HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 02 13 Minutes
FEBRUARY 13, 1991
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole
County was held in the City of Longwood Police Department Training
Room, 235 W. Church Avenue, Longwood, Florida on February 13, 1991.
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Andrea Dennison, Casselberry
Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary
Commissioner Paul Lovestrand, Longwood
Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County (Arrived
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs
7:20PM) X
Mr. Rafael Montalvo, Center for Conflict Resolution,
University of Central Florida
Mr. Cliff Guillet, Executive Director,
East Central Florida Regional Planning Council
Russell Hauck, Commissioner, Altamonte Springs
Sharon McBreen, Orlando Sentinel
The meeting was called to order by Chairman David Mealor.
Chairman Mealor dispensed with the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag due to the lack of a flag in the room.
Chairman Mealor asked all members, who wished their mail
forwarded to a location other than City Hall, to fill in one
of the available forms and return to him.
Commissioner Constantine moved to approve the Minutes of the
January 2, 1991 Meeting. Seconded by Councilperson Cook.
Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
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Commissioner Eckstein reported balance of $210.21 after
invoices are paid for two plaques for outgoing members Mayor
Hardy and Jane Dees in the amount of $68.60. He stated six
checks for $25 each for annual dues have been received from
six of the municipalities; still to be received are Oviedo,
Seminole County and the School Board. He said after all are
received the balance will be $435.21 which will be sufficient
to operate for the remainder of the year.
Commissioner Constantine moved that the Treasurer's Report be
approved. Seconded by Mayor Dennison. Motion carried by a
unanimous voice vote.
Chairman Mealor asked if Commissioner Lovestrand and
Councilperson Cook would present the plaques to Mayor Hardy
and Jane Dees on behalf of the Council with appreciation for
their services to the Council over the past year.
The following items were scheduled for the March 6, 1991 CALNO
meeting, to be held in Oviedo:
Hwy. 17-92 Task Redevelopment Force. Chairman Mealor
suggested that Paul Tremmel be asked to address the
Council. Commiss ioner Constant ine suggested that the
Seminole Chamber may have someone who might like to speak
on the issue. Chairman Mealor will contact Bob Lewis,
Greater Seminole County Chamber.
Insurance Committee. Chairman Mealor will contact Mr.
Phil Penland, City Manager of Altamonte Springs, with
regards to an update to the Council on the Insurance
Purchasing Contracts. The Council discussed combined
purchasing by all entities being coordinated during the
budgeting sessions. This would assist with coordinating
the bid process on like items that governmental entities
would be purchasing over the year. Commissioner
Constantine suggested the coordination continue on a
quarterly basis. The Council agreed that Purchasing
Agents and/or Finance Directors be invited to attend the
next Council meeting in an effort to begin working on
intergovernmental coordination in this regard.
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County, arrived at this
point in the meeting.
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At Chairman Mealor's request, Commissioner Constantine
led the discussion on the 1991 legislative package. He
suggested that the Council endorse specific items that have
to do with financing and were important to all the local
governments, rather than issues specific to some of the
individual entities, and were within reach to get
accomplished. Commissioner Constantine also suggested that
the word "cities" wherever it appears, it be changed to "local
governments." Commissioner Constantine discussed the 1990 the
1990 Legislative Package and said Items #5 and #6 were
specific to the School Board and the County while Items #1
thru #3, related to all the local governments and specifically
mentioned Items a.b. and c. under Item 3.
Mayor Dennison asked the Council to consider endorsing
legislation supporting equity in distribution of the per day
parimutuel fee paid to counties and cities as the cities are
now limited to a $50 per day fee.
Commissioner Constantine suggested the Council support
legislation that promotes urban infill by requiring more
stringent requirements for development in rural areas. He
stated this would promote protection of the environment.
Commissioner Constantine also suggested supporting the
State Water Resource Management Policy as he believes the
state has a serious water resource problem.
Commissioner Constantine suggested supporting reasonable
procedures for cities to eliminate enclaves and allow for
expediting annexations. Commissioner Constantine clarified
his suggestion saying he was directing his comments to State
Laws regarding annexation of enclaves.
Commissioner Mealor said he will have something drcrrUrl
and forwarded to the Council members for their review.
Commissioner Constantine welcomed Commissioner Hauck from
Altamonte Springs and introduced him to the Council.
Mr. Montalvo explained that the Consortium is a state-
wide public service program that serves as a catalyst and
consultant for designing and demonstrating the application of
conflict resolution techniques in a wide range of Florida's
growth management conflicts, with a particular focus on
assisting at the local level. He said the Consortium
establishes pilot case projects, responds to ad hoc requests
for mediation and consensus building, and manages a roster of
over 75 professional mediators with experience in public
disputes. He said it offers training for the participants and
dispute resolution practitioners and sponsors evaluation and
study of the benefit and appropriate role for growth
management conflict resolution in Florida. He said the
Program initiatives are: Research, Training, and Casework.
