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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 04 03 Minutes
APRIL 3, 1991
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole
County was held in the Commission Chambers, City of Lake Mary, 100
West Lake Mary Blvd., Lake Mary, Florida on April 3, 1991.
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Andrea Dennison, Casselberry
Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary
Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Corrmissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs
Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Paul Tremel, Lake Mary
Commissioner Thomas Mahoney, Lake Mary
Councilman John Hodgin, Oviedo
John Holland, Director of Parks & Recreation, Lake Mary
Rhonda Ledford, Purchasing Director, Longwood
Immediately prior to the meeting, the above Calno Members met on
the south lawn of Lake Mary City Hall at 7:00 P.M. to dedicate a
tree to the City of Lake Mary in honor of Arbor Month.
Commissioner Mealor stated this cedar tree would be used as a
perpetual holiday tree in years to come, and thanked Calno members
for their support in this event.
The Meeting was called to order by Chairman David Mealor at
approximately 7:15 P.M.
Chairman Mealor thanked Oviedo staff
Minutes of the March 6, 1991 meeting.
approve the Minutes as submitted,
Constantine and carried unanimously.
for the prompt submittal of
Councilperson Cook moved to
seconded by Commissioner
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Chairman Mealor stated that Rhonda Ledford, Purchasing Director
from Longwood, was present at tonight's meeting to discuss "piggy-
backing" on purchasing. He asked for input as to whether this item
should be agendized formally or handled among staff members.
Councilperson Cook asked that this item be deferred and agendized
at another meeting as she wished to discuss several items with her
Chairman Mealor thanked Ms. Ledford for attending this evening's
meeting and stated that this item will be on the May Agenda to be
held at Sanford City Hall. He stated he would send her a letter
notifying her of the date and time.
Commissioner Eckstein reported that he had received $25.00 from the
School Board of Seminole County and that the current balance is
$435.21. He stated all entities were paid and also all bills were
OLD BUSINESS: There was none.
A) Tree Dedication/Arbor Month
Councilperson Cook stated that Mr. Holland had told her that the
tree dedicated this evening had come from another portion of the
City Hall property, and questioned if CALNO did not purchase a tree
for the Arbor Ceremony.
Chairman Mealor stated that last year CALNO purchased a tree for
t.he City of Oviedo, bu.t that Lake Mary City Hall had this t.ree
available and was transferred from one side of the property to the
other, and that this was the reason a tree was not purchased.
Chairman Mealor introduced John Holland, Director of Parks and
Recreation for the City of Lake Mary, and asked him to give a brief
presentation on the Parks Program in Lake Mary.
Mr. Holland stated that it was his idea to plant a perpetual
holiday tree, and that with the help of Mike Martin, County
Forester, this cedar tree was located.
Mr. Holland stated that the area around Lake Mary City Hall is
known as Central Park and that the City recently completed Phase I.
Central Park will be formally dedicated on Saturday, May 4, 1991,
and the celebration will start at approximately 11:30 A.M. and will
include entertainment on our new ampitheatre. This will be the
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second time the City has used the ampitheatre as it was used in
December during "Holiday in the Parkll festivities. Phase II will
include additional sidewalks, gazebos, and additional landscaping.
He gave a brief overview of two new parks: Liberty Park and the
Lake Mary Sports Complex.
Mr. Holland stated that several civic organizations have
volunteered to do various projects to help with the park
construction. The Rotary Club has volunteered to install the
playground facilities at Liberty Park; the Optimist Club has
offered to install and provide some of the facilities for the "Tot
Lot" to be located in Central Park; and the Parks and Recreation
Board has held fund raisers to assist in different aspects of the
recreation program.
Chairman Mealor thanked Mr. Holland for his presentation and
assistance with the Arbor Tree Dedication Service that will he 1 p
fulfill the "Tree City USA" requirements.
B) Request by Raphael Montalvo
Chairman Mealor asked for a consensus regarding the Conflict
Resolution. He stated Mr. Montalvo would like to schedule a four
hour meeting, possibly from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. with lunch,
focussing on all members interacting and developing wording for an
Interlocal to be more effective. He asked for input from those
After some discussion, it was the concensus of those present to
schedule a three hour meeting, possibly during the summer when
CALNO usually doesn't meet.
