HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 08 01 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY August 1, 1990 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held at the Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida on August 1, 1990 at 7 o'clock PM. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Mayor Andrea Dennison, Casselberry Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Jennifer C. Kelley, Seminole County Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board MEMBERS ABSENT Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs OTHERS PRESENT Steve Decker, Seminole County Traffic Engineer Bill Suber, Seminole County Property Appraiser Dick Thomas, Seminole County Planning Department CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hank Hardy, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion made by Commissioner Lee Jennifer Kelley, that the minutes Motion carried unanimously. Constantine, seconded by Commissioner of May 2, and June 6, 1990 be approved. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner David Mealor, Secretary/Treasurer, reported no financial activity since the last report submitted The balance on 8/1/90 is $278.81. that there has been for council review. OLD BUSINESS Chairman Hardy reported that there was not a quorum when the council accepted the Local Option Gas Tax, but for the record, a vote should be taken. Motion to accept by Mayor Andrea Dennison, seconded by Commissioner Lee Constantine. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS A. Commissioner Kelley requested that the Host Presentation be heard at this time by Bill Suber, Seminole County Property Appraiser, with an abbreviated overview of GIS (Geological Information System). Mr. Suber stated that he is very interested in the development of a county-wide GIS system. GIS seems simple but is a very complex system which includes a mapping system - enhanced to include a lot of things pertaining to Public Safety. The system will, for instance, - if a 911 call comes in for help, it will in 3 to 5 minutes have police on the scene because they are guided there through the use of a map which routes them directly to the place of the call. Mapping system is a basis for the whole larger picture of what GIS does. It will move the county into the 21st century. He shared with the group that a letter explaining the GIS system will be going to all city managers and mayors from Chairman Sandra Glenn and himself. The program will be initiated by doing a Feasibility Study which will include everyone involved in the GIS system. He wants this involvement because of the data used in the cities is similar to data which the county uses. Each city has various departments (clerical help, management, etc.) same as county - much of that data in a common element stream of flow would work through the system. It is a network system, so that each cities system will "talk" to the county system and county to city. The Feasibility Study will determine the scope and limits of the program, inventory of present information system operations, make a determination of functional requirements for the project, define the implementation alternatives, calculate cost and benefits, and present management with findings and recommendations. Estimated cost around $135,000.00. County has budgeted $60,000 and he hopes to get funding from the Sheriff, School Board and the cities. The letter will ask for a specific amount of money, possibly $3,000.00 each. That buys in and gives each a position on a committee which tells whomever what the goals are going to be, objectives and the results expected in the GIS system. There must be an organized way to share data, so no one creates an empire for themselves and controls the system, but rather that each will share and help one another. Hopefully the study will begin in October. Printed information explaining what a study is and what is hoped to be accomplished, was given to each member present. This information is to included also in the letter. Estimated time from Feasibility Study to time of implementation would be 3 to 5 years. The program would begin with a Base Map in which each department inputs with up to date information. System can be added to as money permits. Public Utilities could also be asked to be included in the system. The uses of this system are absolutely unlimited. It would also generate revenues. Following his explanation, there was a general discussion among the group - each stating the need and their support. There was a discussion regarding budgets and where money could be set aside for the study. No one was opposed to the GIS system. Urgency was stressed in getting this on their respective agendas for discussion. For presentation purposes, technical people along with a film explaining the GIS system is available from Mr. Suber's office. B. Steve Decker, Seminole County Traffic Engineer made a presentation of the Inter-local Agreement, Seminole County/Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles of the State of Florida (Florida Highway Patrol). Printed material was handed out and explanation given. The Traffic Circulation Element requires the establishment of the existing Level-Of-Service of all roads within the local governments jurisdiction. Seminole County has contracted and completed County Arterial and Collectors, but have not addressed the State road system. The State road system effects all government entities within the County thus, making it imperative to include those roadways in the study. The