HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 04 04 Minutes
APRIL 4, 1990
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole
County was held at Longwood City Hall, 175 West Warren Avenue,
Longwood, Florida at 7:00 P.M. on April 4, 1990.
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Andrea Dennison, Casselberry
Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary
Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood
Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Jennifer Kelley, Seminole County
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Deputy Mayor Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs
Mike Abels, City Administrator, Longwood
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hank Hardy.
The Council agreed that a Get Well Card and a plant would be sent
to Commissioner Whitey Eckstein who was in the hospital.
Motion by Nancy Warren, seconded by Commissioner David Mealor that
the minutes of February 21, 1990 be accepted as submitted. Motion
carried by a voice vote.
a) Arbor Program. Chairman Hank Hardy suggested that the Council
select the City of Oviedo's New City Hall as the location for
planting a tree for Arbor Month for 1990, the Lake Mary City Hall
for 1991 with a second tree location to be selected by the Council.
The Council agreed that the Council would have a tree planting
ceremony at the City of Oviedo City Hall on Wednesday, May 2, 1990
at 6:30 P.M. Commissioner Lee Constantine said Altamonte Springs
would provide the tree.
b) Solid Waste Task Force. Commissioner Lee Constantine said the
City of Altamonte Springs had decided to wait for Seminole County
to implement a recycling program which was now estimated to start
in October 1990. Commissioner Kelley said recent information mailed
by Seminole County regarding the recycling program had been funded
by a State grant established for educational purposes and no tax
dollars were expended. Commissioner Hardy announced that Longwood
had completed negotiations with Industrial Waste Service, Inc. and
a complete recycling program would commence on May 9, 1990.
Commissioner Hardy invited the Council to attend a "kick off"
ceremony on Saturday, April 21, 1990 at 11:00 A.M.
at the Longwood City Hall.
c) Discussion of Legislative Package.
The Council agreed on the following priorities and proposed
legislation for submission to Tallahassee.
1. State transportat ion funding to complete beltway for
Orlando now.
2. No State mandates without funding sources.
3. Flexible Financing:
(a) Support legislation that allows a municipality to
receive revenues via "partial year assessments" on new construction
upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
(b) Support a one-cent local option sales tax if approved
by a majority vote of the county commission without the necessity
of a referendum.
(c) Support incr authority for local option gas
taxes so that local govern ents can further address current and
future municipal transporta ion needs.
to expand the tax base of the
cable television services and
(d) Support
public services tax
wastewater services.
(e) Support legis ation to create an affordable housing
trust fund to be funded from interest earned on mortgage escrow
4. That schools be included in concurrency requirements for
all growth management plans.
5. Use of lottery for enhancement of education.
6. State commit resources toward adequately funding the
construction of additional local jail and state correction
facilities, toward increased criminal and noncriminal penalties
for those who use, manufacture and sell drugs, and toward adequate
drug preventative, rehabilitative, treatment and testing programs.
Motion by Commissioner Lee Constantine, seconded by Deputy
Mayor Cindy Kaehler that Chairman Hardy prepare a letter listing
the six legislative package priorities for submission to Council
Representatives and Senators and that members of the Council be
provided copies. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.
Commissioner Hardy suggested that the Council of Local
Governments support increased funding for additional schools.
a) Host Presentation. Commiss ioner Lee Constantine will
status report regarding Mr. Skip Fowler's presentation
Central Florida Commuter Rail Authority.
give a
on the
b) Members' discussion of local concerns.
Commissioner Lee Constantine voiced concerns about the Sanford
Mall and its impact on Seminole County. Commissioner Constantine
questioned the need to provide financial incentives to developers.
Commissioner Kelley said a recent meeting called by Bill
Suber, Property Appraiser regarding a countywide Geographic
Information System computer system was not attended by many cities
and she requested that representatives of cities attend such
meetings in the future because there was a common need to
Councilperson Jane Dees advised that dedication ceremonies for the
new Oviedo City Hall would be held on Sunday, April 29, at 2:00
P.M. on the Administration Building Veranda at 400 Alexandria Blvd.
Councilperson Dees said members of the Council would receive
Winter Springs
Commissioner Kaehler said work was being completed on the winter
Springs Super Park which she said would help ease the burden on
recreational facilities in Seminole County. Commissioner Kaehler
said Winter Springs had a new impact fee ordinance in place which
the Homebuilders Association believe are too high.
School Board
Nancy Warren said the School Board would be working on the problem
of shortage of space in elementary schools and said the School
Board would be requesting a 2 mill increase this year.
Commissioner Kelly said she had taught double sessions and she said
round schools were not immediately effective and the cost benefits
do not occur until there are four schools operating year round.
Lake Mary
Commissioner Mealor said Lake Mary was preparing to purchase
property for a park site. Commissioner Mealor thanked Commissioner
Constantine for his support for affordable housing.
Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Constantine said the City of Altamonte Springs had
been sponsoring a number of contests and said the Princess Pageant
would be held on 4/20/90. Commissioner Constantine said another
hotel would be built in Altamonte Springs and he said the hotels
were operating at a very high capacity rate.
Chairman Hank Hardy requested all cities to call with suggested
agenda items.
The Council adjourned at 9:00 P.M.