HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 03 06 Minutes .. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MARCH 6, 1991 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held in Council Chambers at the Oviedo City Hall, 400 Alexandria Boulevard, Ovi edo, Flori da, on Wednesday,. March 6, 1991, at 7 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs (Arr. Approx. 7:40) Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary Commissioner Paul Lovestrand, Longwood Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Andrea Dennison, Casselberry Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs GUEST SPEAKER PRESENT: Bob Lewis, Greater Seminole County Chamber of Commerce OTHERS PRESENT: German Romero, Seminole County Maureen Liberatore, Lake Mary Jennifer Hatfield, Greater Seminole County Chamber of Commerce Rhonda Lundford, Longwood Nancy Cox, City of Oviedo 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairman David Mealor called the meeting to order. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Councilperson Cook. Chairman Mealor recognized Bob Lewis, Director of the Greater Seminole County Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Lewis introduced Jennifer Hatfield stating she was responsible for publishing the newspaper and was the public relations/public information officer. Chairman Mealor also recognized representatives from Seminole County, Longwood and Lake Mary purchasing departments, and stated that he understood that Phil Penland, Altamonte Springs, would be here later to discuss insurance coverage. 1 .., CLGSC/3-6-91/PAGE 2. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: FEBRUARY 13, 1991. Councilperson Cook moved to approve the minutes of the February 13 t 1991 meeti ng, seconded by Commiss ioner Eckstei n. Chai rman Mealor expressed his thanks to the Longwood staff for the fine job they did last month. The motion carried unanimously. 4. TREASURER'S REPORT. Commissioner Eckstein reported that 8 of the 9 entities have submi tted their dues; the School Board being the only one outstanding. The balance stands at $410.21 with all bills paid. He reported this should be sufficient to carry through this year. 5. OLD BUSINESS. CONFLICT RESOLUTION CONSORTIUM. Chairman Mealor distributed a follow-up letter from Rafael Montalvo, Conflict Resolution Consortium, which is self-explanatory. He stated they are looking to a half-day workshop to discuss wording to enhance CALNO's interlocal agreement regarding mediation. Chairman Mealor stated since a number of members are missing tonight, he will bring this up for discussion at the next meeting. EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY REPRESENTATION. Upon the request of Chairman Mealor, Councllperson Cook addressed the resolution adopted by the City of Oviedo which they have in front of them, stating the Council wishes representation on the Expressway Authority because the next segment of the expressway comes right to the edge of Oviedo. She has been designated as Oviedo's representati ve if CALNO is willing. They discussed the request by Mary Lou Miller for reappointment. Commissioner Warren stated she believed it was appropriate to support Oviedo's request and made a motion to accept the resolution and nominate Councilperson Cook to represent CALNO to the Expressway Authority, seconded by Commissioner Lovestrand. Commissioner Eckstein stated he would like to take this to his commiss 1,on for di scuss ion and di rection, and made a mot ion to table. There was no second. The motion to table was defeated. Upon discussion, Councilperson Cook stated that since they were missing several members tonight she had no objection if the group would like to defer this. Commissioner Warren withdrew her motion and made a motion to table it to the next meeting. Commissioner Lovestrand agreed. Chairman Mealor stated he would send a copy of the resolution on to those absent tonight and agenda this item for April. The motion carried. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: Chairman Mealor reported that their next meeting fell on the Legislative Day in Tallahassee and asked if anyone wanted it changed. No one asked for a change. 2 ... CLGSC/3-6-91/PAGE 3. At this time Oviedo's City Manager stepped into the room, coming from another meeting, and Councilperson Cook introduced him to those at the meeting. Mr. Williford welcomed them to the City of Oviedo and apologized for not being able to attend the CLGSC meeting. 6. NEW BUSINESS. A. HIGHWAY 17-92 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Bob Lewis, Executive Director of the Greater Seminole County Chamber of Commerce, gave a report on the Highway 17-92 redevelopment project. The Redevelopment Committee's four keys to growth and development of Seminole County were defined as (1) completion of the expressway, (2) more development of regional airport, (3) more utilization of Seminole Communi ty College and (4) a designation or development of a Main Street for Seminole County. Mr. Lewis went on to explain how they began a private sector initiative to do something about redeveloping 17-92 and cleaning it up. They approached the cities for a representative to serve and now have over 30 people participating. They surveyed approximately 10% of the property owners along 17-92 and presented information showing the results of the