HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 02 19 Report of Transportation Expenditures REPORT OF TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURES FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX DISTRIBUTION MUNICIPALITY: City of Lake Mary, Florida NAME AND TITLE: Robert L. Lockridge, Finance Director TELEPHONE NUMBER: (401)324-3009 Description of FY 1989/90 Expenditures Amount 56r~ --------------------------------------- ---------- 1. Public transportation operations and maintenance $0 112,005 :gC0 E~ BW 2. Roadway and right-of-way 3. Roadway and right-of-way drainage 4. Street lighting expenditures 331,552 9,403 5. Traffic signs, traffic engineering and pavement markings o 6. Bridge maintenance and operations o 1. Debt service and expenditures for transportation capital projects o ------------ 452, ~59 ~.s:;),.~"'o Total transportation expenditures Less: Local Option Gas Tax revenues (105,521) ------------ Total eligible expenditures $~~7 ,43-2 ~'14'3~ ------------ ------------ I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. 1S~~jrid~~1 Finance Director GASTAX90.report PAGE 1 PRINTED February 19, 1991 ~ ~. ---. - Municipality Casselberry Name and Title Thelma McPherson, Acting City Clerk Telephone Number of Contact Official (407) 263-3903 Description of FY 1989/90 Expenditures Amount of Expenditures 1. Public transportation operations and maintenance. -0- 2. Roadway and right-of-way 2(a). Amortization of Developers Credits (1/3) 3. Roadway and right-of-way drainage 577 ,941 12,561 -0- 4. Streeting lighting expenditures 31 ,548 5. Traffic signs, traffic engineering signalization and pavement markings; -0- 6. Bridge maintenance and operations -0- 7. Debt service and expenditures for transportation capital projects including construction and reconstruction of roads 137,805 * Total eligible transportation expenditures $ 759,855 Please provide details of your calculation and relate differences in the totals provided on this document to the transportation totals included in your annual audit. Details to include such information as: federal funds, bond proceeds and Local Option Gas Tax funds excluded from the transportation expenditure totals and any special calculations that were needed that will not be related in your annual audit. I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. Jb~ m~- Signature Name: Thelma McPherson *Note Principal Payments $108,775 Note Interest Payments 29,030 Capital Projects (portion funded other than by Debt or LOGT Funds) -0- $137,805 Title: Acting City Clerk , .. --.,. -. -" Municipality _~i t.Y_.Q.t~.Q.ngwood o ;~)\ B ~ ~ r-:' ~,-- :-:: 8Lffi I" ;:-" . I . .' . i I I 1 I ......_! I " ,." ... . 1 !rS2~~~)' ~\i (- Director'-- MAR 0 1 1991 Name and Title James R. (Ric) Holt, Finane e SEMII~ULt. t,;VUri I t fLIJf'lH.II\ Telephone Number of Contact Official (407) 260-3475 Description of FY 1989/90 Expenditures Amount of Expenditures 1. Public transportation operations and maintenance. 1. Ogo. 22g _ 70 2. Roadway and right-of-way 3. Roadway and right-of-way drainage 4. Streeting lighting expenditures 99,243.11 5. Traffic signs, traffic engineering signalization and pavement markings; 6. Bridge maintenance and operations 7. Debt service and expenditures for transportation capital projects including construction and reconstruction of roads 625,539.19 1,815,012.00 116,414.93 Capital Projects Sub Total Debt Service Total eligible transportation expenditures 279,097.30 Less Gas Tax $ 1,652,329.63 Please provide details of your calculation and relate' differences in the totals provided on this document to the transportation totals included in your annual audit. Details to include such information as: federal funds, bond proceeds and Local Option Gas Tax funds excluded from the transportation expenditure totals and any special calculations that were needed that will not be related in your annual audit. I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. xh , Name: James R. Holt Title: Finance Director ..-.. ..-. -.. **** AMENDED **** C 1\.. ., .- I ~ M u n i c i pa Ii ty ___~~!