Commissioner Constantine said Council has adopted a
Conflict Resolution and the problem has been who would
mediate. He said the Consortium would provide the Council
this resource. Mr. Montalvo offered the assistance of the
Consortium to the Council. In response to Chairman Mealor's
request, Mr. Montalvo said he would review and comment in
writing on the Council's Resolution. Chairman Mealor said he
would distribute Mr. Montalvo's comments to members of the
Council. The Council expressed their appreciation to Mr.
Montalvo for his appearance and presentation.
Mr. Guillet explained that the East Central Florida
Regional Planning Council is an associat ion of in terlocal
governments empowered by State laws to come together to
encourage and promote local governments to coordinate and join
and cooperate with each other in the process of growth
management. He explained that the Planning Council assists
the local governments in the Comprehensive Planning process.
He said the Planning Council is also involved in reviewing
Developments of Regional Impact, responds to State Agency
needs on a contractual basis on aspects of growth management,
is involved with MPO's, Evacuation Planning, Hazardous Waste
Planning, and is the area Agency on Aging and is tasked with
developing action plans for service delivery, i.e., Meals on
Wheels, etc. He said the Planning Council is a quasi-
governmental agency under special enabling act of the
legislature with funds derived coming from member fees, and
the state and federal government. He said all the agencies
in Seminole County are members of the Planning Council.
In reply to Councilperson Cook, Mr. Guillet said, in
relation to school concurrency requirements, cities can
voluntarily provide for school concurrency in their plans but
is not yet mandatory.
Chairman Mealor thanked Mr. Guillet for addressing the
Council. Mr. Guillet offered the Planning Counc ii's
assistance to all present. Commissioner Constantine said the
latest version of the Perspective would be available in 30/60
days and would be provided to all ECFRPC members.
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ALTAMONTE SPRINGS. Commiss ioner Cons tan tine stated Center
Street has been renamed to Central Parkway. He stated it has been
widened to a four lane road and will eventually cross over 1-4.
SANFORD. Commissioner Eckstein stated a new Fire Station has
been dedicated. Groveview Park will be dedicated. The Cemetery
and 25th Street landscaping are completed. Commissioner Eckstein
said he had an item for New Business. He said he would like to
nominate Mary Lou Miller to the Expressway Authority. Chairman
Mealor asked Commissioner Eckstein to hold up on the nomination at
this time.
OVIEDO. Councilperson Cook said a series of task forces have
been appointed: Charter, Downtown Revitalization, and Plan for the
old Police Department building. Councilperson Cook said she would
like to nominate someone from Oviedo to s it on the Expressway
Authority, either Councilperson Hanlon or herself.
Chairman Mealor said the appointment to the Expressway
Authority would be scheduled on the next agenda.
SEMINOLE COUNTY. Commissioner Warren said the Solid vvaste
Citizen Advisory Committee has been reworked and will go back and
look at all the things needed to be implemented prior to mandatory
service being required. Commissioner Warren said the Board voted
four to one to send documents back to Lake Mary on the
beautification project.
LONGWOOD. Commissioner Lovestrand stated the City recently
dedicated Candy land Park. He said there are still additional
phases to be completed. Commissioner Lovestrand stated Longwood
is adj us t ing to life af ter Charter Amendment. He said it will
require careful planning for the Capital Program in the future. He
said he understands there are movements in other cities to this
SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD. Commission Warren said the
School Board has started the rezoning process for the two new
elementary schools that are planned. She said the School Board is
getting ready to appoint a Strategic Planning team. Commissioner
Warren said she attended the Harvard Reading School Seminar and
said it was outstanding. She said she would like the Florida
League to offer scholarships for elected officials to attend.
WINTER SPRINGS. Commissioner Kaehler said Winter Springs has
just dedicated their Senior Center and there was an excellent
turnou t for the Grand Opening. She said the new park had been
named Central Winds. She said the name was selected by a contest
held at the local schools.
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Commissioner Constantine said the City of Altamonte Springs
just dedicated a new neighborhood park. It was named Sunshine Park
in memory of Sunshine Assid, the little girl who was murdered a few
years back.
Councilperson Cook asked Commissioner Kaehler if winter
Springs and Oviedo could set up a joint work session regarding the
SR 434 study.
LAKE MARY. Chairman Mealor advised that a "Support Our
Troops" Rally, sponsored by Senior groups and others, would be held
at Central Park, in front of Lake Mary City Hall, on Saturday,
February 16, 1991 at 11:00 A.M. and encouraged all to attend.
Chairman Mealor said city staff was appreciative of CALNO'S offer
to present a tree to their site. The Council agreed that the
regular meeting would be held in Lake Mary on April 3, 1991, at
7;00 p.m., and would be a picnic and tree planting.
Chairman Mealor thanked Sharon McBreen for attending the
8. Next meeting will be held in Oviedo on March 6, 1991 at 7:00
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:20
Submitted by:
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Geri Zambri, Deputy t'ity lerk
City of Longwood, Florida