survey regarding concerns of the owners, advantages and disadvantages of being located on 17-92, if they favored a special tax, providing tax incentives, involvement and willingness to spend fundS on their own property. The Chamber will do a preliminary presentation for each local government in July. Mr. Lewis reported the committee meets on the third Friday of each month at Seminole Community College, Room 205. Commissioner Constantine arrived during the presentation. B. INSURANCE COVERAGE. Commissioner Constantine presented and read a letter from Phil Penland, coordinator of the insurance committee, to the meeting. It appears that the proposed group consisting of Seminole County and the 7 cities do not have the number of employees necessary to have any clout with an insurance company, hospital or group of doctors. The committee did learn that many of the cities do not have a wellness program and recommended that they look into such a program. When questioned, German Romero, who attended the committee meetings, gave a report on the various aspects the committee looked into, and reported that Orange County, Orlando, and Seminole County are doing a similar study and may complete their study by May of this year. This information will be shared with everyone. He also reported that the State is looking at a pool purchasing concept for health insuranoe. 3 .. CLGSC/3-6-91/PAGE 4. Mr. Romero was asked to come back and brief the group when the study was completed by Orange County, Orlando and Seminole County. 7. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS. SEMINOLE COUNTY. Commissioner Warren reported the County held its Comprehensive Plan public hearing last night and moved several items to their agenda for transmittal approval. Tomorrow night they will consider land use and transportation. They talked about designating money for capping of wells in Seminole County even though this is St. John's area. In Public Safety they did move towards 3-men on an emergency vehicle and look forward to moving on to a first-response mode with all cities. Discussion on library impact fees is scheduled for March. Commissioner Warren reported they had the ground breaking for the Central Transfer Station on 419 which will be a very large, state of the art, facility. They forwarded a sales tax referendum for the elections office to set up. Commisssioner Warren, regarding the Natural Land Referendum, stated she met with that committee and let them know her wishes would be to buy land that can be used for water recharge and recreation. They also discussed in the Comprehensive Plan meeting last night, water resources and the report on the quality and quantity of water in Seminole County. They should also have another water seminar in the fall. LONGWOOD. Commissioner Lovestrand reported Longwood was also holding public hearings on the Comprehensive Plan, and they are working on selecting a new City Administrator. OVIEDO. Commissioner Cook reported that Oviedo has a public hearing tomorrow with the Land Planning Agency and again on March 18th with Council on the Comprehensive Plan. The City held an appreciation reception on February 28th for all the volunteers who serve on the various boards and committees and employees receiving awards. Additionally, the City has approved funding for the first three phases of the new sports complex. Councilman Cook encouraged them to consider allowing Oviedo to participate with the Expressway Authority. She invited anyone who hasn't seen the City Hall to tour it after the meeting. SANFORD. No report. 4 ~ CLGSC/3-6-91/PAGE 5. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS. Commissioner Constantine reported Altamonte will hold its normal spring cleanup March 25 - 28 and April 1 - 5. Commissioner Constantine welcomed all to look at Center Street, a 4-1aned highway which still retains a residential atmosphere. He reported that having changed their meetings from every week to every two weeks, the meetings actually got shorter and their average meeting lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. SEMINOLE COUNTY. Commissioner Warren reported preliminary discussion with Councilperson Cook regarding possible annexation of Johnson Hill to the City. The County is preparing to install water through a grant program so they will have good water, but the community still needs services. LAKE MARY. Commissioner Mealor thanked the CALNO group for dedication of the tree in Central Park, and they will use the tree as part of their Christmas festivities. Official dedication of Central Park is upcoming. They also have moved to submit their Comprehensi ve Plan. 8. NEXT MEETING. The next regular meeting on April 3rd will be at Lake Mary and they should come a little early to dedicate the tree. They will pick up with the correct order of meetings after the April 3rd tree dedication. 9. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE NEXT MEETING: Carry-over item from planning session in January was the issue of the shared purchase order agreement and some centralized coordination. Commissioner Mealor stated he had received feedback regarding their legislative platform and they will mail out letters to the delegation tomorrow, if acceptable to the group. The word "municipality" was changed to "local governments." 10. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Submitted by: 5