HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 04 05 Letter Re: Legislative Priorities for 1990
Council of local Governments in Seminole County
Senator Richard Langley, DIstrict 11
Senator Winston Gardner, DistrIct 17
Representative Frank Stone. District 34
Representative Art Grindle. DIstrict 35
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
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Irlcluded are i;he SlX orloritJ.es of the CClUT1CJ_J aT i__C(:~11
[;o\/ernments In Seminole Countv fOl- tell::' 1.990 Legislative S'",ssi:Jn.
We would very much apprecIa~e your consideration of these Issues.
If vou have any questions at all. pleas2 feel free to contact any
one of the members of the Counci 1. of Local Gov'ernment:::, 1',
5 e m i no 1 e Co u n t y, iN h 1. c h a \- e i n c 1 u d ~'cf 1 nth 1 S me m 0 r- and u m .
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3~ F"lexible Fii,ar,cing:
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Suoport J_eaislatiofl to e;~parlO
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4. That schools be included ln concurrency requirements for
all growth management plans.
5. Use of lottery funds for enhancement of education.
6. State commit resources toward adequately funding the
construction of additional local jail and state correction
facilities, toward increased criminal and noncriminal
penalties for those who use, manufacture and sell drugs, and
toward adequate drug preventative, rehabilitative. treatment
and testing program.
Hank Hardy,
Chairman of Council of Local Governments. Seminole County
Commissioner Lee Constantine
City of Altamonte Springs
City Ha 11 : (407) 830--3804
Mayor Andrea Dennison
City of Casselberry
C it V Ha 11: (407) 831-3551
Commissioner David Mealor
City of Lake Mary
City Hall: (407) 323-7910
Commis<:'.ioner' I,-lank Ha,dy
City of Longwood
City Hall: (407) 260-3440
Councilperson Jane S. Dees
City of Oviedo
C it v Ha 11: (407) 365-3287
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein
Citv of ~:;anford
City Hall (407) 330-5600
CommIssioner Cindy Koehler
City of Winter Springs
City Hall (407) 327--1800
Commissioner Jennifer Kelly
Board of County Commissioners
County Sel-vices Bui Idinq
(407) 321-1130
Nancy l,-Jal-ren
Seminole County School Board
(407) 322-1252