HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 03 05 Letter Re: Inter-Local Agreement regarding Mediation Central Florida Office University of Central Florida .~ Phillips Hall - Suite 102 Orlando, Florida 32816-0001 361 Bellamy Building March 5, 1990 David Mealor, Councilman City of Lake Mary Educational Services 313 University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida 32816-0001 Dear Councilman Mealor: As agreed at the February 13 meeting of CALNO, the Consortium will be happy to recommend wording to enhance CALNO's interlocal agreement regarding mediation. As you and I discussed, however, we think it might be beneficial to do this with the participation of CALNO members themselves. A half-day workshop would be a useful way to structure this participation. The workshop would involve representatives from all CALNO member jurisdictions. It would include city' and county managers, city and county attorneys, those in equivalent positions in the school board, planning directors, elected officials, and any others who might participate in the decision to use mediation. The workshop would consist of two parts. I n the first part, Consortium facilitators would lead participants in planning several hypothetical. growth management-related mediations, following guidelines for effective mediation ~s well as the steps outlined in the interlocal agreement. The second part would consist of a facilitated idea-generating session followed by discussion to gather participants' suggested enhan<:ements to the agreement and to the procedures for implementing it. It is probable that the workshop could be wrapped up with a consensus on the new wording of the interlocal. ... -- ,. -'--":"'.".- '.'- .......:."'~~~~"'.."...':;..(,..."?',,;:,>;-,~--. ~-:...' '~-'"'" ,. ~. '~-"~;:.~-;"'--':~. ~ The workshop would be facilitated by the Consortium's director, Bob Jones, and assistant director, Tom Taylor, both of whom work from our Tallahassee office, and myself. As I believe I mentioned, the Consortium does not charge for the time of its staff. In this case, it would be possible for us to package this trip with other business in this area, so we would also not need reimbursement for travel expenses. I f a CALNO member jurisdiction (or CALNO collectively) can provide adequate meeting facilities and materials, and perhaps lunch for the participants, it should be pOSSible to do the workshop at little or no direct expense. We hope that by offering participants themselves the opportunity to shape the refinements to the interlocal, and by providing experience with growth-management mediation, (albeit in hypothetical cases), such a workshop would build additional ownership of the agreement and commitment to mediation among those who will be responsible for using and implementing it. The CALNO interlocal agreement on mediation is a potentially path- breaking development in Florida, and the Consortium is happy to have the opportunity to contribute in whatever way we can to its success. I look forward to discussing this further with you soon. Sincerely, f(L/a: /t/Z6 . . R~el A. Montalvo Coordinator, Central Florida Office