Chairman Mealor stated he would contact Mr. Montalvo and schedule
a meeting to be held from 6:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. on August 7th,
1991, in the School Board Meeting Room.
C} Representation on Seminole County Expressway Authority
Chairman Mealor stated that he had received Resolutions passed by
the City's of Oviedo, Winter Springs, and Sanford, requesting each
have representation on the Seminole County Expressway Authority.
He asked Commissioner Constantine to brief those present of CALNO's
role on the his.tory of representation on the Authority.
Commissioner Constantine st.ated that the Seminole County Expressway
Authority was created approximately seven or eight years ago under
the auspices of the Seminole County Commission and would include
two City officials, containing a total of seven members (five
County Commissioners and two City Commissioners). Most decisions
that may effect Cities or the County would come before CALNO for
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repI"esentation. He s"tated David Farr, Paul Tremel, Mary Lou
Miller, Bettye Smith and himself had all previously served on the
Expressway Authority in different sequences of terms, and that
Mayor Bettye Smith is currently serving her second term on the
Expressway Authority. He stated that CALNO's job is to recommend
to the Seminole County Commission a designated representative as
Mary Lou Miller's term is expiring. The County Cormnission would
then either confirm or deny the appointment.
Chairman Mealor stated Commissioner Paul Tremel had past service on
the ECFRPC and on the Expressway Authority, and felt that if there
was a person that could represent each City equally, it would be
Commissioner Paul Tremel.
Commissioner Kaehler submitted
adopted on March 25, 1991
Commissioner be appointed, and
person, recommended herself.
Winter Spring's Resolution No. 663
recommending a Winter Springs
in the absence of a designated
Councilperson Cook stated that the Oviedo Commission recommended an
Oviedo representative be appointed, and in an absence for a
designated person, recommended herself.
Commissioner Eckstein stated Sanford's Commission recommended Mary
Lou Miller be re-appointed.
Chairman Mealor opened the floor for nominations:
1) Commissioner Lovestrand nominated Paul Tremel;
2) Commissioner Constantine nominated Ida Cook;
3) Commissioner Eckstein nominated Mary Lou Miller;
4) Commissioner Kaehler nominated herself.
Commissioner Cook stated that her Commission was very concerned
regarding the right-of-way acquisition and that Oviedo was promised
a DOT road (Mission Road), and that there was a change in personnel
and there was a shift on this decision, and believe that by having
membership on the Expressway Authority, they can be there to
observe any future developments.
Commissioner Eckstein stated that Sanford Mayor Bettye Smith is the
Chairman of the Expressway Authority and has had the opportunity to
work with Mary Lou Miller for the last two years, and that his
Commission recommended Ms. Miller be re-appointed.
Commissioner Kaehler stated that Winter Springs, being close to
Oviedo, had similar concerns. They felt that their communities
were unique and the Expressway would have a greater impact on their
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Ci ty t.han on other cities because the interchange will be located
in what they are developing as their downtown area. She stated
that where the interchange is located within each City is where
that City is most heavily impacted, and this was the reason her
Commission has always felt that there should be a representative
from Winter Springs on the Expressway Authority.
Commissioner Paul Tremel reiterated that when the Expressway
Authority decided the original alignment, it was a very trying time
and the concerns of Oviedo were listened to as Mayor Deas appeared
before them; and was not aware that Winter Springs had any concern
with the placement of that interchange as no one spoke in
opposition to it. He stated that right-of-way acquisition for the
southern section of the expressway has been fairly much completed,
and that what concerns him and other Commissioner I s in Lake Mary is
that the right-of-way acquisition from Lake Mary Blvd. extension to
1-4 has not begun, that there has been an alignment selected but no
right-of-way acquired. He stated that when the Expressway
Authority chose it's original route it was somewhat of a
controversial decision from that section from the Lake Mary Blvd.
extension to 1-4 as they made a decision to spare residential
neighborhoods, some in Lake Mary and some in Sanford. This
decision made this segment more expensive to build, but the
Expressway Authority had gone on record saying this was a road that
would benefit the residents of Seminole County without destroying
residential neighborhoods. As funding gets tighter, it was his
concern that this segment may be re-evaluated, and it would have
the greatest impact on Sanford and Lake Mary and this was why he
has expressed an interest to get back on the Expressway Authority.