proposed Inter-local is intended to address the determination of the Level-Of-Service on the State system using the Travel Time and Delay study and share the cost. Mr. Decker indicated in his remarks that he was present at this meeting to offer his services in doing the state roads within the cities, and that Dick Thomas, also present, had drafted the Inter-local Agreement. He indicated that it is cheaper for the cities to accomplish this in cooperation with the county. After his presentation, there was a general discussion. Possible date to start is October, maybe in September. County has the in-house capability and will be glad to do city streets. Commissioner Kelley requested that the Inter-local Agreement be returned quickly in order to get program started. It was also agreed that it was the responsibility of CALNO members to get this information to their respective leaders for approval. It was stated that there was no need to bring the agreement back to CALNO because it will be done with each individual city. The second item Mr. Decker discussed was the City/County Traffic Units Safety Checkpoint Operation. He related how roadways are closed in case of emergencies and that the county works hand in hand with law enforcement. The county has one stocked trailer (barricade equipment, etc); has purchased another trailer which the Police Departments are stocking. At the request of several police agencies an Inter-local Agreement was drawn up to indicate this working together. Legally it gives the county authority to go into cities and put up barricades in case of an emergency. Benefits besides communication, the public is rece~v~ng a much better product from the law enforcement agencies who are not tied up directing traffic when these emergencies occur. Department of Transportation and the Florida Highway Patrol are going to sign into agreement giving authority for the county to go onto State Roads, including the Interstate, to close them down in case of emergencies. Chairman Hardy indicated the next meeting of CALNO would be at Winter Springs, September 5, 1990. REPORT FROM MEMBERS Altamonte Sprinqs Commissioner Constantine reported that another new Horne Depot and a Marshalls Department store is to be built in his city. A new fire station in the Hattaway Drive, Barkley Woods area is to be completed January 1992 and will serve the southeast portion of the city. Also, they are looking at a possible sub-station on the west side of town. ..------ Casselberry Mayor Dennison reported that the first step of reorganization was in the Community Development Department and the hiring of a new Community Director, former city manager of Mt. Dora, Mr. Tony Segreto. Second phase of restructuring will be Public Works taking in Utilities, October 1, 1990. Public Safety Department will be next. The city will be observing their 50th Anniversary on October 7th with many planned activities. Lake Marv Commissioner David Mealor gave a brief statement regarding the new Lake Mary City Hall and their Open House activities. Stated that they have received a large grant to be used for recreation. Sanford Commissioner Whitey Eckstein reported on the joint participation of city and School Board in reference to activities planned for school children after the regular school hours. Will be held at Seminole High School with teachers staffing the program and will be for grades six through twelve. This is a way of meeting the needs of children in Sanford area and the school sharing their facilities. $15,000 in budget is to be used for this project. Swimming Pool to be built at Seminole High School with high school coaches teaching lessons. He related how so many children and youth do not know how to swim, and that in placing it at the school, it will benefit the school as well as Sanford area youth. Seminole Commissioner Jennifer Kelley gave a report of the progress in the Midway community relating to drug control, community center and the investigation of the Canaan Water Association by the State Attorney. A meeting will be held on August 14 and 16 in which residents will be signed up as members of the association and will be privileged to vote in whomever they wish to run the system. A new industry, Aronow Powerboats, Inc., will be locating in the Sanford area in the Fall 1990. In connection with her report, Commissioner Constantine said that his city would be willing to man recreational centers if Seminole County would build them. School Board Board Member Nancy Warren complimented Commissioner Kelley on her efforts in the Midway area, especially where the school was concerned, and stated that the school had begun to have a better reputation in the community and among parents of present school children and those who may be enrolling for the first time. She stated that the School Board was non-partisan again! The Board did vote to put a referendum on the ballot for an appointed School Superintendent. Their Budget Hearing took place on July 31st with an informational session for an hour prior to the Board coming in for the Hearing. Questions were asked and answered during this session. The formal Hearing lasted for one hour with the majority in favor of a tax increase. Board also voted to go on year around school sessions at the Lawton School in Oviedo. Lonqwood No report Commissioner Mealor stated that the bank had called and inquired if CALNO had a tax number. Commissioners Constantine and Hardy indicated that there was no number and no need for him to pursue one. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.