HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 10 03 Minutes
OCTOBER 3, 1990
A regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments of Seminole
County was held at Westmonte Center, 624 Bills Lane, Altamonte
Springs, Florida, on October 3, 1990, at 7:08 p.m.
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Andrea L. Dennison, Casselberry
Commissioner David J. Mealor, Lake Mary
Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Jennifer Kelley, Seminole County
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner David J. Mealor.
Moved by Commissioner Kelley, seconded by Commissioner Constan-
tine, to accept the minutes of September 5, 1990, with the
correction of Commissioner Mealor's middle initial to J. rather
than K. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Mealor reported there has been no financial activity
by the Council since the last meeting, and the current balance is
Commissioner Eckstein stated there has been much ado in the
papers between the Cities of Lake Mary and Sanford over Rinehart
Road between C46A and Lake Mary Blvd. He reminded the Council
they had created a vehicle with which to mediate disputes between
the Ci ties, and he expressed his d isappointmen t over not being
given the opportunity to work out problems before the matter went
into litigation. He stated his belief this action violated the
spirit of CALNO and questioned the deletion of this process.
Commissioner Constantine stated it is his understanding, because
of the timing of this action, an injunction was the only way to
stop the project in a timely manner. He stated the ECFRPC
decided that in the Development Order written by Sanford, the
Ci ty had added an either/or for the $ 500,000 where the or ig inal
recommendations did not have an either/or. There was not either
a Rinehart Road or the improvements on 14, but only Rinehart
Road. He stated his belief Lake Mary should have asked for
mediation earlier when it was realized there would be a problem.
Commissioner Mealor stated he was informed by staff attempts had
been made to work out this problem and they were unable to do so
to the satisfaction of Lake Mary. He expressed his support of
the actions of CALNO in creating this mediation board and he
would inform the commission and staff of this vehicle and urge
it's utilization.
Commissioner Kelley introduced Gary Kaiser,
Director for Seminole County, to update the
ambulance service in Seminole County.
on the
Mr. Kaiser stated the present ambulance service is provided by a
private company which holds a nonexclusive franchise. He stated
the County is not subsidizing this operation, but rather it pays
its own way via a user fee basis. He stated the rates have
risen rapidly, but if it is to continue using the user fee basis
for charges, the fees will continue to rise. A request for
proposals for providers of this service had gone out. He stated
the County has provided the contract mechanism for the ambulance
service County wide, and the municipalities have been free to
rely on their own contract for an upgraded contract with that
ambulance service or any other provider. Mr. Kaiser stated the
City of Casselberry went into the transport business with their
own fire service.
Mr. Frank Kirk, EMS Manager for Seminole County, gave an overview
of three scenarios and the comparative costs for ambulance
services between AMT and Atlantic Ambulance Service.
Mr. Kaiser informed the Council that transport rates for cases
that are not emergencies are not regulated by the County's
ordinance, and companies can set their own rates.
Mr. Algeri, Fire Chief for the City of Casselberry,
advanced life support service in Casselberry is not
through user fees, but rather through ad valorum taxes.
Tom Siegfried, Fire Chief for Altamonte Springs, informed the
Council Altamonte Springs is conducting a feasibility study to
determine if transport by the City is cost effective.
Mr. Kaiser informed the Council that if another City withdraws
from the County service, it could prove cost prohibitive for the
present system of ambulance service.
Mr. Kaiser also informed the Counc il Seminole County is look ing
into purchasing a helicopter for emergency evacuation service
within the County. Presently we are using helicopters from
Orange and Volusia County and the call for services is becoming
so heavy there is a possibility of it being unavailable in a time
of critical need.
Altamonte Springs:
Commissioner Constantine reported the qualifying time for elec-
tions for the City has passed, and there were no challengers for
any of the incumbents for City Commission seats.
Lake Mary:
Commissioner Maelor expressed a desire to present Jane Dees with
a plaque for her service on the Council, and stated he would take
care of it.
He also stated he would contact Oviedo for a replacement for Jane
Dees on the Council.
Seminole County:
Commissioner Kelley asked the members for support for Amendment
#3 from the member Cities.
Commissioner Constantine introduced Ron Grasha from Leisure
Services for Altamonte Springs, who informed the members of the
Council of the various services provided by the City for the
handicapped members of the surrounding communities.
A preview of a video tape, which has been entered into competi-
tion for therapeut ic recreation prog rams, was played for the
members. This was followed by a tour of the therapeutic pool and
a trip through the City's haunted house.