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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 01 02 Minutes (2)
Jl\NTTARY 2, 1991
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole
County was held in the City Commission Chambers of the Lake Mary
City Hall, 100 West Lake Mary Blvd., Lake Mary, Florida on January
2, 1991 at 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Andrea Dennison, Casselbery
Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary
Mayor Hank Hardy, Longwood
Councilperson Ida Cook, Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Pat Warren, Seminole County
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs
Randy Morris, Mayor of Lake Mary
Tom Mahoney, Commissioner, Lake Mary
Paul Lovestrand, Commissioner, Longwood
The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Hank Hardy. All
present participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Hank Hardy welcomed new members Ida Cook and Pat Warren.
Mayor Dennison moved to approve the Minutes of the meeting of
November--, 1990. Seconded by Commissioner Kaehler. Motion
carried unanimously.
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Commissioner Mealor stated he was in Ft. Lauderdale at the time of
the November meeting and apologized for being out of town and
unavailable to present a Treasurer's Report.
Commissioner Mealor distributed copies of the Treasurer's Report
and noted a balance on hand of $278.81. Invoices will be sent to
all representatives on January 3, 1991, in the amount of $25.00 to
cover the cost for stationery, envelopes and other related items
that may arise.
There were no items to be discussed at this time.
Election of Officers
Commissioner Constantine nominated David Mealor as
Chairman of CALNO, seconded by Commissioner Eckstein.
Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Constantine nominated Whitey Eckstein as
Treasurer of CALNO, seconded by Commissioner Mealor.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Hardy stated he has served for three consecutive
years as Longwood' s representative and therefore was
nominating Paul Lovestrand to replace him as Longwood's
representative. He stated this replacement was
contingent upon no obj ections from other Longwood Council
Members, and felt reasonable sure there would be no
problem with the appointment.
Commissioner Constantine thanked Chairman Hardy for a job
well done over the years.
A) Conflict Resolution
Commissioner Constantine stated that as representatives,
they needed to constantly remind other constituents of
the Interlocal Agreement that they all had written and
approved. The problem was: who would be the moderator
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should a problem arise. The State, both in Tallahassee
and at UCF, has approved in their outreach program, a
conflict resolution organization. The program at UCF
basically covers all of central Florida. Rafael Montoya
is the Director of the program at UCF and is enthusiastic
about the program and would like to speak at an upcoming
CALNO meeting. Commissioner Constantine requested that
this item be placed on a future agenda.
B) Arbor Day
Commissioner Constantine stated that last year Oviedo
planted a tree for Arbor Day, and that he'd like to see
the tradition carried forward. It was the consensus of
those present that Lake Mary would be responsible for the
tree planting this year. This will be further discussed
at the February meeting.
C) Insurance Committee
Commissioner Constantine stated Phil Penland had headed
the Committee at first but it was his understanding that
it had now been turned over to the various Personnel
Directors, and he felt that each member needed to stay on
top of this.
Mayor Dennison stated that Casselberry's Personnel
Director stated that at the last meeting held, they were
having a hard time due to each City being so different.
She further stated that their city would have to set
aside $350,000 for a self-insured plan, and that they had
to back away from it due to the initial capital outlay.
Commissioner Constantine suggested that CALNO members and
their Personnel Directors get together and make
suggestions to go forward with this project.
D) Purchasing Contracts
Commissioner Constantine stated that approximately three
years ago a letter was sent to all Finance Directors,
that a provision was made to include on all bids, that
should another government entity within Seminole County
wished to purchase the same item, that they would be able
to do so at the same price. The savings could be
substantial to all.
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Mayor Dennison suggested that another letter be sent to
reinforce this issue with the Finance Directors and to
encourage them to network more between the agencies.
E) Ad-Valorem Taxes
Commissioner Constantine stated that all concerned needed
to expand their tax base and to do so, it was necessary
to coordinate with the people that represent Seminole
County at the Economic Development Council and see how
government officials can help as a group. He felt that
the Sentinel did a good job with the articles they ran
this month.
F) 17-92 Redevelopment Task Force
Mayor Dennison stated this effects basically all entities
except Winter Springs and it was necessary to develop a
plan to recharge this roadway as 17 - 92 died as an
economic entity and tax base when the traffic shifted to
1-4. She predicted that within the next ten years,
unless this area is recharged more businesses will die by
leaps and bounds.
G) Enclave Issues
Mayor Dennison stated the last four years working with
the Seminole County Commission has been much better with
fewer lawsuits due to annexations.
