HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 06 20 Memo Re: Inter-Local Agreement Contracting Travel Time and Delay Studies June 20, 1990 ISSUE PAPER FROM: CALNO Steven L. Decker, Seminole countyt7~ Traffic Engineer TO: SUBJECT: Inter-local Agreement Contracting Travel Time and Delay Studies ISSUE The Traffic Circulation Element (9J5) requires the establishment of the existing Level-Of-Service of all roads within the local governments jurisdiction. Seminole County has contracted and completed County Arterial and Collectors, but have not addressed the State road system. The State road system effects all government entities within the County thus, making it imperative to include those roadways in the study. The proposed Inter-local is intended to address the determination of the Level-Of-Service on the State system using the Travel Time and Delay study and share the cost. BACKGROUND Typically Level-Of-Service have been calculated using peak hour traff ic volumes and the Highway Capac i ty formula. This is a quantitative method to determine the quality of the traffic circulation of a roadway. The formula incorporates assumptions based upon average traffic conditions of roadways world-wide. Understanding that many factors effect the quality of travel upon any roadway, it is easy to understand that a quantitative calculation to determine roadway Level-Of-Service is not a totally accurate methodology. The Travel Time and Delay study is an in field study that measures the amount of delay and the travel speed of the study vehicle upon the road-way. The results, by using the applicable roadway classification chart compared to the speed/delay, determines the Level-Of -Service. This is a State acceptable methodology to determine roadway LOS. COST Attached is a list of roadways and the milage of each within the applicable Government Agency. Our consultant has provided the cost per roadway and we determined each agency's share. This is the proposed cost for October 1990. The project should be completed annually for the next three years than bi-annually henceforth. REQUEST It is requested that each agency participate and sign the Inter- local Agreement. SLD:rh (calno.iss) COUNTY SR 436 2.2 miles ( 19% of $7029) = $ 1,335.51 US 17-92 1.6 miles ( 38% of $4154 ) = 1,578.52 SR 434 4.4 miles ( 21% of 13,738) 2,884.98 SR 426 4.8 miles ( 83% of 3668) 3,043.61 SR 46 1.8 miles ( 34 % of 3362) = 1,143.08 $ 9,985.70 ALTAMONTE SR 436 5.1 miles (44% of 7029) = $ 3,092.76 SR 434 4.0 miles ( 18% of 13,738) = 2,472.84 $ 5,565.60 CASSELBERRY SR 436 4.2 miles ( 37% of 7029) $ 2,600.73 US 17-92 1.9 miles (45% of 4154 ) = 1,869.30 $ 4,470.03 OVIEDO SR 434 3.5 miles ( 16% of 13,738) = $ 2,198.08 SR 426 1.0 miles ( 17% of 3667) 623.39 $ 2,821.47 LONGWOOD US 17-92 .7 miles ( 17% of 4154 ) = $ 706.18 SR 434 4.0 miles ( 18% of 4154 ) = 2,472.84 $ 3,179.02 WINTER SPRINGS SR 434 6.0 miles ( 27% of 13,738) = $ 3,709.26 SANFORD SR 46 3.5 miles ( 66% of 3362) = $ 2,218.92 ,"201'91:' 10: 09 C407 6285773 T. C. G. I ~ \7b.. .. Seminole County Travel time and Delay Studies (PS . 076) Cost Breakdown for Stat~ Road Study Arterials (Location~ 18-22) Location Length CsW $7,029 4,154 13,738 3,667 U6l 531,950 SR436.......... .11.5 miles US 17-92 . . . . . . . .. 4.2 miles SR 434. . . . . . . . . . .21. 9 miles SR 426. . . . . . . . . .. 5.8 miles SR 46. . . . . . . . . . .. 5.3 miles Source: Transportation Consulting Group (~0-11) RECEIVED FEB 201990 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SEMINOLE COUNTY IJ ..