of the Commission is not to go mandatory until a program is in place, which is both cost effecti ve and deemed necessary. Commissioner Warren suggested that representatives in her district meet to discuss possible roads that need to be added to the ABC list, and that said list could be obtained from Larry Sellers or Jerry McCormick. Further, the Commission held a reception on Monday to thank volunteers who serve on Commission appointed boards, which was well attended. - 7 - Commissioner Eckstein reported that the City of Sanford is considering stormwater utility, that monthly charges would range from $2.00 to $3.00, which would be billed through the City utility bill. commissioner Warren stated that the County has been conducting stormwater drainage studies, and suggested that City Staff check with County Staff to compare information. There will be a water seminar at the end of this year or the first of next year. Further, the County is seeking free assistance from UCF Staff regarding Natural Lands Referendum Committee. Also, the County joined the City of Lake Mary's efforts for a toll charge, and that a resolution regarding same is forthcoming. LAKE MARY Chairman Mealor invited representatives to attend the Central Park Dedication Ceremony on Saturday, May 4, 1991 at 11:30 A.M. in front of City Hall, and stated that there will be a BBQ, entertainment, and an art exhibit by three local artists, which will be permanently on display at City Hall. SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Board Member Nancy Warren reported that the board is currently conducting a study regarding impact fees, that the ordinance will need to be updated, and that they will be looking to CALNO to support and coordinate Interlocal Agreements. Also, letters will be sent to each City requesting that any new developments be approved contingent upon payment of impact fees at the point of drawing permits. Further, relative to the Tuskawilla fire, she was very proud of the fact that school was back in session within four days, and that the kids would not be required to make up the two days missed. The board praised all the Fire Departments for responding so quickly, and protecting the site afterwards. Further, the extent of the damage is unknown at this time, however, there was no damage to the gymnasium, and no agreement has been reached with the insurance company. The mode of operation is to rebuild on the same site, however, renovation of the building is doubtful, and that portables will probably be necessary. Further, the board reinstated a courtesy bus in Winter Springs for the remainder of the year. Also, 30 members of the planning team attended the Retreat for Strategic Planning from April 23rd through April 25, 1991, that those in attendance found it to be a personally rewarding and phenomenal experience. The "Teacher of the Year" presentation will be on May 6, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. - 8 - ALTAMONTE SPRINGS Commissioner Constantine reported that Altamonte Springs celebrated Arbor Day by distributing over 1000 free trees to citizens, and that Altamonte Springs is a Tree City USA. He invited everyone to attend Altamonte Springs' annual "Charity Challenge" on May 18, and 19, 1991, which will consist of several activities including six sporting events, and that said event will have state-wide coverage via Channel 68. He stated that "Charity Challenge" was conceived in 1987, that initially there were four teams, and that $875.00 was raised for charity; $35,000.00 last year. This year, there are 36 teams, and it is anticipated that $40,000.00 will be raised. JUNE MEETING The June 5, 1991, Meeting will be held at Seminole County Services Building, 3rd floor. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:04 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~cK:~ Linda L. Brace Recording Secretary, City of Sanford - 9 -