Commissioner Constantine stated that he felt educating
the people and making them aware of the monetary savings
they could incur by being annexed was the key.
Mayor Dennison asked that a letter of introduction explaining the
purpose of CALNO be sent from the new Chairman to newly elected
city officials and staff, and to try to get the press interested in
attending upcoming meetings. Commissioner Constantine felt that it
would be more effective to bring these people to a CALNO meeting so
that they could see first hand what CALNO is all about.
H) Discussion of February Agenda
Chairman Mealor stated that the February meeting will be
held in Longwood and would include discussion on the
Conflict Resolution, the Legislative Package, and a
presentation from the Executive Director of the Regional
Planning Council.
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Mayor Dennison stated that their recent election went
well and Casselberry would have a new City Manager by
next December. They now have a three year term for
officers; and are now known as Commissioner's instead of
council members. She complimented Sanford on their St.
Lucia Parade.
Mayor Dennison stated that Casselberry had received
numerous calls from lawyers representing Adult
Entertainment establishments looking to locate in
Seminole County. Casselberry will be having a "Major"
Work Session on Monday, January 21st. Guest speakers
will be Joe Carcherella who represents MEI of Orlando,
Harry Hooper who heads up the Division of Beverage
Licenses, Don Eslinger, and Norm Wolfinger from the State
Attorney's Office. These types of establishments
contribute to large amounts of criminal activity and it
is not Casselberry's intention to solve their problems by
chasing these types of establishments to other areas of
the county. Orange County's ordinance is so effective
that these types of establishments are seeking new
locations outside of the Orlando area. Leon County has
no topless clubs and their Ordinance was challenged and
Leon County won the case. She urged all that could
attend to be there.
Commissioner Mealor stated many wonderful things were
happening in Lake Mary, and introduced Lake Mary's new
Mayor, Randy Morris. Mayor Morris stated that the City
did a survey and received 75% response in favor of parks.
Lake Mary now has a Director of Parks and Recreation, and
has acquired $600,000 worth of land for parks. The City
has been addressing transportation issues and
improvements to the I-4/Lake Mary Blvd. interchange are
to start within 60 days. Recently, the Christmas parade
culminated at Central Park in front of City Hall, with a
social, "Holiday in the Park", which included singers,
dancers, and an all around nice day for family fun.
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Mayor Hardy stated that for the third consecutive year
Don Terry is now the City Administrator. He stated SR
427 improvements were complete and hopes to get some
landscaping soon. He stated the Commission is optimistic
for 1991.
Commissioner Cook stated Oviedo had a nice tree lighting
ceremony at Walton House which was refurbished with the
cooperation of the school board. Thanks to cooperation
with developers, Oviedo was able to do sewer hook-ups
with Iron Bridge. Newly revised Live Oak development has
a different configuration and different developer which
has saved more of the Econ.
Commissioner Eckstein stated that Sanford now has Fire
Station No. 3 on Upsala Road that took four years and
alot of patience, and it should be dedicated this month.
Pat Warren stated she was looking forward to a
challenging year and working together wi th peace and
harmony with all CALNO entities. She stated she was
interested in all the challenging projects CALNO is doing
and hopes that CALNO can be a catalyst for the community.
Nancy Warren stated she had her first meeting as a new
member on the School Board, and was excited about working
on new proj ects . She stated she supports year round
education and that one school next year will be on a year
round schedule with others to follow in upcoming years.
Ms. Warren stated that impact fees are important to their
budget; that the School Board had a study done that
indicated an impact fee of approximately $2,000 per unit
was necessary. Funds from the State allow them to build
as long as lease-purchase is an option if the referendum
is turned down. The School Board has also approved a
seven period day starting next semester.
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Commissioner Kaehler stated they will kick-off their
recycling with Dancing Garbage Pails, a group that will
perform. Park bids for clearing and grubbing will be
going out soon and they asked school children to submit
names for the new park and the Commissioner's will choose
the name from these suggestions. Their new Senior Center
is almost finished. S.R. 434 is to be widened in the
near future and Winter Springs has been having some
problems with DOT relating to their Park entrance. She
requested names of persons at DOT that other members of
CALNO had dealt with in the past in hopes of resolving
these problems.
Mayor Hardy stated he had enjoyed serving as Chairman and would be
attending from time to time.
Chairman Mealor thanked the members for appointing him Chairman
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45
Submitted by:
Patricia A. Lee, Adm. Secretary
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