~..?!_~~~E~___________________________.ID).~C_}~---~~-..~ , K~c ~ "'., . ~ l Name and Title_~~J>~~~_~~~IS !__~.!~~TO~-9!_!IN~~~_~_ADM1!i!.~.:~_RATr!~~_~~- U S[" 1"""';...,- vl.h....i' rLORJDA Telephone Number of Contact Official (407) 366-7000 EXT. 514 Description at FY 1989/90 Expenditures Amount at Expenditures 1. Public transportation operations and maintenance. 262,446 2. Roadway and right-ot-way 16,975 3. Roadway and right-at-way drainage 4. Streeting lighting expenditures 163,469 5. Traffic signs, traffic engineering signalization and pavement markings; 26,317 6. Bridge maintenance and operations 7. Debt service and expenditures for transportation capital, projects including construction and reconstruction ot roads 613,384 Total eligible transportation expenditures Developer credits-prior year carry-forward 1,082,591 47,833 $ 1,130,424 Please provide details of your calculation and relate Olfferences In the lotals provided on this document to the transportation totals included in your annual. audit. Details to include such intormation as: federal tunds, bond proceeds and Local Option Gas Tax funds excluded from the transportation expenditure totals and any special calculations that were needed that will not be related in your annual audit. $ I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. dt/7(a,- fA.. Signature , a?-7'l'Jt.C~ J/If'lU ./ Name: LYNDA M. DENNIS Title:DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES -.. --. -. Municipality City of Sanford, Florida Name and Title William A. Simmons, City Manager Telephone Number of Contact Official (407) 330-5610 Description of FY 1989/90 Expenditures Amount of Expenditures 1. Public transportation operations and maintenance. -0- 2. Roadway and right-of-way 1, 245 , 929 . 66 (D) 3. Roadway and right-of-way drainage -0- 4. Streeting lighting expenditures 151. 71 (C) 5. Traffic signs, traffic engineering signalization and pavement markings; 35,086.20 (E) 6. Bridge maintenance and operations -0- 7. Debt service and expenditures for transportation capital projects including construction and reconstruction of roads -0- Total eligible transportation expenditures $ 1,281,167.57 (F) Please provide details of your calculation and relate differences in the totals provided on this document to the transportation totals included in your annual audit. Details to include such information as: federal funds, bond proceeds and Local Option Gas Tax funds excluded from the transportation expenditure totals and any special calculations that were needed that will not be related in your annual audit. I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. 44~ Signature ~J~ --- ---- Name: William A. Simmons Title: Ci ty Manager .-", .-", --.. Municipality Cit~ Winter Springs ~."6 ',. .m~~~~' , ..~ \~ \ lJ\~,@,I],i1.,. ,~\~ \ \ \\,\ .., "1' ...t'\a1 .. C "ffj:2~ ~,I Name and Title Harry E. Martin, Director of Finance Telephone Number of Contact Official 407-327-1800 . .,..' i.,., :4,/ r~,~ -~;~~,~.~~ ~Q1E: ~jlj1j~b.1. "~'.r",,,':"'\' Description of FY 1989/90 Expenditures Amount of Expenditures 1. Public transportation operations and maintenance. -0- 2. Roadway and right-of-way 223074 3. Roadway and right-of-way drainage 214326 4. Streeting lighting expenditures 149450 5. Traffic signs, traffic engineering signalization and pavement markings; 10332 6. Bridge maintenance and operations -0- 7: Debt service and expenditures for transportation capital projects including construction and reconstruction of roads 46775 Total eligible transportation expenditures $ 643957 Please provide details of your calculation and relate differences in the totals provided on this document to the transportation totals included in your annual audit. Details to include such information as: federal funds, bond proceeds and Local Option Gas Tax funds excluded from the transportation expenditure totals and any special calculations that were needed that will not be related in your annual audit. I certify [: in( mafiOi contained herein is true and accurate, Signature Name: Richard Rozansky Title: City Manager ---. - '-"