He stated he would appreciate their consideration.
Commissioner Kaehler stated that in listening to everything that
had been said, she moved to withdraw her name.
Commissioner Constantine stated that Altamonte Springs was not
directly affected by the Expressway alignment, but that indirectly,
all of the Cities were affected. He stated he felt that with
respect to geographic location of the remaining segment, he felt it
important to have someone from the Lake Mary area and felt
Commissioner Tremel would be his choice.
Councilperson Cook stated that she felt the need to express the
opinions of her Council, and that she has spoke with Gerald Brinton
and he had argued for the need for someone from both Sanford and
Lake Mary to be on the Expressway Authority, and her Council still
asked her to seek the representative position. She introduced
Oviedo Councilman John Hodgin and his wife who were in the audience
and stated that other council members were in Tallahassee.
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Chairman IVlealor called for a vote, to be done alphabetically by
City and by a show of hands. The vote was as follows:
Lake Mary
Mary Lou Miller
Conwissioner Paul Tremel
Ida Cook
1 vot.e
4 v::im
1 vote
Commissioner Constantine moved that the nomination for Commissioner
Paul Tremel be unanimous. Seconded by Commissioner Kaehler and
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Constantine stated that ten years ago they lost their
only golf course, but was pleased to announce that off of Central
Parkway, there was a private entity building a nine hole golf
course, driving range, putting range and batting cage. He stated
that K-Mart is adding an additional 19,000 square feet which will
include a garden center; construction connecting Crane I s Roost
Blvd. to 1-4 overpass at Raymond St. is expected to begin in May;
that the I -4 overpass construction is beginning now and will be
completed in March, 1992; and City crews have been installing
Apricot water services along Little Wekiva Road in Spring Oaks. At
the ECFRPC Awards, they were fortunate to receive an award given
every two years to a commercial, residential, institutional and
public projects program. What was once called t.heir "Special
Population Program", which is now called their "Disabled Program"
won the regional award for excellence; and their Project Apricot
won an award for excellence.
Commissioner Lovestrand reported that they have almost finished
their irrigation of the median strips down 427. He stated the
school Board is negotiating for additions to LYman High School for
extra band practice areas, etc.
Councilperson Cook stated Oviedo had recently transmitted its Comp
Plan to DCA for review; that they had let the contract for Round
Lake Park and were in the process of putting bids out on playground
equipment, etc. and urged representa ti ves to go back to their
Cities and ask them to contact their Finance Director Linda Dennis
in hopes of "piggy-backing" on the purchasing.
Commissioner Eckstein stated that they had just signed a contract
on new lighting for their little league fields at Fort Mellon Park
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which will include steel power poles instead of wood, and that
their neighborhood irrigation project was just about on line and
should be started by early summer.
Board Member Nancy Warren invited all City representatives to a
Work Session with the County Commission on April 30th regarding the
Camp Plan; and that their Retreat for Strategic Planning will be
held April 23, 24, and 25.
Commissioner Kaehler noted that they hoped to be using a High
School Site area behind their City Hall for a park in conjunction
with the School Board; that they will receive voluntary impact fees
from an upcoming major development for a school to be built in the
City; that at their newest park, "Central Winds Park", the
playground facilities will be built with funds raised by civic
organizations and the parks committee and that they are planning a
major fund raising event in September. Commissioner Kaehler
invited Oviedo to a Work Session to discuss the joint use of School
Board Property for City parks.
Chairman Mealor thanked everyone for their attendance and the
courteous manner in which the Expressway representation matter was
The May meeting will be held at Sanford City Hall on the second
floor in the City Manager's Conference Room. Items to be discussed
at the May meeting will be purchasing procedures and a presentation
on Sales Tax by a Seminole County representative.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30
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patricia A. Lee
Recording Secretary, City of Lake Mary
APRIL 3-91-7